r/Pokemon is a goldmine rightnow

1  2019-11-11 by refugeeinaudacity

The new pokemon games are a perfect example of a company shooting themselves in the foot and then doubling down. The datamine of the leaked game is coming out, and literally every new piece of info is controversal and dumb.

For example they just removed around 200 moves from the game for no reason. My personal favorite is that they removed hidden power, which is not only an important move for competitive, but it leaves the pokemon Unknown unable to learn ANY move.



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  1. r/Pokemon is a goldmine rightnow - archive.org, archive.today

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got his ass HEADSHOT

Do they still have pikachu?

Pikachu was found to play on anti-Semitic stereotypes and was promptly removed, look into it


they have like 6 variants of pikachu

My favorite part is how they removed a bunch of Pokémon and ruined every child's dream of 'catching them all'. The Pokemon die-hards that have been following every generation for like 20 years now can finally go get a job and start working on their 401(k)

start working on their 401(k)

Just in time for them to cut it down to a 198(f)


Well that was pathetic

No, those guys get it. Why shackle yourself to a mouthy foid until she gets bored and runs off with your kids when you can do whatever you want? It would be better if they were into motorcycles or something, but even being a gaymer dweeb is a step above being another one of society's footstools.

I mean, you talk like this, so I don't think getting with a woman in a happy and fulfilling relationship is a real risk for you

What came first, the chicken or the egg? If divorce rates are any indicator, women, who initiate the majority of divorces, don't want happy and fulfilling relationships. That's not surprising because the only thing women know they want for sure is an opportunity to bitch about something. There has never been a creature so pampered and ungrateful as the modern American foid.

Why do I feel like you've never spoken to a human woman?

Because for some reason you think your sassy "you could never get a woman"/virgin/incel commentary is the sort of insult that will wound me deeply? It's amazing how upset and vicious foids get when you point out why they suck and you're right about it.

I'd love to stay and chat, but there's a young lady with daddy issues that I need to meet for drinks later, and I require a shower and shave.

have fun with your dating sim bro


Takeaway: Man up and make something of yourself (education, career, etc.) and divorce becomes much less likely. And be thankful that you have extra time to do this as a male, instead of having to get married by 30 like a woman. And don't spend too much time being mad online or you will become an unironic misogynist, which is a loser trait.

He's already there but thanks for being more constructive than I was

lol wtf is that last paragraph? Marriage is a sign of class inequality? Nigga the court is free.

Lmao ur right the fuck is that woke shit shoehorned in there? It's barely coherent

You know I'm gonna be honest I was happier living as a loner lazy dickoff in college (not quite NEET life, but pretty close) than I am now. Like sure it's nice to have friends and gf and being respected for your real job, but at the end of the day the amount of time spent doing things I like vs things I have to is so reversed.

LPT: Don't take life advice from randos on reddit.

Reddit is full of man children


nah, this will just free up more time for them to put another 3,000 hours into Breath of the Wild

That shit was boring as soon as I beat ganon tbh

this game got boring after I beat the final boss

No way

The point being that takes about 10 hours tops and you have people drooling about so many hours dumped into this game

BotW is very gameplay driven. However, the difficulty gets shot as soon as you learn how to craft hearty ingredients, and also the narrative is incredibly weak. Nearly as soon as you get attached to the heroes, the story is over and their arc comes to an end. I found myself trying to drag things out as much as possible because I liked the game, but there just wasn't enough to do.

It is way better than most open world games though, like the content that is there is high quality. In contrast to the typical open world experience, which is lots of very very low quality content. However it is no Witcher 3. Which is literally hundreds of hours of content of godly quality. Like I'm not even close to exploring all I want to with that game and I'm hundreds of hours deep in it.

The Pokemon die-hards that have been following every generation for like 20 years now can finally go get a job and start working on their 401(k)

Wtf I love Game Freak now.

No! You'll see when the fighter's pass Pokedex Upgrade has DLC for them all!

Anything that makes Millennial manchildren REEEEE is fine by me.

No hidden power? Lmao that is epic. Smogon-cels on suicide watch.

Probably will sell record numbers too. Whenever Reddit days something will fail it does the opposite.

For every grown-up sperg bitching about the meta of a children's video game there are three actual children having fun with it.

When are those people gonna realize this? Just because you've been a fan of something since you were a kid doesn't mean you're the core demographic. Kids are.

I don't give a shit about pokemon but watching people like yourself advocate for mediocrity will never not be retarded.

I'm always surprised grown ups still buy those games. I mean I played Pokemon past when I was age appropriate, but I played for competitive reasons. Not for those God awful stories, and the actual game was waaay to fucking easy, like, it was clearly meant for kids. The Pokemon adult demographic must be the same that spends $100s on mobile games.

Autism and consumerism go hand in hand.

Wait so unown has 0 moves??? What does thay even mean. Holy fuck gamefreak is literally retarded.

Tbf Unown isn’t Pikachu, Eevee, or Charizard so they probably forgot it existed.

Its thanosed yeah i checked



imagine being this upset by pop culture existing

I'm pretty shocked they cut Mewtwo of all pokémon.

I’m not even going to check that. Disgusting if true.

Newer leaks show that his sprites are in, so propably postgame/event

It’s probably not in the game then

I checked it isnt

It's just a kid's game dude, who cares?

Shut up faggot they were good and devs could just put the effort in but they gay as fuck. Idk games are a dim light in a bleak world. Why even live if electronic entertainment doesn't exist? World is boring. We COULD have the greatest experiences of all time but life isn't like that. It's kind of like building a business for years only for a nuke to go off right as you make your first 100k.

seriousposting about pokemon


Acts idiotic

Has an Autism Speaks flair

How tf do y'all not understand this is a joke?

Rightoid srsposting about pokeymans

Aren't these the ones who screech about how everyone isna manchild now?

games are a dim light in a bleak world. Why even live if electronic entertainment doesn't exist?


Soyboy cope.

Imagine being an actual adult that's this wound up over a game that was designed to give autistic Japanese children epilepsy so they would shut up and give their parents some peace once in a while. 😂



lmao lando t finally banned

lando t's most based mon ever :v


Chad chin

Keeps whole OU in vice grip by runing one set

When scarf, uturns on everything

Can win games on its own just with double dance

Not having lando actually hurts your team

🎶you know they gonna be shook when lando hit that fly. Said it was scarf in chat but i lied, but i lied 🎶

Lando t was the reason I started playing UU instead of OU

play balanced hackmons instead you cuck

Smogon-cels on suicide watch

I supprised that anyone here knows smogon

We are a diverse crowd.

Can almost guarantee everyone here knows smogon

yeah, drama has pretty high concentration of autism

smogon is like babby's first autism

I went to school with Smogon's dad.

I got all my strats from pokemon of the weeks articles.

I got all my strats from Beckett unofficial Pokémon fan magazine

I have like 30 of those still buried in my room somewhere. They were definitely a waste of money in hindsight seeing as I knew how to operate the internet though

I wasn’t allowed to use the internet and they gave me price lists for my cards

Man I just saw this comment and it hit me. I remember buying these at fucking Michaels Arts and Crafts as a kid when my mom dragged me there for craftshit.

Renamon is my favorite Pokemon

I was pretty seriously into Smogon rules gen 3 thru 5. UU was my favorite

surely they did this because they agreed that every special attacker having access to every type is kinda boring design, and they will supplement this decision with lots of creative and thought-out additions to various pokemon's movesets, taking potential meta problems like ferrothorn into account 😎

Of course.

I’m somewhat convinced that they just want to do away with anything competitive about their games entirely.

Welp, my anti-hazard espeon set is dead. Thanks GF, you made one of my favorite pokemon even harder to use, the true theme of the series.

HP is so good for rounding out sets, and isn't high enough BP to be overbearing. It saved a lot of pokemon that would be held down by bad coverage. What the fuck is GF even thinking, they reduced the usability of a significant portion of pokemon for no good reason.


When have smogon-cels not been on suicide watch?

imagine being older than 10 and caring about pokemon

making fun of pokemon fans is like making fun of retards

I am 35 years old and still play pokemon. My parents are in their 70s and still work to sustain my hobby.

everyone is entitled to their own interests and hobbies

for instance my favorite hobby is telling people they are retarded manchildren for still like shit like pokemon beyond age 15

I don‘t care what anyone thinks about me. My parents won‘t look me in the eyes anymore but as long as they keep making pokemon games I won‘t kill myself.

Lmao (lmao)

This is an automated service announcement to notify the community that the above comment has been labeled "based" by the relevant authorities.

Solid hobby, keep at it 😌

Your parents were at least 35 when you were born and you post on drama. Really makes you think...

Living the dream, what are your plans once your parents kick the bucket?

I have a lugia named after my mom and a ho-oh named after my dad. My parents didn‘t seem impressed when I showed them my tribute to them, but once they die, I‘ll release both pokemon anyways. Afterwards I am probably becoming a speedrunner.

How it should be

Pokemon Fans are some of the biggest autists on the internet. They're so fucking bad /vp/ was created as a containment board to keep them outta /v/

tbh most content that get moved out of /v/ is cancer shitposting. Just look at /vg/ they are probably still talking about disabled dating simulator.

General Thread #3721 as of now.


Don't forget the weekly waifu threads.

Fun and a great way to relax?

That's literally the best xkcd I've ever seen

386 was good too, better in a timeless sense, but yeah. This one is better, the best, in some other sense.

After hundreds of strips that shitty webcomic finally made me briefly blow some air out my nose.

Based and ashamed to be a Pokefagpilled

Yeah it's super surprisingly based and selfawarepilled for him.

Tfw I'm a pokefag. I'm having my girlfriend draw doodles of my Pokemon in my Platinum Nuzlocke.

Still seething about trump lmao, he cane out as an unabashed Hillary supporter in 2016 and it was hilarious

Yeah and here his past self just totally owned him by ignoring all that shit and focusing on the pokemon stuff, to put it into a personal perspective.

Oh dear someone supported a non white supremacist as a presidential candidate how deeply embarrassing.

You know I honestly love your bait but your reputation precedes you here

Holy shit that is actually kind of unsettling.

Even as a kid Pokemon was boring as shit. If you ever liked Pokemon, regardless of age, you’re a pleb.

Well, learning about CWC was my entry into modern internet drama.

imagine being this much of a judgemental gatekeeper

who gives a shit, let people like things

Found the guy with squirtle sheets in his late 20s.

I'd rather fuck with that guy than the guy who thinks shitting on others for having hobbies is a personality, any day

Pokemon is a children's hobby sweaty, not for adults hate to break it to you.

Guys who aren't ashamed to like things are sexy full stop

I'd say it definitely depends on the things, but you did say full stop so I guess you're correct.

How about, "men who pursue their interests are always sexier than men who shit on them for wanting to enjoy life"

That sounds like the sort of arguments pedos and furries use for their hobbies.

Hitler hated smoking, ergo anyone who doesn't smoke is a nazi amirite

Godwins law

Women like Geology nerds and those guys are at least %25 more autistic than Pokemon nerds.

I can't imagine how much she likes me to go to a place literally called Boring Lava Field and I'm just a outdoors guy


I like teenage girls and I'm not ashamed of it. Now where are all these people that think I'm sexy


It's good for the petabytes of furry porn it produces, but that's about it. Òvò

Just a reminder, we havent seen the actual, final gameplay. We've seen textures improve from one trailer to the next. NOT TO SAY IM NOT MAD ABOUT ALL THE CORNER CUTTING TOO! I just want to make sure we are correct on what we are picking apart. If the textures still look this bad when people boot up the game on Nov 15, then yes. Thats garbage. But for now we dont know how bad textures look.

imagine coping this hard

If I don't defend this billion dollar company who invests nothing back into their actual games who will?

Holy shit they're coping hard RN.

my favorite part is that almost every single person bitching about it is still going to buy it

it's the same game they've been making for 20 years, minus a few old monsters and moves, but it doesn't matter. they're still gonna buy it.

my favorite part is that almost every single person bitching about it is still going to buy it

All the pokefags I know have drawn the line at Dexit. All Game Freak had to do was keep doing the same thing every year but they got too lazy for their own good.

You say that now but I remember the MW2 boycott. It's gonna sell.

Of course it's gonna sell because casuals exist. I'm just saying Game Freak is gonna regret angering pokeautists.

I doubt it. The bar is so low that even if the next entry does literally nothing but cover the entire dex, they'll have hardcore fans creaming their jeans and making "Thank you, Gamefreak" and "Now this is what Pokemon should be" posts every day. There isn't a fanbase on earth with lower standards for satisfaction than that of Pokemon. Even toddlers that have latched onto a particular video that they'll rewatch 9 times a day aren't as capable of enjoying the same thing over and over as much as Pokemon fans.

Do you think autists have fiscal discipline?

No that's only whole reason the series has gotten to this point.

Wasn't that infamous pic staged?

oh, maybe

even if it was it's pretty plausible.

What pic?

The one of the "boycott MW2" steam group being full of people playing the game on release.

my favorite part is that almost every single person bitching about it is still going to buy it

Which is why companies are able to get away the shit they hate in the first place.


The new pokemon games are a perfect example of a company shooting themselves in the foot and then doubling down.


So glad Nintendo decided to shit on you dweebs and losers; I will laugh when it gets all your money anyway.

For example they just removed around 200 moves from the game for no reason.

Thunder wave stays, scald stays, knock off stays, eq stays, recovery stays

Who needs anything else?

Sketch is still in the game even though Smeargle is not.

smergle's not in game

vgc-cels on suicide watch :v

I think smeargle got nerfed out of OU when dark void was banned. Can't remember though

5 yr old btfo by corporate world

Imagine being older than 8 and caring about pokeman lmao

9 year olds on suicide watch

Imagine being butthurt over games made for literal children.

The absolute state of adulthood in 2019.

oh nooo not the competitive scene


They killed a popular mobile game to pave way for it too. PokemonDuel.

tfw 30yo boomer who never got to play pokemon red & blue because the Gameboy color was too expensive

Why live

Play it now

Get a used 3ds and hack it, those things are so cheap

Don't listen to those pokeautists telling you to play it you aren't missing anything.

but it leaves the pokemon Unknown unable to learn ANY move.

Well that doesn't matter because Unown didn't make the cut.

You're blaming the company, which is attacking the problem and not the cause. Autism and Nintendo go together like shit and flies.

Does the people in this sub have anything against gays, retarded people or people that plays video games?

Those you listen arent people, faggot

Pokemon Go brought so many adults back to the game and everything Pokemon since has been a middle finger to adult fans but has been loved by their children and children generally. What a radically centrist take from Nintendo.

Watching manchildren getting so passionate about video games me long for the next world war.

i was absolutely fine with the no. of Pokémon available being slashed but removing attacks takes the fuckin' CAKE

I love watching grown men cry about video games. It really boosts my own ego.

Weeb grinding simulatorcels on suicide watch.

Who gives a shit? Pokémon is a shitty RPG with bad graphics, repetitive gameplay, and even worse story. The only reason it’s popular is because it’s old and people were told to play it by their older siblings.

Gamefreak is based

r/Blaziken is the better pokémon sub :>


Disgusting. My favorite Pokemon as a kid was Blaziken as a kid. Thank God I didn't accident stumble onto the Blaziken subreddit

It's never too late to become a degenerate

>furry mod

wtf man i used to think you were cool

You just noticed? Óvô


oh god why

the fact that it's children's cartoon characters somehow makes it worse than regular bestiality

The secret to that subreddit is knowing which tags to block. Unfortunately, Reddit is useless as an image board and they are never tagged properly.

People don't use NSFW tag anymore?

Where do you think you are?

r/Drama in a post speaking about r/Pokemon, nowhere near NSFW grounds if you ask me


Why would they remove hidden power it is one of the most fun moves in the game. Did they remove metronome too?

Is Unknown even in the game?
