What do you get when you cross a senile old boomer with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?

1  2019-11-13 by Ghdust2


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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I don’t think he has ever made a single ‘meme’ that didnt make me suspect he was on drugs while making it.

The release the bannon one is amazing

Yeah it was pretty good.

I want a spin-off where the ban on battles Trumpy Dick for naval supremacy.

He's in an odd place where he's too skilled to be an outsider artist but he's too retarded to b legitimately good

It's a shame because his art style is actually pretty good.

Looks like shit tbh. He's clearly imitating.

That’s actually not bad. Def better than the political cartoons, but I’m guessing those are his money maker.

Who is the clown in the middle ? (it's not labeled)

Thats clown college

How were you able to figure that out and communicate it while you were ODing?

That's you

You know it's real art when it really makes you think!

You get what you fuckin' deserve.

Can't wait for Granny Nixon to decide to run again at the last minute. Ol' Ben is going to have a field day labeling all the shit in that comic.

We live in a zhcyiD9


Ok hillary peeking out of the gutter is pretty fucking hilarious

Lmao that Obama face is cracking me up for some reason. Just that expression like he just nutted or something

Ben "Conan of Montana" Garrison Cartoon Lack of thicc Commie Mommy

wtf is this?

I think this is what hell looks like.