Normal Average Ordinary Person stumbles into the sub, causes frustrated regular to have a complete meltdown

1  2019-11-12 by snallygaster


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Normal Average Ordinary Person stum... -,

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This is all weirdly adorable. I hope she sticks around. :>


Same, it's a breath of fresh air to see a poster who hasn't been poisoned by bitterness and social isolation.

Hey! 🙁

I'm not saying that we're all bitter, socially-isolated people, just the vast majority

Hey, I resemble that remark!

Don't sink too deep into internet culture, it becomes a cycle wherein you use it to cope and in turn it makes you more bitter and isolated

Don't cry for me I'm already Dead...

Fours years ago to this hour I was probably frozen in bed, surrounded by garbage, getting drunk and browsing /r/drama or 4chan. My pitiful existence wouldn't have magically improved without the internet, but the situation wouldn't have gotten as bad as it did, and have gotten my shit together much earlier if I weren't using it to cope. If I can go from completely non-functional on even a basic level to where I am today then you can get better too

What was your alcohol of choice during the worst of it? Just curious I'm sometimes by the various natures of how even preference for wine, liquor or beer shows up in those have a strong preference.

There was incident a couple of weeks near where I was were a man got shot by the local police because he was at a local Aldi grocery store, drunk as hell, and he went on a rampage because they didn't "real" beer. In the US, Aldi sells brands that most locals aren't familiar with, and he was wasted drunk and had wanted to by beer but don't stock what thought of normal beer. (Which is exceptionally ridiculous because there was a Sheetz right across the street).

He was ranting and raving in the parking lot screaming at customers because the store didn't sell "real" beer, and the store employees called the police, and when they showed up, this guy pulled a gun.

And got shot. Dead.

for me its whiskey and tylenol 1

for anyone who wants an over-the-counter opiate high look up cold water extraction, it's the shit

for anyone who wants an over-the-counter opiate high

No. Just no.

If I'm going to all that much trouble, I'd be extracting dmt from mimosa root bark.

But encouraging or informing strangers of how to do or make powerful drugs is not a wise idea.

Why do you say that?

Because I don't even like talk of opiates outside of properly prescribed and monitored and truly needed usage.

I've seen and experienced too many to suffer. It's way to powerful for the average person to deal with recreationally, hell, it's even started wars.

Kratom is maybe acceptable as a substitute. But there is too much damage and pain and trouble caused by the average "users" usage and pursuit of opiate and opiate like substances.

You sound like someone who doesn't live in intolerable pain all the time.

outside of properly prescribed and monitored and truly needed usage.

Riiiiight...because doctors in 2019 are looking out for their patients' best interests when it comes to opiate prescription.

Please tell me you're not really this naive.

I want TGIAN's love doctor, baby.

You're sounding like one those naive people who also say "all cops are bad".

Explain the logic underlying that conclusion.

What was your alcohol of choice during the worst of it? Just curious, I'm sometimes intrigued by the various natures of how even preference for wine, liquor or beer shows up in those have a strong preference.

Beer but I'd get whatever was cheapest

There was an incident a couple of weeks ago near where I was where a man got shot by the local police because he was at a local Aldi grocery store, drunk as hell, and he went on a rampage because they didn't sell "real" beer. In the US, Aldi sells brands that most locals aren't familiar with, and he was wasted drunk and had wanted to buy beer but they don't stock what he thought of normal beer. (Which is exceptionally ridiculous because there was a Sheetz right across the street).

Damn, what a way to go. Hopefully he was too drunk to be fully aware of what was happening

Hopefully he was too drunk to be fully aware

For him, from what I've heard and read, he was. But this still a mess for all those who were nearby or had to deal with the whole situation.

Did you go fully dry, or just cut back?

I just cut back. I naturally reduced my intake to light drinking on the weekends during my first job by virtue of having less of a desire to drink, then between my first and second started drinking heavily again due to stress, and due to having a rough psychological start to my new job (started having continuous panic attacks for the first couple months for whatever reason) kept drinking pretty heavily to cope. Since then it's only been within the past year that I've not felt the need to drink heavily, even though at some point before that, after about a year of therapy, I had stopped using it as a self-medication/coping mechanism and drank more out of habit/having the opportunity to drink. Now it's just on weekends and special occasions (though I celebrated my birthday without drinking this year for the first time since I was in high school and felt no desire to drink, which was a big milestone) again and in smaller quantities, though I should still drink less.

I'm no expert, but I think that whether or not you can moderate after a long stretch of daily drinking is a matter of whether or not you got physiologically addicted and you were using it to medicate a problem that was largely context-dependent, and is also dependent on whether you work on correcting the baggage that was left with you, rebuild your self-esteem, and either get on proper medication or learn healthy coping mechanisms. I wouldn't necessarily recommend that anybody continue to drink after a long period of daily drinking, especially as somebody who still struggles with the compulsion to drink years on, but I don't think going dry is necessary for everybody.

Congrats on getting better buddy!

I want to be dismissive and sarcastic, but I genuinely appreciate you sharing that. I was in a similar situation a while back, and am better now, but I am also stuck in a complete rut. I think you are right. I need to change. How did you?

I don't even remember what the final straw was (I think it was after the landlord started turning off my electricity for weeks when I would be a day or two late on payment), but I somehow realized that the situation was FUBAR and basically got my parents to scoop me up for a few months. The clean break from that environment and support did wonders alone, so I spent about a month or two recovering and then started applying for jobs in my field, eventually landing a temporary but foot-in-door opportunity that set me off on what is more or less my dream career path.

I'd say that it took about 1.5 to 2.5 years to substantially recover from the emotional damage and about three to substantially recover from most of the bad habits I developed during that time, e.g. avoiding looking at my email inbox, drinking to COPE with stress, etc. It probably sounds fruity, but art therapy was really helpful for shaking out most of the excess shit after the initial recovery period. There are still some lingering issues and painful memories, but life is really good.

I know I'm very lucky to have had family to fall back on, but ime just putting yourself into a completely different context and cutting ties with the old one does wonders on its own. You can forget about what you left behind for the time being and then make peace with it once you're on your own two feet again. If you do have support at that point, using it as a launching pad and working towards a future instead of getting dependent is probably crucial.

Good for you, snally. I was in a bad place years ago after a traumatic incident, but pulled myself out as well. Had no help, but started working for myself (which the stress itself kinda set me back until I started making money), became financially free from corporate and now work from home, and started working out. The working out has given me a great mood boost and good energy. I recommend it to anyone who feels depressed.

I think because I pulled myself out of a bad place by myself has given me little sympathy for people who say it's impossible, but at the same time I love hearing stories of success.

Good for you, snally. I was in a bad place years ago after a traumatic incident, but pulled myself out as well. Had no help, but started working for myself (which the stress itself kinda set me back until I started making money), became financially free from corporate and now work from home, and started working out. The working out has given me a great mood boost and good energy. I recommend it to anyone who feels depressed.

I'm glad you made it! It really is good to hear success stories, especially given the growing crises of social isolation and mental illness. Working does make all the difference- the structure and responsibilities imposed on you really help you get your life in order. Even though your free time is limited, it becomes much more meaningful.

I think because I pulled myself out of a bad place by myself has given me little sympathy for people who say it's impossible, but at the same time I love hearing stories of success.

Imo it depends on whether or not they've made a strong effort to do so; if they have and for whatever reason it didn't work then it's understandable that they'd be upset (though they would hopefully keep trying). Unfortunately, that seems to be increasingly rare; most people who are stuck in rut at the moment seem to be looking for factors beyond their control that they can blame on their present failure, e.g. 'i'm in this situation because I'm __', 'I'm in this situation because the world is __', etc.

What's even more upsetting is that these people can easily join any of the dozens of online subcultures that reassure them that they can't succeed because some force is opposed to it. It's going to be interesting to see what they become in a few decades as most of life has passed them by.

ugh. you’ve gone so soft not even a viagra+cialis+horny goat weed cocktail can give you half a chub

viagra + cialis + horny goat weed

but seriously, what happens if you take all those at once?

want to find out together 😘

Thanks for sharing man. I am happy for you that you found the will to change. You sound like a good person. I unfortunately did exactly the same as you, except after the "fubar moment" I crawled out of the abyss and into a pit of mediocrity. I am not killing myself, but I am not living, if you follow me. So thank you for sharing man, hope you have a good one and thanks for giving me something to think about.

No problem. You can get better- if you were able to improve a situation that bad then it means that you have the willpower to do it. It was the same for me- every few months I'd manage to crawl out of the abyss, and then something bad would happen and I'd fall back down even further.

At some point, regardless of how you ended up in the abyss, you won't be able to leave it without some help and/or a drastic change, and there's nothing dishonorable about seeking out either of those things. I wish you the best!

I got myself out of a similar hole by just throwing caution to the wind. Im originally from the east coast. A friend offered me a job in weed world Nor Cal that fell through about a wk after I got out there but instead of going back home a failure I took the $600 I had made and hitch hiked to the bay. I got a room in the motel 6 in east Oakland and spent 1 day spicing up my resume and the next sending it out and the 3rd day interviewing at a few places. I ended up getting offered a job in SF as a sous chef that paid me cash nightly for the 1st month. The whole experience made me realize that I can go anywhere and do anything. Since then I've done all types of shit for work from river guiding in east Tn to pulling a rickshaw at a Renaissance faire and I've found that if I keep myself busy with learning something new I dont have time to be depressed and my diverse skill set has opened up so many more doors for me

So true man. The one thing I learned from the most worst, miserable time in my life is that if I’m going through a rough time, I have to actively keep myself busy. I was in a bad place drinking every day, literally not being able to function without it, for about a year. Dug myself out of that hole, 3 years go by, I’m in a good spot in my life, then I took an opportunity at a different job. Boom 1 month later my brother dies in May of this year, my boss FIRES me for taking time off to spread his ashes with family, because he misunderstood which day I’d be back. Guy begged me to come work for him. So I’m out of a brother and out of a job when I land back home. Drink and drown the pain? Nope. We all know how this will go. Gotta keep moving. After sending resumes out, talking with others in my industry, I land a job that I love so far, and couldn’t be happier. Took two weeks of actually spending time to actually look and find something. Just proves myself right, in at least my mind, booze or drugs does NOTHING for my betterment. Being active and productive truly is the best coping mechanism for me.

I lost a job too after a traumatic death of a friend, and losing that job became the catalyst for me to start my business. Never let anything defeat you!

Amen sis

I have also made a change of scenery moving away from the place where things were bad and it too has made a much better improvement. Good for you. I think when you're in a bad place you want to stay where you are, but moving away from where the bad happened is extremely beneficial.

it sounds like you're living the dream. do you think you'll ever settle down in one place?

I know this was directed at someone else but, if I have any of the same mind frame as him, the answer is: fuck no, maybe? Reason being is that I’ve learned valuable skills that will serve a purpose anywhere I go (and not in some gay karate like sense. I mean social, tech, managerial, office etc etc type skills). And if that means opportunity in a far off land, fuck it. If the pay is better, and I can excel and find happiness, then I’m moving to wherever.

Most likely yeah. I've been working in weed world full time for the last 2 years trying to make enough to retire early before the bubble pops. Settling down for me would be buying cheap property in east Tn, putting a prefab house on it and living their during the summer/fall and traveling during the winter/spring. Property is dirt cheap in the smoky mountains

Why did you need to get a job - aren't your checks from being a reddit mod enough to live off of?

Oh for fucks sake, dont fall for online fiction

How'd you pull yourself out of that pit?

See this comment for more details, but basically:

  • realized (way too late) that there was no salvaging the situation I was in and that I needed help
  • spent a few months at my parent's in order to become functional again
  • kept focused on getting independent, started applying for jobs and made getting one in my field of choice my one and only goal
  • got one, being independent in and of itself helped but needed time and therapy to resolve the more deeply-embedded issues and COPE with what happened instead of letting it hide out in my brain and cause problems

Thanks for the reply. I'm not that far gone (probably helps that I don't touch alcohol) but I can def tell that I'm using reddit as a cope for not having friends right now.

It seems like the entire internet runs on that sentiment to the point where more adults may use it in that way than those who don't. Have you tried meet-up groups and networking events and things of that nature?

What I should really do is just get over myself and text some old friends. What I'll probably do is pussy out and remain friendless until med school (if I get in).

It sounds like your situation is only temporary at least! I bet there's a lot of trauma bonding in med school

It's temporary but at the same time med school is at least 2 years out so that's a while to be lonely

Yeah, two years is a pretty long time. Is it because you're too busy studying or because you just haven't found anyone to connect with?

Nah just lost touch with old friends. I'm awful at maintaining long distance friendships.

Yeah, even with social media that's pretty tough.

The friends thing sucks. I’m technically doing better than ever in life, but I just can’t make new friends as a dude. Went from having 30+, constant parties throughout high school and after, to having maybe 3 that I see a couple times per year.

I’ve tried at the urging of the gf to make new friends, but it just doesn’t seem to catch. It doesn’t bother me that much, I guess it’s hard to see it as a problem because it feels normal for dudes. Idk.

I wish I had advice to give you, but making friends outside of work is tough as an adult. I don't think it's historically normal to be friendless, but adult life is pretty isolating now, with social media and so much mobility. I don't think it's a male thing either; all of the middle-aged men I know have close friends.

It could be an opportunity for you to pick up a hobby that can frequent meet-ups, e.g. rockhounding, softball, hash hound harriers. You could meet some interesting active people who are looking for the same thing that you are.

Thanks Snally, you always have a good perspective. Think I might try and go for a powerlifting style gym instead of the usual campus/all-purpose gyms. Think I’ll likely meet some like-minded dudes.

It’s definitely a “me” problem. People generally seem to like me, always remember my name and seem to enjoy conversation, I just need to make an effort to reach out more effectively prob.

Exactly the same process that got me out 5+ years ago. It wasn't easy but I can't believe how far I am now from all this crap. I wish you well!

I'm glad you got out! It's amazing both how deeply you can get trapped in your own mind and how much you can overcome it with some self-motivation.

Well, self-motivation and a few pills. I don't believe it could have worked for me without meds tbh, even if I only took them for six months. The motivation was the spark lighting the fire. A good therapist helped a lot in the long run too.

I appreciate you being honest about this. Sometimes I like to imagine that I'm the only person who has to struggle with being human, that this is a unique burden that has never fallen on anyone else, so it's okay to just give up. I don't often see anyone who will admit that they are less than perfect.

Yeah, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that most people are struggling, and a lot of them are struggling in the same way that you are. Depression also seems to create a tunnel-vision wherein you get so wrapped up in your own thoughts and experiences that you get trapped in a cage in your own brain and forget what's happening outside of it. Seeing that other people have had the same experiences can do a lot to help. There's a lot of us in this thread, so I hope it does some good for those who haven't made it out yet.

Thank you for sharing these experiences Snally. I myself wonder sometimes how I'm even alive, the pit dragged me in and could have killed me, my mind was a mess a few years ago. I hope someone benefits from your experience of getting back up, cause you seem pretty alright these days, dare I say a role model for some of us in r/Drama.

I'm glad you're doing better too! I'm surprised at how many people here had the same exact experience- you rarely hear any success stories amid the thousands of people whining about how their lives are irredeemably shit.

cause you seem pretty alright these days

About as alright as a millennial can be. For a while, well after escaping the pit, I was insecure about the years that I'd lost while my peers were moving forward with their lives. Turns out that it doesn't matter as long as you end up finding the right track eventually. Most young people get derailed in some form or other anyway.

And now look at you,knocked up with a Mormon hubby,how far you’ve come.

I feel like drama is populated by cyborgs from /r9k/ who left before it become moids larping as "femanons" and trap threads.

Honestly the day I understand that comment I will live the rest of my life in the woods with just a knife for the rest of my life. I hope I never reach your level man I mean it

You would if you peeked at r9k in 08–10 i guess, i wonder what Egg Girl is up to.

Robots were the full on tendie eating regulars of r9k, cyborgs were in the middle of normies and robots, if i remember right (i hope i don’t)

U have to live in the woods now 😔

I’m not sorry I actually need an explanation for your explanation. Thank god im not that high of loser tier. I actually have sex and foids can smell it

Oh don’t worry, i’m quite the sexhaver myself 😏😎

Lots of crossover for sure.

Hello, fellow normal people.

k boomer


Sometimes it's funny when someone genuinely agrees with my ironic shitposting. Sometimes it's not. Mostly funny, though.

Oh, god, I found her insufferably perky so I must be one of the jaded. 🤕

I'm not bitter or socially isolated smh, don't lump me in with the likes of you

collectijism did not get the better of that exchange.

As if they ever do, all I've witnessed from cj is outrage sperging I suppose is meant to be bait. 3/10 jism, triharder and don't get triggered by normies on your home turf you mong.

I like him though

Don't hold out hope for him listening to you. He's either a really inexperienced yet committed troll or so emotionally unstable and batshit crazy that he legitimately takes Reddit fuckery seriously

Yeah that was pretty embarrassing. It was just his 'tism convulsions while this random normie laughed at him.

Petition to permaban collectijsm because hes an unfunny faggot.


no u

not already realizing the extent of a 'tardation



It's like opening up your windows and seeing the filth you live in.

You ever come back to your house/apartment and realize it smells weird but you didn't notice while you were there?

I have 3 cats.

and one of em pissed on the sweaters again

Aw crap

It's always from the sink. After I stuff a pound of bacon and 8 eggs into my disgusting crap factory, I have no desire to do any dishes.

For some reason whenever I come home after being gone for a while my house always smells like Christmas.

I don't understand why.

You say that like collectjism is being a tard is new

We're a rather odd bunch aren't we

Damn, here I thought he just went through life at full retard all the time, come to find out he really has been hiding his power level all along.


You're just jealous that you can't be as based as collectijism. He is the next picasso of trolling.

It's ok to be afraid of pizza, so long as you're open to the concept of spaghetti.

You circle jerking retards all of you

😍😍😍 you show em daddy


I ask them tits or gtfo the moment I see them 😎

Gay is the way

Learn how to talk too women


Learn how to not be a neck beard incel then you can learn to talk too women. Steps my padawin


Terminator is a mans movie. Girl with the traveling pants is a girls movie

yes and?

You talk "too" em, I'll be busy knocking the stank off that fuckin thing

I can't wait to meet you at the local foid Meetup!!!

Can we keep them?!?!?!

Yas. Yas please.

dude bussy lmao

Is there a thread where collectijism is more coherent than that? I've been assuming he gets at least 75% of his content from GPT-2 or similar.

All the based chad zoomers were aborted. Now it’s just a whole generation of retards that are so useless they need machines to choose partners and make common water drinking decisions.

I’m legally illiterate so I have no idea what’s going on can someone read it out loud to me while I trace the words with my fingers

Your blind and you cant read? How are you typing?

I don’t know the answer to that. Here’s what I do know the answer to. Should I be a mod of r/drama? Yes

You sound like you might be a commie sorry access denied

I’m only a commie for commie mommy’s milkers

Hmm you got the general feel down. Needs more ayy bussy lmao.








A greater vision guides their hands in the name of the Greater Seethe!

Trappy must have sent this angel to help us cope with our loss

She sent a little ray of sunshine down from heaven :')

Did she kill herself or just left the internet?

She seems to have gone dark, but I doubt she harmed herself, she's just been intending to leave reddit for a while

Oh good, with all the rip talk, it saddened me a bit.

Trappy's Angels are the best dramacycle gang currently in existence.

CJ seems to daily make at least three agenda posts with no drama for any little thing that triggers him.

At least this one is entertaining enough watching him seethe.

You sound like a butthurt commie. Mommie not leave trendies money this month on the credit card she gave you?


Maybe you should make a new submission linking this comment, that will calm you down

This is why I wanted the sub open again, it's fun with fresh blood.

good call, hopefully we can reel more people in



Hey now,I’ve been providing quality froth,cope,rage you name it-on several occasions. You restricted me in the sub closing and refused me approved submitter status😤😤😤 don’t act like you have no responsibility in this.

It's a sad day when a dramacel becomes a lolcow to a normie, but it's inevitable

Collectijism is so violently retarded that simply attempting to engage in normal/casual conversation sends him into a mouth frothing frenzy

Normal conversation for a dying ovary foid consists of solely going for chad dick and bucks. Its like the new female terminator only mission John connors peen

This is why you're going to die cold and alone to the dismay of no one

her humor is really cringe and normie, it's kinda gay you're all sucking her off just it mentions it's (supposedly) a foid.

Why didn’t your mom just swallow? Is abortion still frowned upon in your society?

i'm not a generic normie thot with a sense of humor as shitty as yours, i have no desire to trade weak bants with you. i have better things to with my time, like trolling gaming and movie subs.

I love when the basics fight back.

the fact that you focused on her "normie" humor rather than the guy working himself up into a smoldering tryhard rage says more about you than it does about the exchange

i mean i couldn't care less about either of them, you self important twat.

i mean i couldn't care less about either of them, you self important twat.

you came in here to complain about something that nobody was even talking about instead of enjoying a quality meltdown so it sounds like you care quite a bit

god you're insufferable, you're only even replying to me because i focused on how people are worshipping this brain dead normie foid and saying she's the new trappy, instead of siding with you and white knighting her because she's banting with that other unfunny loser who i also think is retarded and clearly said so.

i'll say it again, they are both unfunny and their bants suck and are boring to read, none of it was as funny as you think it is, because you're boring and have a shit sense of humour. it's a sea of fucking mediocre bants that just went on forever, and this boring foid is not the the new trappy.

And you're just a silly little daffodil!

Why are you so upset over people laughing about a guy having a meltdown over trying and failing to piss off a normal average ordinary person?

You sound so fun. I would make a killing at fairs put you in a dunk tank and have you talk shit to dudes girlfriends charge $5 to throw a ball that dunks you into a pool of cow blood


seriousposting to tell a foid to not seriouspost.

the state of dramatards.

Please do not refer to collectjsm as a regular as that places me in the same category as him and that is harassment.

I know you're not black because you chose KFC over Popeye's or Church's.

Real talk.

Kinda cute kinda quirky