When i realized i was down on my luck with women, i just lowered my standards and i was flush in pussy again. And i got sandwiches made for me. Weird how that works.
It takes "pathetic" to a new level. Like if you sit and think about it for 5 minutes and you realize there are literal whole subreddits and movements dedicated to "getting men" and "lack of men" and "I want but also hate men". It's all about men. Which means they feel powerless for not being able to create life like we can. The desperation is absolutely ridiculous and laughable.
The second part of this shit is pure cope too
Makes me realize how powerful we are, like truly powerful, not this overcompensatory bullshit they have going on with war, money, material resources, privilege, etc.
There's a couple of women on the mod team who have a lot of Karma in Gender Critical. So, this is either a long con or they are for real. Being able to flair a post with 'male depravity' looks like something they'd do. Though there probably are some of them who are just fucking around roasting men.
Both them and GC are mostly "weird women posting on /r/purplepilldebate" all the way down, many active users from the purple pill with that weird ideology of trying to repurpose the "red pill" to protect women ended up posting on femaledatingstrategy or GC or even trufemcels.
I'm surprised to apparantly be the only one on Reddit to have constated this.
This is such an insanely accurate description of this demographic. Idk what it is but the only women that constantly post on that sub are extremely neurotic with specific issues and dating strategies they fixate on(the men are fucking weirdos too, but we already knew that).
1 AutoModerator 2019-11-13
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-11-13
Have you posted bussy yet?
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1 Frostfright 2019-11-13
I hope they never change. They're always fun to read.
1 Ingelri 2019-11-13
What strategy?
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-11-13
The Elliot Rodger's method of sitting there, cope while waiting for someone to interact with you
1 SPAMRAAM_ 2019-11-13
It actually works for foods though
1 ItsSugar 2019-11-13
The Magithot line. Be emotionally guarded and paranoid yet leaving the gussy vulnerable to advances.
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-11-13
When i realized i was down on my luck with women, i just lowered my standards and i was flush in pussy again. And i got sandwiches made for me. Weird how that works.
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-11-13
The second part of this shit is pure cope too
Like men who are like this chase pussy
1 Vyrnie 2019-11-13
Shit, shes got us. Why even live if you can't have a baby come barreling down your genitals 😢
1 1-900-FREE-AIDS 2019-11-13
I know the post itself is low effort but the comments are like a parody.
1 International_Agency 2019-11-13
How likely is it that that subreddit is actual women. I can think of more likely candidates:
I read someone the other day use the phrase "high-value activities". Women don't talk like that
1 Xradris 2019-11-13
I would say traps.
1 Protista_of_Peace 2019-11-13
There's a couple of women on the mod team who have a lot of Karma in Gender Critical. So, this is either a long con or they are for real. Being able to flair a post with 'male depravity' looks like something they'd do. Though there probably are some of them who are just fucking around roasting men.
1 [deleted] 2019-11-13
1 LokamayadonDeux 2019-11-13
Both them and GC are mostly "weird women posting on /r/purplepilldebate" all the way down, many active users from the purple pill with that weird ideology of trying to repurpose the "red pill" to protect women ended up posting on femaledatingstrategy or GC or even trufemcels.
I'm surprised to apparantly be the only one on Reddit to have constated this.
1 forseti911 2019-11-13
This is such an insanely accurate description of this demographic. Idk what it is but the only women that constantly post on that sub are extremely neurotic with specific issues and dating strategies they fixate on(the men are fucking weirdos too, but we already knew that).
1 d-amazo 2019-11-13
said the dumb cunt literally posting on a sub for dating advice.
1 rbsh123 2019-11-13
that sub is gonna be a goldmine when the inevitable Harley Quinn foid version of the Joker movie comes out
1 [deleted] 2019-11-13