This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.
Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.
Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-11-14
This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.
Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.
Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 newcomer_ts 2019-11-14
So, fake news is now normalized?
It's like a disclaimer of sorts.
1 boyoyoyoyong 2019-11-14
Glad to see they're acknowledging it. Also 1 kill those are rookie numbers
1 [deleted] 2019-11-14
1 SpaceMonkeyPolice2 2019-11-14
This was racially motivated
1 Lysis10 2019-11-14
The shooter should use the slogan "Sending mayos to Mayo."
1 [deleted] 2019-11-14
1 imemeonyou3 2019-11-14
Hapa uprising?
1 [deleted] 2019-11-14
1 MoistLanguage 2019-11-14
St Eliot the Supreme gentlemen sends his regards
1 FearOfBees 2019-11-14
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-11-14
Seriously, quit giving the rookies all this fame
1 CucksLoveTrump 2019-11-14
Reminder that this shooting is an alt-right plant to distract you from the impeachment
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-11-14
That’s the most logical conclusion
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-11-14
Stop them before they kill us all
1 BussyShillBot 2019-11-14
Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.
I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues
1 pnw_1776pt2 2019-11-14
Santa Clarita Die-t
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-11-14