another TPUSA event gets Groyp'd - Charlie Kirk called a Faggot, booed after every response

1  2019-11-13 by Joe_Rogan_is_bae


i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. another TPUSA event gets Groyp'd - ... -,

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it's pretty gay and nick fuentes is annoying as shit but this political infighting is the best we're gonna get until the Dem primary really heats up

They cause in person drama which is always a plus

Why does Nick Fuentes dress like 45 year old divorcee back on the dating scene?

he's like nineteen years old and probably got his idea of what an "adult" is from pictures of that pepe wearing a suit

He is also a zoomer manlet whose opinions can thus be swiftly discarded

how short is he? I heard he’s even shorter than shapiro but that seems dubious.

5'4 I believe

Jesus, is that even considered human?

For mutts sure

NO. There needs to be proof of this. I saw a pic of him with some other guy, michael knowles i believe, and he looked solidly below average but not gnome tier.

Maybe 5'6? I can't remember

where can i find out for sure tho

Jesus Christ 🤢

when he misbehaves i tuck him into my pocket where his voice is too small and high-pitched to be heard

He's actually 21

You say that like I'll respect him any more for being 21

Because he's not a slovenly loser you saggy jeans wearing nig nog.

Imagine being a rightoid.

Sorry sweaty, I'm a radical centrist.

Yeah, why can't they wear crocs and hunting camo like a real fashionable american.

Or you know, suits, the way you were just bitching about because your a sloppy, stain-covered shithead.

Wearing dated suit styles from the 90s doesnt make someone fashionable. Makes you look dated and out of touch. Trump is a good example of that.

He said in his sweatpants, thumbing his phone with his popeyes chicken stained fingers.

Close. I'm in pj pants, drinking coffee while I watch my niece ride her horse in my back field.

Lol, another Highly Successful r/Drama regular.

You should definitely keep trying to sell this as I'm completely taken in by your cunning ruse.

What piss you off more? The fact I got a free house for being First Nations or that I have kids with a white woman.

Yes, by all means keep posting like this! I totally believe you.



The 56%ers strike again

Castizos rising up

If this keeps up then eventually everyone except for the darkest of 13%ers can call themselves """white""" in America.

It’s never gonna heat up that much. The meanest Dem is Sanders and he’s never really mad at the other candidates. Maybe if Bloomberg enters then it’d get spicy though.

Tulsi can be mean. And Pete got kind of uppity last debate.

nick fuentes is a retard, but this drama has been a lot of fun to watch

free-market cons are fags and even if chapo pedophiles are the ones to after them, I'll be in full support.


The fire rises fellow groypers. Best moments from the war so far.. The real right wing is coming back and people are going to have to pick a side.

What the fuck is a groyper. I've tried to stay away from this zoomer shit, but its leaking into the real world.


Your basic mde rightoid, rants about the Jews and the blacks, upset white women are fucking dogs and not him, and wants an Israel for white people but hates Israel.

This time they're lead by some Manlet beaner.

Why are they trump supporters? Isn't trump a bit more than friendly with israel? skip to 29 minutes in.

That's an interview with Richard Spencer, the guy who made the term "alt-right". He talks about why they loves Trump so much. Richard Spencer has pretty similar views as the groypers.

So many dps with weeb shit 😬

Fuck you I just woke up half my apartment complex with that audio

Lol stop being poor and get a house

I own a house and it woke my wife up.

Then that’s your own fault

posting on are drama


Body pillows don’t count

His wife is a 300 lb black guy named Malik.

This is almost more cringe than watching the oppression Olympic stylings of the candidates during the democratic debates

what’s your take on all of this? Nick Fuentes had a few thousand viewers before this and now he’s up to 10k or so. Footage here would make it seem that almost all college conservatives are “”””paleocons””” or fascists or whatever but the online presence of these groups is declining from what I’ve seen. Are these things astroturfed or something? I hear the Patrick Casey guy is going around to all these events.

Tbh I don’t pay attention to any of this rightoid zoomer nonsense, and don’t find this drama that entertaining. Isn’t nick fuentes like a unironically Nazi type? Why is some Nazi zoomer Manlet getting any attention at all. And only thing I know about Charlie Kirk is that those TP memes where he has a really small face are funny af. 🤷🏿‍♂️

yea kirk is a clown. This political fringe does in fact, have a good strategy by dabbing on a complete fraud to gain publicity. They also have very esoteric arguments that no one who’s not autistic keeps up with.

Imagine you’re a normie conservative and some 5’6 “proud virgin catholic” asks you about the IQ of sub saharan africans.

Imagine you’re a normie conservative and some 5’6 “proud virgin catholic” asks you about the IQ of sub saharan africans.

🤣🤣 how do these ‘people’ genuinely think they are superior to anyone.

This political fringe does in fact, have a good strategy by dabbing on a complete fraud to gain publicity.

the problem is that's literally as far as it can go with this strategy

like they dab on TPUSA, then what? they actually have to somehow get to power

i think they hope that this draws people’s attention and they expand their demographic from gigs autist fags to include most online guys. From there i have no idea but it would be good for them if it works.

Correction, fren, it is good for all of us. The popcorn is fucking amazing.

Already we have had some fun with commie mommy facing El Vampiro Pelosi.

Now we get Manlet vs. TinyFace USA

I for one cannot fucking wait.

Weimar time

Weimerica. Thanks, NeoLiberals/NeoConservatives.

proud ... catholic


have a good strategy by dabbing on a complete fraud to gain publicity. They also have very esoteric arguments that no one who’s not autistic keeps up with.

Literally the same as wokeoid academic obscurantism. When will the extremists realize that crafting a reality where nobody can respond to you just scares people off?

It's like being good at technical debate competitions but on a political debate (circus) stage. You can make a spectacle and draw attention, but what happens after that? You can get a bunch of viral 30 sec or 2 min clips, but if you had to sit down in like a 60 minutes interview to make your case to Joe america, you've got nothing.

Years ago when people listened to the radio young upstart radio DJs would egg their hardcore listeners to go to other media outlets and mention the dj. It is how Howard Stern became famous and he stole it from another dj named Steve Dahl - the original shock jock.

Fuentes is pulling the same stunt.

Nick Fuentes is the only guy who saying what radical young conservative types actually believe. TPUSA is a completely artifical movement supported only by money.

I’m aware. He’s also retarded as is anyone that likes him. That said he was (a month ago when I checked) politically irrelevant and what I am curious about is how much that has changed.

It's incredibly fucking fun to watch Charlie Kirk squirm. I honestly think that's 99% of it.

how much that has changed.

CNN did a big segment on the Don Jr. groyp yesterday with Stelter, as did Tucker. The entire conservative media is following this, and the mainstream is starting to catch on.

Vocal minorities.

Same reason wokeoids take over DSA conventions despite making up like 3% of the electorate.




And 41% of the voter loss.

Elizabeth Warrxn

The whole thing reminds me of the DSA convention lol

Yep, just around the same cringe level

I doubt it. You know DSA is galaxy levels of retardation when they do jazz hands because snapping fingers is too triggering and clapping is literally assault.

Ya that’s true, for sure



Pretty funny watching Charlie Cuck getting constantly btfo by these turbo autists tbh