This sub is a shithole.

1  2019-11-12 by fugglesnucks

You have someone who fucked a dog on your modlist,another who doesn't understand that people over the age of 18 can like animals. Get your shit together.


I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




  1. This sub is a shithole. -,

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based and pedopilled


You have someone who fucked a dog on your modlist

Historically, we've actually had three! There's the weird furry guy on Reddit, Whitney (of course) and then that kid that fucked his dog on 4chan but then tried to kill himself and deleted his internet accounts.

I’ve never heard of the 4chan one. Really gotta wonder how many poor choices led up to that.


Well, we know one

I would argue that posting on r/drama is far more damaging to one’s mental health than 4chinz is

Drama is basically a 4chan retirement home anyway

Transitioning theraphy group home.

Whatever you call it, it feels more like 4chan before say, 2007-9, than 4chan does now. Disgraceful it has to be on reddit, but whatever

the weird furry guy on Reddit

You're gonna have to be way way more specific. Like electron microscope level more specific.


Frostfedora was never a mod iirc.

Not sure who the guy who fucked his dog on 4chan was though.



people over the age of 18 can like animals

Only mayos and they are not people, at most asians can think that some animals are good as a decorationm

Asians think every animal looks like a tasty treat

You must have never met an Asian foid before.

I said people.

Had a necrophiliac as well. This is a safe space. Tell us about your depravity.

There was a former modnwho was chatting with some guro fetishist a while ago. I think the person who they were talking to committed a murder or rape or something I dont know.

I agree after trappy left there is a diversity void. So who on the mod team is going trans?

We already have Kaara

I kind of want Lawlz to troon out personally.

Lawlz would make a horrible looking male. How would he get rid of his tits? Exercise? I almost fell down laughing even thinking about it

A person who ripped a free $5000 AMOLED tv from Fry's cold dying hands would never choose to live his life on easy difficulty.

All the mods have to be trans to balance out the rest of the sub hating transes. Sometimes the only way to restore centrism is guidance from our benevolent elites.

hopefully pizzashill so it kills itself


Here's 👏 why 👏 that's 👏 a 👏 good 👏 thing 😤


We know. That's why we come here.

How can you forgett our resident hebephile, DarqWolff?



Who's the dog fucker?

Whitney Wisconsin is a mod here?

She was for like 2 hours before the admins took her from us. :<

She still is I think. I just checked the modlist like a week ago and she was on there

why would the mods do this? perhaps to create drama but why would they do something that evil

One sub that isn't a shithole /r/familyman, dedicated to the funny fox tv show Family Man. Check it out!

It's a good sub!!

And an even better show!

It's a good bit!

And that's a good thing



Either you’re a child or a pedophile seeing as you post on r/ teenagers but you need to get OUT(!) regardless.

Lol imma kid y should i get out

He's not wrong

Nope, but it's our shithole

Designated shitting subreddit?

You can't just judge a whole sub by two mods

That's like judging the content of someone's character by one post

I am a god.

yo mods, ban me


This is the only worthwhile sub on reddit

I will volunteer to clean this terlet of a sub.

Thank you friend.


Yes! Now you’re finally starting to get it! Guess what? WE WANTED TO BE LEFT ALONE TOO!


You wanted “equality”. You wanted all the high powered jobs but you didn’t want to dig a ditch to get there and THAT wasn’t enough.

No - you had to go make shit up. Then ALL MEN WERE EVIL. Remember ‘smashing Herero-normativity?’ Remember ‘Kill all men’ memes?

We fucking do!

Remember the ‘I bathe in male tears’ tumblr bullshit?

We fucking do!

Remember women needing men like fish need a bicycle?

WE FUCKING DO!!!!!!!!!

GET WRECKT!! Looks like Karma’s got a ladydick and it ain’t gonna suck itself now IS IT????

We TOLD you this would happen but NOOOOOOOOO you fucking knew better!!!! How’s that Gloria Steinem working out for ya? Read any Valeria Soleras lately? How bout some Andrea Dworkin? How’s that working out for ya? How is 70 fucking years of man-hating rhetoric and lies feel coming right back at ya?

Who’s the bigot now, bitch? Oh you suck on that lady dick long and hard transphobe! You suck it and you LIKE it or else maybe someone calls YOUR employer and tells them YOURE A FUCKING BIGOT when the truth is, you just wanted FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION. You didn’t have a problem minding their own business it’s just when they FORCED their opinions on you.

What’s that? You want to play softball without ‘men’ in your dressing room? Guess what, they ain’t men anymore, darlin’. That’s a huuuuuuge clit and you’re a sexist racist bigot if you don’t agree.

No the DSMIV that you rainbow sprite advocates fucking lobbied to change on political grounds rather than medical says they’re women now. Have fun never winning an Olympic medal again much less a participation trophy bEcAuSe ThErE’s No DiFfErEnCe BeTwEeN mEn AnD WoMeN nOw! We’re just whatever fucking gender we want with NO RULES and NO BOUNDARIES.

What’s that? You want a physical barrier to keep the bad men out? WALLS ARE RACIST KAREN!! Take your WHITE FEMINIST TEARS OUTSIDE! THIS is an INCLUSIVE space!!

But hey, you’re a strong independant woman who don’t need a man’s help for anything! Who run da world????? You do! Slay queen! You go girl!Bicycles don’t help fish fix their fucking problems now do they????? DOOOO THEEEEEYYYYY????

Remember ‘the future is female?’ Well welcome to the future YOU FUCKING CREATED!!!!!! ALL WITHOUT THE HELP OF MEN!!!!!!!


Oh you want to be ‘left alone?’ Well, I want pedophiles to leave kids alone but nope, now we have to have DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR WITH REGISTERED PEDOS ALL HIDING UNDER THE STUNNING AND BRAVE RAINBOW FLAG!!!


Oh! And the realization about mass Muslim immigration hasn’t even DAWNED on you yet! You’ll be sucking that lady-dick as you’re BOTH hurled off the nearest 7-story+ building! Oh you’ll finally make it to that corner office all right, that’s the window they’ll throw you out of! Oh god I can’t stop laughing. You’re fucking priceless!

Well done! Well done indeed. For the life of me I can’t figure out why there hasn’t been a single civilization in history run by women. They seem so forward thinking, so, oh what’s the word... progressive. How could they not have anticipated such ‘unforeseen’ circumcisions, er, circumstances!! Oh god you could get DRAFTED to go fight the coming religious/civil wars!!!! AHHHHHHH!!

YOU ACHIEVED EQUALITY!!!! Now you’re every bit a bigoted as straight white men! Oh Karen you are so fucked and you’re only just now starting to realize it. God I would kill to see the look on your face when you realize everything you’ve been taught is a lie and you’ve been the useful idiot pawn of a globalist cabal of elitists! Just out of curiosity, how much credit card debt do you have? Do you live in a ‘vibrant inclusive urban center’? Got any land Karen? Know how to grow a fucking tomato, Karen if the lights go out? Think anyone is going to like you besides a bunch of hateful harridan harpies that beat their intimate partners at three times the rate gay men do? Are your cats going to save you from the collapse Karen????

But hey, at least one month out of the year you get to run around a street in a rainbow tutu screaming about how girl power Beyoncé is. For now.

Happy Pride. Enjoy your hollow consumer culture as you buff your Subaru chugging Starbucks and kvetching about how unfair your life is on whatever Apple product (built by child slave labor but hey, they’re only a bundle of cells) you use to menstruate your opinion with onto the Internet.

We said, Cool, to marriage equality even though it’s a joke. No one discriminated against you. You crybullied your way into every facet of American life on the backs of a false narrative of oppression and now those chickens have come home to roost. Wait, that’s not right. Those COCKS came home to roost!

now you get to learn about reciprocity. See, Karen, if you has a dick you’d know if you’re gonna fuck someone in the ass, you better give them a reach around. Ain’t that right TERF. TERFCEL! Ahhhhhh!

We offered mutual respect. You chose mutually assured destruction.

What’s the saying again? Pride goeth before a fall?

Enjoy that rainbow coupon from Budweiser! You earned that drink discount what with all your hard work.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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