Asian tries acting white

1  2019-11-14 by XhotwheelsloverX


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Asian tries acting white -,

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this shooting is in the district where Katie Hill (congresswoman whose nudes were leaked) was elected.

she tweeted the article

people are mocking her in the replies to an announcement of a mass shooting during a mass shooting


and here

and a bunch more but i'm not gonna get them


Ummm yikerinos yikes yikes yikes!!! lots to unpack here folx. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Give your money to black trans women.

Pretty based, tbh

to see yet another school shooting on television, and then to go about my work day as usual feels like an absolute dereliction of humanity and responsibility. it's going to take a general strike to end this madness.

As if this moid wasn't a neet already

I don’t feel sad that I don’t feel sad about children dying

time for a general strike


One b of the most prolific school shootings in the US was done by a Korean guy who was going for the high score.

Let's face it, Asians are pretty much mayos.

Cho was great. Especially his “you snobs” manifesto. Rip

Was he the one who had made newgrounds cartoons of school shootings?

All I remember was they uncovered short stories he wrote about pedophilia

Are you thinking of randy stair?

Dude went Chostal

And with a 9mm and Walther P22, no less. Typical immigrants taking American jobs.

Asians are mayos with higher intelligence stats but lower physical ones

also they are known as bananas


One of the most prolific school shootings in the US was done by a Korean guy who was going for the high score.

Like most things in life, asians are just better at it.

Theyre good at improving existing tech. Creativity isn't quite there yet. Too process oriented.

basketball Americans already call them mayos, so maybe embrace once it the mayos agree. Idk

Well that's partially because they started shooting at future astronauts who kept shoplifting and holding up stores.

is he the guy who took the cool selfies with the pistols or am i thinking of another one

Asians ARE honorary mayos. There is a reason Hapas can become supreme gentlemen so easily.

Elliot was defeated by a locked door lol

Dude killed more moids than foids

What a complete failure


Boo hoo


It was just a matter of time before it happened here

Somebody get to it before you bud?


Who cares?


Womp womp

A bloo bloo bloo


Zoomers OUT


California should try gun control smh

Didn't the gunman know it was illegal?

Nope. No one told him.

That's a darn shame.

Thank god we didn't just have a shooting in El Paso. Too many good guys with guns for that to happen.

They should get some gun control also

Sounds like we need to arm our taco brothers and sisters.

The only thing that scares mayos more than gun control is legally armed melanin-americans

tbf I live in Idaho and the whiteards here fall all over themselves to talk about how much they love Colion Noir. #blacked

What? I don't watch anime, bud.

That pic is bad ass


Both the Black Panthers and the Bundy Militia did absolutely nothing wrong.

Based & radically centrist-pilled


Guns weren't allowed in the area. A black guy literally ran to his car to get his gun lmao.

This cultural appropriation shall not be tolerated

2:1 odds he's an incel

"... it turns out that whites and blacks are pretty proportionate to their population, very close," said Dave Cullen, author of the book "Columbine," which tells the story of the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School

"Latinos are almost nowhere to be seen," Cullen told CNN's "New Day." "Asians continue to be heavily overrepresented -- more than 2½ times their size in the population."

more than 2½ times their size in the population

Latinx underrepresentation in yet ANOTHER facet of society 😒

"Latinos are almost nowhere to be seen," Cullen told CNN's "New Day."

That would require showing up for school.

Wait is this using the fbi definition or the phony one where only shootings where like 15+ people die. There's no way asians are over represented in the proper normal government definition.

everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle


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Gender of peace strikes again


why dont jannies ban for amp posting anymore?