Marine SNEEDS because people make fun of his favorite snack.

1  2019-11-13 by TheColdTurtle


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Marine SNEEDS because people make f... -,

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It is a bad joke. Call a Marine “devil dog” while you’re correcting them instead. That will rile any salty Marine.

I thought we were supposed to call them baby-killers and spit on them. Are all those Vietnam vets full of shit?

We laugh at being called baby killers now. We sing it in jodies during running cadence.

Sneed is a dead meme, stop it.

Formerly alive

Sneed can literally never die.

Okay, Chuck.



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You are late

OK crayon eater

some of you may read this and say, "this guy is just offended," and the answer is no — and that's the problem. You think something as lame as "crayon-eater" is going to offend a member of a tribe whose trainees are taught to yell, "kill!" during training?

He seems kinda offended tbh.

kill the crayons! Kill them all!

Sorry I'm not up to date on my autism-speak. What the fuck is Sneed supposed to mean?

Formerly Chuck