Sexism doesn't exist, sweaty

1  2019-11-14 by Giovincooooo


Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. Sexism doesn't exist, sweaty -,

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It's uncommon and not systemic but it can exist

when white men had to fight for their rights let me know

american revolution?

men specifically, against women

i have never seen the goal posts moved so fast

Literally the entire course of human history is men fighting for their rights. And you know for a fact she totally meant men in general the first time, otherwise she wouldn't have said white lmao

exactly, trad thought she had her bases covered then forgot about all of history outside of retarded burger public teachings

Sexism can't be real because gender is a social construct

Boomers have to fight for their rights every day against their own wives.

Sexism does exist and it’s a good thing

U right. But Remus >>

But Remus

No lmal

Delete Twitter, delete reddit, delete social media and the internet, fuck that nigga who invented this shit I'm tired😤😩😴

Foids gonna foid lmao😂😂😂

How did the op get 80 thousand likes? Are there THAT many femcels?

Don't underestimate the power of bitter bitches on twitter

Normal, well-adjusted people don't use twitter. They shitpost on r/drama instead.

“ok femcel” actually has some pretty good drama potential to it.

I’d keep watch on this development

i'm unironically going to use this constantly whenever i see foids complain about men.

when white men had to fight for their rights let me know

White men have fought for their rights throughout history just like every other race.

Not my fault that historically my ancestors were better at it.


Why are the weebs fighting this time?

What an abuse of a Snufkin avatar. Disgusting.

when white men had to fight for their rights let me know

I’ll take the World Wars for one thousand, Alex.