Commie Mommy is a g*mer

1  2019-11-13 by BAZAKBAL_


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  1. Commie Mommy is a g*mer -,

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The FBI should search her hard drive

Ol girl jungles pretty effectively

Ah yes the classic jungler who doesn’t ever help gank and is constantly in your lane stealing xp before leaving you to die when enemies come around

A real American!

I didn't understand any of this but I think you should go and play outside

G*mers are just making up words at this point

She's a jungler but she gives gold away which means that she doesn't get any equipment and then she loses because she's too weak just like socialism in real life

So your typical jungler then.

I’m pretty sure if she had actual time to get better at the game she could get gold. However I would hope she isn’t grinding to much because she’s busy making America better.


gold as an achievement

Just goes to show the double standards when it comes to women smh

If she would support me as Janna I could carry her to diamond in no time. E-girl commy mommy 😤😤😤

How much bills did she pass?

I don’t think she has passed anything that you can give credit to her for.

DO you mean written or passed ? If you mean passed, then go ask Moscow Mitch that question.

congress is like the army, you're not given any responsibilities or have anything expected from you until about year 5. and even if you're a prodigy, you only end up being given real power around year 10


No wonder she is so oppressed.


Bet Illhan Momar plays dark souls.

She seems more like a Muhammad sex simulator type.

She plays Red Faction Guerrilla and just crashes vehicles into all the towers and buildings

She actually invented the jihad jeep strat in Battlefield

She plays Unteralterbach

You know the scene I'm talking about

I want her Marxy milkers.

duo queue with kaceytron when

She pretty much has to say the N word now, otherwise she'll lose her gaming cred.

No she's a g*mer girl. Which means she needs to sell her bath water.

I don't think you can sell bathwater until after you've shown feet. Has AOC shown feet pics yet?

Nope, the investigators at are slash drama have found that her beautiful have yet to be seen in the raw.

I wonder if they can arrange a 1v1 with Pharmabro and Commie Mommy. He is in prison, but they might give him a conjugal visitation for this.

im already -500 in this thread baiting the L*gue tard is free real estate

I linked all the retarded shit that the fact checkers have documented her saying and oh boy did they not like that.

This fucking meme

Whenever someone mentions AOC being left wing (because she is left wing) some fucking fart smelling eurofag has to chime in and brag about how they're not left wing by european standards.

Okay. Great. Awesome.

You would have a point if she was running for office in fucking Western EUROPE.

She is leftwing by euro standards though. Definitely if you take into account the positions of all the EU and likely even pretty left of the countries that people usually mean when they say europe is lefty.

People see public healthcare and think the entire country is heavy left leaning. Yet don’t know that many us laws and regulations are more left than Europe (example abortion)

Also it’s much better to be gay or transgender in The large majority of America than it is in all of Spain, Italy, etc

The whole left/right wing dichotomy is fucking retarded when you're comparing between countries that don't have a 2 party system. Merkel is probably closer to Donald Trump economically than Bernie Sanders or AoC.

It's kind of retarded in American policy too, realistically there are at least 10 major spectrums in play.


Yeah go into any western euro country and tell them you want to abolish their border control police.

“Slightly left of center”

She would be alt-right in Narnia.

muh european left-right scale

Maybe we shouldn't rely on the scale of a bunch of efete, limp-wristed retards in countries the size of postage stamp and instead adopt the left-right scale of the best and greatest country on God's green flat Earth.


As the saying goes, CHINA NUMBA WAN

Akshully AOC isn't that retarded because in civilized yurop we have elected officials with extra chromosomes.

Oh how I yearn for the day Burgerstan finally replicates the enlightened European model of being governed entirely by retards instead of just mostly.

in europe using memes or enjoying anything without paying for it is considered right wing. the EU redditors probably pay someone to use reddit

Imagine liking a politician that isn't just a gamer, but a shit ranked gamer. Being bronze or low gold in league is the chess equivalent of gnawing on the pieces and gargling.

It’s worse enough being a g*mer but being awful at it too, that’s rough

League player

Wow i hate her now

Silver IV


"Has never played a video game" should really be a prerequisite for any elected office.

No fuck that I wanna see who becomes POTUS determined by a game of Starcraft 2

i can see it now, trump and Biden sit down in gaming chairs (PewDiePie themed), and Barron has to open the game for each of them and get the game set up.

Trump is off to a strong start as Terran, after like 10 minutes he has 2 bases each with 10 scvs, all but 1 of them on gas, and has assembled 20 marines.

Biden, playing Protoss, queues up a probe and promptly falls asleep.

Trump sends his marines around the map, but somehow completely misses Biden’s base.

Trump spots his own bases and attacks them, thinking they belong to still fast asleep Biden.

Biden wins, but we find out that he wasn’t asleep, he died in the chair. Trump gets a second term.

And it also allows our nascent AI overlords an easy path to the presidency. Literally no downside.


What the fuck man, how cool can one person be by themselves. Jesus

She plays the most boring basic game out there. The only good thing to come out of League of Legends is the porn.

lf member of congress lulu egirl