Ya'll prostitutes can't behave

1  2019-11-13 by AnnArchist


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The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. Ya'll prostitutes can't behave - archive.org, archive.today

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Why the hell would you post there as a guy. Maybe check it out for research but lmao at participating in a community instead of just getting your paid for nuts.

Idk I read it for a while (even posted before getting banned)

I figured out the code. I fucked 11 hookers from their app in January and paid zero dollars to do so. They will fuck men who are twice their age for a dollar amount. Zero is an amount.


There is an app that lets you fuck younger women as a boomer.


thats for rookies. seeking.

But how did you scam them?

i didn't. we got drunk and fucked.

But how did you get banned?

I tried explaining to them that prostitution and sugaring are the same thing. Because they are.

Seems like it's worse that prostituting, like with no pay

I mean, imagine having sex with a drama mod

😳😳😳😏😏 Is this an invitation?

So you ranted to ho's about how they are ho's.

Luckily you clearly have all your vaccinations so the 11 ho's probably didn't give you anything extra.

Well they might've

Yeah, the sugarbabies get offended because they want to believe they aren't whores, the sugardaddies get offended because they don't want to believe they have to pay for it.

Hoes mad

we got drunk and fucked

A drama mod convincing young women to have sex with them? Im calling bullshit

Ann is the least drama person here and is only top mod because of squatting or some shit

That's even worse. Imagine loving this sub so much you wont give up your mod

He even repelled a coup attempt by "real" drama mods (read: salty trannies) so he's kinda the "most" drama person here too idk

Ah so he's a true centrist then.

You live up to your name, you cucked and agreed with me

Lol no tipping is for idiots

That ain't the merchant copy

Lol at the stock photo when they probably look nothing like that.

What the actual hell.

I... I'm scared.

Why does this person exist and can it be stopped?

Because he can exist so he must, and no.

Many of us are from large cities

No wonder, that answers everything.

That's a strange sub.

There's cpa hoe math going on.

So when millennial women have sex for money they call it being a sugar baby now? Doesn’t have the same ring to it as hooker

Well if they were hookers I'd be pimping them out. They think they can do it without the pimp. When I stiff them what are they going to do? Call the cops? Lol.

They’ll post about it on reddit or in a twitter thread

“Y’all will not believe what my sugar daddy just said to me: part 1”

And every mindless wokecel is just gonna chant “yasss girl” and tell her how strong and beautiful she is for fucking for money

but if anyone calls her a hooker or prostitute they gonna get shredded

they say you raped them?

That's a dangerous game for them to play 😂😂😈


Sugar is the last thing I will associate with their nasty, worn out, ragged cooch

not all sugars have sex with their boomers, it's expected but not uncommon for boomers to just want a companion.

The proverb - “one bad apple spoils the barrel” is often times used to describe a person who's a bad influence, but it turns out it can be used literally, too. Because one bad, overripe or moldy apple (poster) really can cause all the other apples (newbies/lurkers) around it to spoil.

This retard doesn't know what a metaphor is.

Well I had a pair of girls reach out about Chlamydia this month so

that's one moldy apple


It's a pretty nifty lifehack tho. I've been throwing away so many apples and now I know why.

I'm seething because a bad apple accelerates the spoiling of other apples near by. That's where the phrase comes from.

Ok but really Malibi, why?

Isn't the exchange of money a huge part of the sugar lifestyle?

How can this be the message board, about the sugar lifestyle, pretty much for the whole world, and talking about money be banned?

Because some people fight about it? Because some people get jealous of others? Who cares?

We're all adults here.

Yes we know that cost of living in NYC is different than cost of living in rural Mississippi. There's no reason to treat us like children.

There are two types of people. There are people who know that rules need to exist so that immature brats don't cause havoc. And there's immature brats who think 'if you didn't treat us like children we'd stop being brats'.

Apparently being a prostitute isn't just a profession anymore, it's a "lifestyle"??

At least they're not pretending it's a career.

And then there is the third type of person, who creates a sub about trading sex for money, and then bans the money part. We 💕 love ❤️ them around here.

we are all adults here


Libertarians have entered the chat

What kind of fuggin simp pays for sex? 🤣

Fat stupid ones.

Honestly, if they could behave they'd be doing something other than sucking dick for money.

It's important to remember that the root cause of the sugarbaby lifestyle are worthless men.

We’re not a social click[sp] nor a place of tribal warfare

This is What Hookers Actually Believe