Linsey Graham: lmao what Armenian genocide?

1  2019-11-14 by Wraith_GraveSpell


The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Linsey Graham: lmao what Armenian g... -,

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He’s trying to get the coveted Young Turks vote

More like he wants to bump some young turks.

Change your “vote” to bump and my joke works

How will they react to this? We agree with him, but he is still wrong?

This went over my head, would you mind explaining? You're talking about the YouTube channel right?

Yes. The main dude on there is an ardent Armenian Genocide denier

Holy shit you aren't kidding. I just googled it. Wow. Thanks for the reply.

Graham objected to passing the resolution in the Senate, saying senators shouldn't "sugarcoat history or try to rewrite it."  Graham added that he was objecting "not because of the past but because of the future." 

Literally what the fuck is he even talking about lmao you dont want to rustle king erdogans jimmies just say it you cuck

Graham objected to passing the resolution in the Senate, saying senators shouldn't "sugarcoat history or try to rewrite it." 

Dont sugarcoat history. also the ottoman empire totally wasn't trying to wipe out the Kardashian's.

On second thought, let's just move on. they could have saved us from so much

If the Armenian genocide actually happened then why are there so many butthurt Armenians constantly whining about it. Obviously it wasn't even a decent genocide. Also it happened 100 years ago. Like OK boomer. Get over it.

The Armenian genocide didn't happen, and even if it did, that's a good thing. They gave us Anita Sarkeesian, the Kardashians, Maddox, and Cher. The only thing we could have missed out on is a few good System of a Down songs.

Conan’s assistant Sonia is Armenian I like her

She's cute and seems fun.

and gets railed by 10 black guys every night

based and pilled


Get rekt, fakefanfag, her name is SONA

If they were that whiny back then I could understand why the turks attempted it in the first place.

Oy vey

If only the Turks could have started emigrating to Germany sooner.

promised to "establish a history commission."

I’m sure there will be absolutely zero historical scholars on this commission.

Nor should there be. It should be only redditors and no one else

this is going to make for an interesting young turks video

"This fascist far right person that we disagree with, we're agreeing with him right now. BUT, we're going to disagree with the way that he agreed with us because he's a Republican. Now onto Jeff with the weather."

At this point you have to assume that world leaders pass around his kiddie sex tape the same way high school kids pass around the address of a secret party.

Imagine being an ally to the fucking dirty ass Turks

Yeah but they had no issues conquering the balkans, which really says a lot about serbs.

"The Turks were just as oppressed under the Ottomans as anyone else."

Okay, so you'll acknowledge the Ottoman genocide of the Armenians?

"Shut up PKKK Gulenist terrörist"

no issues conquering the balkans

Dracula and Skanderbeg kicked ass though?

The infestation spreads!

Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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what a gay fag

What a spinless twat