Power-tripping /r/C@ mod revealed to be neoliberal paedophile. ALALT (All libertarians are like that).

1  2019-11-12 by zsfh


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Power-tripping /r/C@ mod revealed t... - archive.org, archive.today

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884 image posts about le 900-year-old shapeshifting dragon.

Literally this "person" is peak weebery.

subreddit dedicated to anarchy

has 30 mods

Pretty sure they got some discords that you have to prove you have the rights to get into, that decide what happens on the sub.

I feel like if we got ahold of Discord's registered email list, we could use it to remove reddit mod powers from everyone listed on it. Not only would we be removing discordcels from power, we'd stir up months of drama over it.

Don't worry, they'll educate you about how anarchy is 'without rulers, not rules' or something to that effect.

Say what you will about r/libertarian, but they definitely live up to the name.

Thats because its an actual ideology.

I think princeK is responsible for that rule back when they rinsed his first account

fucking NL mods and being pedos. At least the discord has been purged, for now.

That's #2, after Atnorman?

Vak was banned from the discord awhile ago for doing some stupid shit I don't even remember what it was. The Atnorman incident was hilarious. The server collapsed so fast and they made a new one.

Politics obsessed retards can just jerk off to incest/IR cuckold porn like a normal fucking human being





Nearly 900 images of the same fictional child for a whole subreddit dedicated to it. Christ.

What's wrong with liking anime?




those are disgusting anarchocommies, not wannabe John Galts

daily devotion 885 daily 885

this femoid has been posting pictures of this anime girl every day for almost two and a half years. You almost have to appreciate the absolutely autistic dedication.

Showcasing her daily devo-tion 'till she turns out old enough for pene-tration.

old enough

I doubt the pedo is gonna wait until then.

...old enough?

That means that for almost 1,000 days, this creature has had free time and Internet access. No super long days at work, no camping trips with friends, just a disgusting empty void in their soul.

Lmaoooo these degenerate anarchists are seriously more concerned about the neolib part than the pedo part.

Lucky they'll be gone right after the libs during the revolution.

They are the libs

the revolution will be swift, violent, and merciless

also it will use jazz hands to signal military maneuvers out of consideration for our comrades who are prone to sensory overload

Thank you for your attention to detail comrade

"The tankies are on our side, we can trust the-"

Libertarian and on KIA coincidence?

All joking aside, check out all that prudish moral outrage. I’ll bet you these same people would call themselves “sex positive” too

Does "sex-positive" now mean you want to fingerbang a 9-year-old?


Is that anime girl 9 years old? Anime characters all look the same so it's hard to tell what age they're actually supposed to be.

It's like they have a draw a line between every acceptable fetish, which must be enthusiastically supported whether or not you're into it, and and everything else which they get to unleash all that pent up Puritanism upon.

Fantasies about rape? YKINMKATOK, there's a difference between fantasy and reality sweaty, you can totally be a feminist and practice rape play, and you should always be open to this stuff in case your partner wants to try it OK?

Fantasies about cartoon children? Straight to gulag, incel.

This unironically. Nothing wrong with consensually raping your significant other.

Pedos and weebs get the rope

Okay pedo

Neoliberals and anarchists confirmed to be virtually interchangeable

I used to be a neoliberal, and I post Homura because I appreciate her character. I do not sexualize her.


If you think about how much shilling the neolibs do for the clintons, the pedophilia is actually very in brand.


Is liking anime a crime now?

Even mods can have a good idea once in a while

im so sick of this "hurr durr all anime is just child porn" meme

i mean, there was this one anime back in the 90s that didnt have any child porn at all

I know everyone's going on about the pedo jannie, but look at the original thread's OP too. Op posts nonstop and exclusively on /r/COMPLETEANARCHY with pizzashill grade anarkiddie rants, is an under age-20 zoomer but claims Ehlers Danlos syndrome (probably the MOST faked condition at the moment), with a ton of other red flags. Munchie detected, and likely a future /r/illnessfakers subject (assuming their jannies don't ruin it).


Where is there evidence this power-tripping individual is a paedophile? This sounds more like someone disagrees with OP so they are throwing baseless accusations out.

The fact that they have made like 900 "daily devotion" posts dedicated to an underaged anime character?

Even if that is true that does qualify as evidence to being a paedophile

Weebery and paedophillia are synonyms in my book.

Weebery is not the same thing as fucking little kids. What a ridiculous comment

Yes, it is.

power-tripping /r/C@mod


that doesn't narrow it down at all

Power tripping and anarchists goes hand in hand.

We been know, but definitely based.