China shill hub

1  2019-11-14 by ManBearFridge


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  1. China shill hub -,

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What a strange dude. Started out berniebro, ended up full sinovictim.

Very. I suppose he might be a Chinese native. Some people can't distinguish criticism of a nation's government between criticism of a nation's people.

Same shit has been going on with Russia, only no one is defending China besides the Chinese.

Chinese people are like what the Polish think Russians are like.

And 100% accurate in both cases.


Her dur ima make shit up

I'm legit scared of the Chinese nationals.

They are worse than the inbred mayos of America but above the retarded IQ line and outnumber them 10 to 1.

I know you fall within the inbred mayo retard line, but please try to focus your meth addled brain on the seriousness of days to come.

Blah blah blah they're all poor and would rather kill their own police than fight us. Everyone hates them, if it comes to war all of europe is on our side and probably south america.

Blah, mayo, mayo, mayo, mayo..

No he didn't, he just wanted them to pay more to protect them.

Well as it turns out, it might be worth the pennies you throw at your allies to make sure they stay in your pocket, huh?

Did you think the pathetic ammount of money saved would directly benefit you?

You and your kind are becoming increasingly absolute, so you can start appreciating what you are given or watch as the world descends without America leading it.

Either way we end up in the same place.

1kyae china aint got nothing on us

Every1 says the CIA is washed up, but look what they've accomplished in the last two years. Simply beautiful

I'm on a roll tonight. Declare your faith to the stars and bars or I will register you with your rightful owners.