Menslibber discuss how they have panic attacks every time they speak with a foid; others agree.

1  2019-11-12 by IrishRepublicanGhost


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Menslibber discuss how they have pa... -,

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Islam is Right about Women

Shut the fuck up

Islam is the Light


Soon brothers


your only other comment is on the pyrocynical sub over a year ago. Why are you here? How did you get here? please tell me your life story.

Have the r/drama gates been opened to unapprovedcels once more?

I think it's the alt of someone who got bussy blasted

Probably, but that’s not as funny as the alternative.

Maybe it's our boy Darqwolff, back from prison.

And yet we downvote the veal.

he insulted our faith, brother

It should be considered an achievement to bussy blast a lurker so hard that they post for the first time in years.

It's a seething chapotard's alt.

Its called the tolerance fault that a tolerant society will eventually fall to an intolerant majority. Strap in you useful idiot hope you didn’t like pork or eating with your left hand

Let’s unpack this bb

Praise Allah, for He illuminates the world.

Seriously, what the fuck are you doing here? How do you go a whole year of not posting or commenting shit, to come here, of all the fucking subs on reddit.

What the fuck do you do?

AHS subterfuge to discredit glorious Islam.

Fluff the shut down

Should talk to his wife's bull about this

Knowing standard mens lib posters, that would just wind up with him getting a wet willy and an atomic wedgie

Never know he might get that Nintendo switch

Or he'd get what he really wants. A chance to prep the bull!

That's the only willy getting wet tonight.

At best the stack of books he was holding would be strewn asunder on the floor

I dont get how so many of then even got partners... Did they by chance do a poll about how many had poly partners?

They partner up with eachother and flip a pog to see who's the guy.

The vast majority of redditors are amorphous blobs. Gender hardly matters when all have tits and gentalia are hidden by blubber.

And/or fat as well

the sad secret no one wants you to know: women are just as lonely and pathetic as men. hell, maybe even more so

they only have the power to wilt these men's brains like this because the men allow them to

they put the pussy on a pedestal

this but eternally unironically

I put them on a barber chair

I put it on a squatty potty so I can get a blumpkin

And it's suddenly the late 90's oh fuck.

that show is approaching 30 years old

let that sink in.

Anti-dentites out.

next your going to suggest they should have their own schools

the sad secret no one wants you to know: women are just as lonely and pathetic as men.

Women are also twice as disgusting as men, maybe even three times as disgusting.

I am straight, by the way.

Sure you are.

the sad secret no one wants you to know: women are just as lonely and pathetic as men. hell, maybe even more so

I’d say more so. It’s a working theory of mine that all 20 something women that are recently out of a long term relationship will marry the next person they date usually in a fraction of the period they dated the last person.

Oh shit, I think you're on to something with that.

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy is living proof

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.

This never gets old.

Do guys actually have 2 hour arguments with women? If you’re doing that, stop it.

Be the leader of the relationship and either walk away or figure shit out in under 20 minutes. If you can’t, it’s not worth arguing over.

Women are not attracted to overly sensitive, whiny pussies. So much whiny shit in that thread. They seriously sound like a bunch of hens at the hair salon.

I don't think guys like these have any sense of how fast women's pussies dry up when they see behavior like this. Like, literally dry up and shrivel. Is it because they've been taught by modern education and culture that women aren't savage Darwinian animals under a thin veneer of civility just like men? I don't get it

Retards throughout history believed whatever fairy tales they were spoonfed when they were young, redditards believe their own fairy tales about women preferring soyboys.

You don't even need to be Don Draper, just say your point, make it clear that you've made your point and drop it and don't engage with any arguments after that, instead refer back to the fact that you've made your point.

Do guys actually have 2 hour arguments with women?

I do this because I'm fucking right. Even if I'm not I gotta maintain the allure.

if 20 minutes and a fist to the skull doesnt settle it, take your shit and move

Men don't grow up in an atmosphere of constant emotionally manipulative warfare unlike women do around their friends. So when it's relationship time, most men are completely blindsided by stuff like this and become easy prey.

imagine thinking pussy is more important than showing someone that you are correct

and it seems really exhausting. Imagine arguing for 2 hours

He’s so worried about never saying the wrong thing to upset their m’lady while she walks all over him.

can't stop thinking about what I shouldn't say and what I think she wants me to say

lmao what self respecting man actually thinks this

A vaccinated one.

The irony being she wants you to say what you shouldn’t say.

Women want to be called the gamer word?

shut the fuck up bitch, and get on this dick

I maintain that all male feminists are just repeating lines to cover up their true nature. This creature's disguise is slipping and he's scared.

A rapist

Where does he get the point where he thinks about what he wants to say?

soy eating ones

unironic eunuchs

I found out how eunuchs were made. Humanity truly was a mistake

StarSlateCodex is awesome. Radicalizing the Romanceless and Meditations on Moloch are also great posts by him.

scott (pen name) is great. he's an ultra libtard, jewish and progressive to ridiculous lengths. he's also flirting with alt-right talking points and shitting on proggies like himself. the ultimate fence-sitter too.

the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus saved my marriage. It gives tips on how to communicate. It helps you understand her and, equally important, yourself and your reactions. It’s from the early 90s and is really gendered, and is basically a book of stereotypes and cultural expectations. But man. It has been so helpful.

I know I should have burned this book, but man, sometimes generalizations are helpful!

Someone needs a good flamethrower dealership.

>not beating your wife

nothing better than sweating and having acid taste in your mouth while talking to women.

I date women more masc than menslib posters.

rip trappy

A small mistake becomes a 2 hour talk, and my dumb brain can't stop thinking about what I shouldn't say and what I think she wants me to say

lol imagine believing that there's actually a right thing to say. Women behave like schoolyard bullies if they can get away with it, that whole routine of forcing you to answer a stupid question in which every answer leads to more bullying.

Best strategy is to just match their tone. If they shout, shout back at an equal volume. If she gets in your face, get in her face likewise. Anyone outside of menslib are going to be stronger and more dangerous than their girlfriends, the girls know this and will quickly stop escalating.

Imagine not opening with "Shut up hoe" in a "argument" with a woman.