White women fuck dogs

1  2019-11-12 by bussylmao


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. White women fuck dogs - archive.org, archive.today

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Her stomach is swelling. That is strange, you think, as you two haven't had sex in about 4 months and you had just gotten a vasectomy, per r/childfree advice. She tells you it's hormones, but you see the worry in her eyes, the fear lying behind her nonchalant expression. Fucking Sparky, looks up at you and almost smiles. The fucking MUTT, having the nerve to smile at you. In a time like this? Why are you so fucking angry at this dog? What did he do?

5 more months has passed. The "bump" on her stomach is huge now. You worry it may be a freak-case tumor or something of the like, but you now are pretty sure she cheated on you at some point. With who? When? But most importantly, why? Sparky looks at you again, but this time, his face is blank. He shits on the floor.

It is now obvious she's in labor. She decided against going to the hospital, for reasons you were unsure of. Probably read a Reddit post on tub births or something. In any case, she is in pain, and you are doing as much as you can to help her birth the baby, even though you just know it isn't yours. That's okay though. When you find out who the father is you will kill them. How could he do this to your girlfriend? Why did she let him? Where is he? What is his race? Is his cock bigger tha-

The baby is born. Or, rather, 6 babies are born? They are... furry. And yellow. And their ears are quite large. Holy shit. The fucking dog. Sparky. They look just like him! Except, they have human characteristics. They are grotesque to look at, you are sick to your stomach. You want to scream, to cry, to beg her to kill them, but she doesn't. She isn't doing much of anything actually. Just staring at them, with cold, dead eyes. She holds two up to her swollen breasts. They suckle, and whimper. They are alive. Sparky shits on the floor.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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From your lips to God's ears.

Zero results on Google

This is a pasta tho

It’s my pasta bro

Fukkin saved

Jesus Christ what is wrong with you.

That was fucking gross

Just like every mayo I've ever met

I know, who the fuck sucks a disgusting Pibble's tounge?

Now if it was a Golden Retriever, at least the girl could claim a little self respect.

Pit Bulls are fucking disgusting.

"dicc" not "dick" smh πŸ˜’

That's what the dog was thinking.

Can you imagine wanting attention this badly


Imgur saved me from viewing whatever degeneracy this would be.

It's just zhdcyi9 cuddling with his doggo

Like he said, degeneracy.


White πŸ‘jannies πŸ‘ fuck πŸ‘ dogs πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

imagine what he did to that poor animal

That was so fucking disgusting.

Mods. Mod her asap.

What was it? Sucking her dog's tongue?

Yes but much more enthusiastic than it should have been.

Imagine associating with foids.

Maybe the worst thing I’ve ever seen and I saw a Young Sheldon commercial once

Sounds like you need some desensitization.

Head on over to theync .com and pick up a free computer virus and a new appreciation for the depravity of humans.

I can't get it out of my head, so gross.

Your comment saved me from clicking it thank you

what is it?

White girl french kisses a pibble

Idk what your definition of a french kiss is but mine does not involve one person sticking out their tongue and the other person putting their lips entierly around it and slurping it

I do it all the time, its fun.

Just not with dogs.

Tfw no freakishly long tongue gf

It happens quite often in porn

https://i.imgur.com/yRBmHqm.gifv (NSFW)

Okay sure that is a thing but 1 its porn 2 that's still not french kissing

Username checks out

Edit: Thanks for the Silverado!

That was the least erotic thing I've ever seen.

I'm going to call that and inter-species tongue blowjob.

It looks like a boxer to me

The dogs got its tongue sticking out as dogs do, and this crazy bitch sucks the tongue into her mouth

Remember when Dickbitch Molly was begging young women to do this, tape it and send it to hir?

Good times

I don't, but i like the way you put those words together. Have an upboat


imagine getting your tongue sucked like that. jealous of a dog

y my pp hard tho

Because you're a degenerate.

yes but y my pp hard

Whitney Wisconsin proved that to be true years ago.



I retched IRL

They do. They really do. I don't know why they do, but they do

What the fuck

Again? When do they stop? >.>

It's one thing to give and or get kissed from your dog, but PURPOSELY TOUNGING THEM?! What the actual fuck.

S u p e r i o r g e n e t i c s

Mayos are degenerate. Mayocide is mercy


The tweets deleted, any screen shots?



I’m so glad the bot didn’t archive that