Gamers rise up against giving Foids their neetbux

1  2019-11-12 by twawaytrust


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Gamers rise up against giving Foids... -,

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Watch as it gets removed or locked in about two days' time. r/unpopularopinion jannies are slow but deadly

Like the tard whose mobility scooter I strapped a knife to.

Sounds like you've never seen a tardbull in rutt charging at you

The slow isn't in the physical sense, let's put it that way.



Eh they are either fast but harmless, or fast and deadly. Seriously it is insane how fast some r slurs can run when angry.

I'm shocked that its almost up for a day

I'm Gen X, divorced with kid, ok 9-5 job, rent small apartment in a big city and I'm perfectly content playing video games nights and weekends. I don't desire to do anything (or anyone...) else. I'm also happier now with no responsibilities to be a husband and help maintain a household. Plus, my kid is now old enough to play video games with me. We have a lot of fun together that way. Life is good, no complaints.

bugmen are a plague

I don't desire to do anything (or anyone...) else.

I sense many lies.

Too many anti-depressants have destroyed his sex drives.

No dudes just coping with huge amounts of insecurity from being a failure.

Somebody on this sub said usa is going the way of Japan where half the population is celibate and antisocial, and shit like this keeps proving that retard right.

Thanos was right

And why that's a good thing

Guy is completely right.

Society has nothing to offer men. Might as well just volcelmaxx and neetmaxx. The governments will continue to import immigrants to keep the labour market fresh anyway.

Yikes! This is so pessimistic. If you keep your head up and be a good wagie, you might earn yourself a nice overweight broad who's fucked only nine guys instead of twenty.

Is this what sad bugmen really think the world is like? Christ.

too far. too deep.

I mean there’s a reason you only see men dating dolls and never women,women are addicted to status.

I can program a doll to make status updates.

Treasure awaits you but beware of your women folk, treachery is deep within her. 😔

Damn bro. You read my mind. I dont think it should be like that, it sucks that that is the kind of society we live in.

Unironic bottom text

So much cope in that thread. “I’m happy to be alone in a dark room staring at a brightly colored box”. It’s the same as drinking, smoking weed, or beating off, which I’m sure they also do to battle their crippling loneliness and inescapable feelings of failure. Get a real hobby. Work out, build some furniture, go camping, run a marathon, learn a musical instrument, volunteer at a homeless shelter. There’s a reason you don’t feel productive, it’s because you aren’t.

Imagine doing shit you don't care about its pretty clear these guys gave up as life and are content with meagerly staving off suicide by being gamers all you're doing is telling them to get any vice like it would help at this point

Unless it’s a natural human instinct like fucking, fighting, or feeding, it’s going to take at least some amount of effort to care about it. The amount of delayed gratification generally reflects the respectability of the hobby.

I mean they are losers. There's no "recovering" or fixing their lives to the point where they could get real meaning out of it. Most of them are stuck in a system that outright hates them for existing, and is all too happy to lay the problems of the world at their feet and blame them for all of it.

So of course they do as they're told- step aside for the women, brown people, etc., and the system starts collapsing. Not really their problem, as they see it.

Of course, somehow it always ends up with them deciding to take estrogen and jacking off to traps/loli.

Feminists: down with traditional gender roles! Wait, no, not like that!

The FDS thread on this is maximum foids coping