There is literally no logical, objective definition of brigading.
Popular /r/AskReddit post directs thousands of normies to tiny niche subreddit permanently changing it as has happened several times in the past? (almost always for the worse) Totally fine and dandy, not brigading, they are free to comment and post there however they like. Post on a small subreddit results in a dozen people going over to another thread or subreddit and causes inconsequential slapfight? ABSOLUTELY VERBOTEN.
1 monkey20ninja2 2019-11-12
This is a meta post btw
1 chimpan_z 2019-11-12
no it's a mdefugee agendapost
1 SnapshillBot 2019-11-12
If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 KaaraRaven 2019-11-12
Take it to r/subredditcancer
1 Msmit71 2019-11-12
There is literally no logical, objective definition of brigading.
Popular /r/AskReddit post directs thousands of normies to tiny niche subreddit permanently changing it as has happened several times in the past? (almost always for the worse) Totally fine and dandy, not brigading, they are free to comment and post there however they like. Post on a small subreddit results in a dozen people going over to another thread or subreddit and causes inconsequential slapfight? ABSOLUTELY VERBOTEN.