YA author and her famous friends sperg out at college student

1  2019-11-14 by preserved_fish


ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


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Honestly can’t believe Jezebel isn’t joining in to attack the kid.

its female so they have to be careful

The only thing Jezebel writers love more than attacking men is attacking women.


You know your criticism was stupid when even Jezebel commenters think you're a petty bitch

That's then most blue checkmarks I've ever seen.

It's how you know the retardation is real!

College is traditionally a time for engaging with new ideas in order to form tastes and opinions.

When is the last time this been true

Hasn't been the same since Jan Hus got burned alive in 1415 for saying the wrong things to his students. 😀

If he'd been a more savvy prophet, he would have astroturfed r/lollardy.

If he'd lived a few decades later he would have been fucking slamming the "submit" button on a printing press.

unapologetically woke

It's what you get when you trust someone named Sigismund.

I was a liberal going into college but now I'm a tankie so I guess a couple years ago at least.

Imagine being an unironic tankie

I don't need to imagine it, I live it


You'll be in the gulags

as will all wh*tes hopefully

Of course


If to the gulags with you

Only if you come with

I'm busy trying to bring Stalin back to life

I'm willing to donate as long as you're willing to admit that he was in fact a NAZBOL

I'm actually closer to nazbol than tankie, and Stalin probably was too.

I'm just not for the white supremacists stuff

NAZBOL unfortunately attracts people that just want a welfare state for white people only. The key part is "National", not ethnic Bolshevism

Ya that's exactly why I call myself a tankie and not a nazbol. I put much more value in a unified nationality than a unified race. Plus I like Latina women too much to be a white supremacists

I'm glad someone else on this cursed subreddit appreciates thiccness

Brooke Nelson has internalized misogyny to the extent that she can see nothing of worth in books beloved by β€œteen girls"

I swear, most women I know IRL would be offended if you suggested kiddie lit was their level, but apparently becoming "well read" means dumbing yourself down.

YA is to women what capeshit is to men

Lots of women like capeshit though, like overwhelming amounts. I don’t think anyone above the 10th grade bothers reading YA.

you'd be surprised

And lots of men love YA. And they really do love YA.

I don’t think anyone above the 10th grade bothers reading YA.

YA is huuuuuuuuuuuuge with wine moms, seriously


Well isn’t that... sad.

Haven't seen this level of insecurity in a while. Won't someone think of the poor rich white woman?

seriously if you're a best selling author why the fuck do you need to group up and engage with a random kid who doesn't like your work lol how utterly pathetic

Lmao, some random college kid said something bad about her works and she gathered her army of blue checkmarks to blast the poor kid online.

And it's not even like the kid said it to her face. This woman went out of her to find this obscure statement and get offended.

Imagine if Rowling or John Green started doing this every time someone criticized their books.

Won't someone think of the poor white woman?

The ((breed)) of peace will

Won't someone think of the poor white woman?

The ((breed)) of peace will

Won't someone think of the poor white woman?

The ((breed)) of peace will

Won't someone think of the poor white woman?

The ((breed)) of peace will

"YA "literature"" read mostly read by women in their thirties.

Idk what Common Read is, but right now I'm just imagining if I got assigned a fucking YA novel in college. I'd be fucking livid.

No, it'd be interesting. You'd have to be exploring it from the perspective of a YA novel obviously (in the same way you study children's literature in university).


Sorry for disagreeing with you it shan't happen again

Good no go read the fucking Iliad

homer is two letters removed from homo

think on that. selah

That's why it's good, being gay is the only acceptable lifestyle.

there's nothing gay in the iliad though, he doesn't even bum patroklos once it's fucking bullshit. read symposium.

There's something gay in the Iliad if you're the one reading it

there'll be something gay in you if you bend over

Sorry, bae, I call dibs on top 😘

3 times in college I got assigned books I read in high school. This wasn't some shit dumpster college either. And it was the same lessons from high school too, it wasn't like "Hey remember this book you read in high school, now we're gonna look at it from a different perspective." It was "Hey here's this book, some of you may have read it, some of you may not have, let's do the same shit you did 2 years ago"

Fuck that shit. Unironically I'd tactfully just ask why we're reading children's books in college

I made a comment about Night and the english professor was none to thrilled with me about questioning why we were reading and studying a 10th grade book.

I didn't say anything about the other two because it wasn't worth it.

Is Night a 10th grade level book, though? I'm actually asking cause I only know that it's a Holocaust book and it's pretty highly regarded, but I don't know much else.

I can see there being a few times where a high level book sometimes assigned to highschoolers could spill over into college, for instance Shakespeare is still worth reading in college, even though you can understand it to a good degree in highschool.

I mean, I read it in 10th grade and retained most of the knowledge of the book when re-reading it in college.

Fair enough, tbh I'd have to read it personally to be able to speak with any authority on it.

internalized misogyny


College is too old to be reading ya novels.

YA fiction seemed to be a bottomless well of incredibly cruel and petty drama. This is what arrested development causes.

This is honestly the dumbest controversy ever.

Sometimes people don't like you books. It's okay. They're not for everybody. Grow a tougher skin and move on.

Hahahaha the book chosen by the college student instead of YA fiction was...

Just Mercy, a book about the historical oppression of hip hop Americans. It was in the article immediately after the mayofoid's crop.


Glad that it blew up in her face. Lmao.