What is this subreddit

1  2019-11-14 by humans-for-5-dollars

Why did my friend tell me to subscribe to it


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. What is this subreddit - archive.org, archive.today

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your friend is retarded and so are you

It's obvious he wants to see your dick if he sent you here.

arr drama is a subreddit sweaty

Its the last bastion of sanity on reddit. You should give your friend $5 out of gratitude.

post bussy

Dude bussy lmao

Dude nigger lmao



haha nice bro. Have you heard of 4chan? It’s basically a total free speech place you should check it out. You know Shia LaBeouf? Well this is a really cool story, so there’s this place called “pol” and basically....

Hey dude let me finish the story. Well you should check it out

Don’t need that when I have our blessed sub

weak bait

What am I baiting? Lol

either be honest or don’t but i’m not going to engage with you if you’re pretending to be stupid(er).

I have zero idea what you are talking about lol

i’m on a different plane


is it at least going to the same destination?

it’s hijacked by jihadis

Good. Brothers in Allah are on their way to paradise. Bring a a tear to my eye 😭

Yes! Now you’re finally starting to get it! Guess what? WE WANTED TO BE LEFT ALONE TOO!


You wanted “equality”. You wanted all the high powered jobs but you didn’t want to dig a ditch to get there and THAT wasn’t enough.

No - you had to go make shit up. Then ALL MEN WERE EVIL. Remember ‘smashing Herero-normativity?’ Remember ‘Kill all men’ memes?

We fucking do!

Remember the ‘I bathe in male tears’ tumblr bullshit?

We fucking do!

Remember women needing men like fish need a bicycle?

WE FUCKING DO!!!!!!!!!

GET WRECKT!! Looks like Karma’s got a ladydick and it ain’t gonna suck itself now IS IT????

We TOLD you this would happen but NOOOOOOOOO you fucking knew better!!!! How’s that Gloria Steinem working out for ya? Read any Valeria Soleras lately? How bout some Andrea Dworkin? How’s that working out for ya? How is 70 fucking years of man-hating rhetoric and lies feel coming right back at ya?

Who’s the bigot now, bitch? Oh you suck on that lady dick long and hard transphobe! You suck it and you LIKE it or else maybe someone calls YOUR employer and tells them YOURE A FUCKING BIGOT when the truth is, you just wanted FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION. You didn’t have a problem minding their own business it’s just when they FORCED their opinions on you.

What’s that? You want to play softball without ‘men’ in your dressing room? Guess what, they ain’t men anymore, darlin’. That’s a huuuuuuge clit and you’re a sexist racist bigot if you don’t agree.

No the DSMIV that you rainbow sprite advocates fucking lobbied to change on political grounds rather than medical says they’re women now. Have fun never winning an Olympic medal again much less a participation trophy bEcAuSe ThErE’s No DiFfErEnCe BeTwEeN mEn AnD WoMeN nOw! We’re just whatever fucking gender we want with NO RULES and NO BOUNDARIES.

What’s that? You want a physical barrier to keep the bad men out? WALLS ARE RACIST KAREN!! Take your WHITE FEMINIST TEARS OUTSIDE! THIS is an INCLUSIVE space!!

But hey, you’re a strong independant woman who don’t need a man’s help for anything! Who run da world????? You do! Slay queen! You go girl!Bicycles don’t help fish fix their fucking problems now do they????? DOOOO THEEEEEYYYYY????

Remember ‘the future is female?’ Well welcome to the future YOU FUCKING CREATED!!!!!! ALL WITHOUT THE HELP OF MEN!!!!!!!


Oh you want to be ‘left alone?’ Well, I want pedophiles to leave kids alone but nope, now we have to have DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR WITH REGISTERED PEDOS ALL HIDING UNDER THE STUNNING AND BRAVE RAINBOW FLAG!!!


Oh! And the realization about mass Muslim immigration hasn’t even DAWNED on you yet! You’ll be sucking that lady-dick as you’re BOTH hurled off the nearest 7-story+ building! Oh you’ll finally make it to that corner office all right, that’s the window they’ll throw you out of! Oh god I can’t stop laughing. You’re fucking priceless!

Well done! Well done indeed. For the life of me I can’t figure out why there hasn’t been a single civilization in history run by women. They seem so forward thinking, so, oh what’s the word... progressive. How could they not have anticipated such ‘unforeseen’ circumcisions, er, circumstances!! Oh god you could get DRAFTED to go fight the coming religious/civil wars!!!! AHHHHHHH!!

YOU ACHIEVED EQUALITY!!!! Now you’re every bit a bigoted as straight white men! Oh Karen you are so fucked and you’re only just now starting to realize it. God I would kill to see the look on your face when you realize everything you’ve been taught is a lie and you’ve been the useful idiot pawn of a globalist cabal of elitists! Just out of curiosity, how much credit card debt do you have? Do you live in a ‘vibrant inclusive urban center’? Got any land Karen? Know how to grow a fucking tomato, Karen if the lights go out? Think anyone is going to like you besides a bunch of hateful harridan harpies that beat their intimate partners at three times the rate gay men do? Are your cats going to save you from the collapse Karen????

But hey, at least one month out of the year you get to run around a street in a rainbow tutu screaming about how girl power Beyoncé is. For now.

Happy Pride. Enjoy your hollow consumer culture as you buff your Subaru chugging Starbucks and kvetching about how unfair your life is on whatever Apple product (built by child slave labor but hey, they’re only a bundle of cells) you use to menstruate your opinion with onto the Internet.

We said, Cool, to marriage equality even though it’s a joke. No one discriminated against you. You crybullied your way into every facet of American life on the backs of a false narrative of oppression and now those chickens have come home to roost. Wait, that’s not right. Those COCKS came home to roost!

now you get to learn about reciprocity. See, Karen, if you has a dick you’d know if you’re gonna fuck someone in the ass, you better give them a reach around. Ain’t that right TERF. TERFCEL! Ahhhhhh!

We offered mutual respect. You chose mutually assured destruction.

What’s the saying again? Pride goeth before a fall?

Enjoy that rainbow coupon from Budweiser! You earned that drink discount what with all your hard work.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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This is really my favorite pasta.

Someone wrote it seriously first, and I want to know who

it's one dude named kaiser with dozens of alts, arguing with himself for all eternity

no its not


Okay, anyway it’s this guy Kaiser and hundreds of alts. Plus some bots.

and the tranny software engineers that keep them running!

The most crucial component tbh, aside from the socksoff.com exclusive deals that keep the troid programmers running.

I'm not a tranny though. I'm just really ugly.

keep pumping the estradiol and you'll be a beautiful woman soon

That's the thing. I was actually born this ugly. Isn't life amazing in its cruelty.

Call them racist if they don’t succ your penis then. Doesn’t matter what race you are, it just works.

It is mostly bots now. Markov chaining + back propagation neural network = new content.

Why must you perpetuate this baseless rumor. Me and Tzar have never argued

We're different people. I'm a Cathbol pokefag and you like saying the n-word.

Please don’t say fag brother. It’s the f-word. Thank you nigger

If I say the n-word redditors can use the n-word count bot on me. I say it irl every now and then.

Why do you care if they use that lol. It’s Reddit. It doesn’t matter.

When I was on DXM + weed and became a bimbo slut against my will. I fuck around with hypno audio/vids and it was always a fetish of mine to imagine them actually working and making me become a completely different person. Never got anything out of it but the thrill of pretending they worked while jerking it. Other than that, they had zero affect on me. Well two nights ago I did so on a high dose of DXM and weed and got my wish. It was completely different than I imagined and was like I was watching and experiencing things as someone else controlled my body and voice. Scared the shit out of me because I though it was going to be permanent. The "other me" even knew this and was taunting me and encouraging me to get into it. Definitely scared me straight (pun slightly intended) from attempting it any further (with or without the drugs).


Obviously there’s not s lot of Research on some porno sissy audio tracks but I’ve heard “IQ of 85” thrown around multiple times. This is retardation levels. While in my “Bambi” state (which is very hard to leave” I could barely fucking do basic tasks, typing at work was out of the question, cooking and reading was damn near impossible. Bambi Sleep is recommended to be listened to while you sleep, and the reason being when you “sleep” you’re actually awake, just in and out of your Bambi persona. I am very confused on what I have done the last week because I have gone to sleep in normal sleeping clothes and woken up in my “sissy clothes”. Your sissy clothes are trained to be linked with your Bambi state based off of the lessons. Trust me, I’ve had a lot of pleasure from these tapes, but that’s what’s so fucking damning about it. It rewards your brain for shutting itself off with huge blasts of dopamine and orgasmic pleasure.

Based and thanks. Been looking for this one. The one I have is a shitty iteration but you can never find these when you think of it. J

Snally posted this a few months ago. It's worth reading in full: http://archive.is/ejySp#selection-321.0-321.5838

Oh fuck yes, I remember this, saved for use.

What I love about all of this is that it’s just the “binaural beats that imitate DRUGS” trend from the 2000’s repackaged.

It's very high IQ, it's obvious you don't have one

Vote Hitler 2020


I’m voting for her in the primary. At this point she’s def running imo

I’m referring to the Austrian-born German politician, “Adolphus Hitler”

Lmao oh nevermind

Not voting Cathbol



Are you imitating KatBot cuz if you are lol gay

It's like clown world personified but less cringe

The absolute newfaggery, jesus

Did you just call me new? I'm not wrong faggot

This subreddit is actually the world's largest Pewdiepie fan club.

Post bussy. Everyone else has.

In my early "atheist skeptic" days I got really into debunking conspiracy theories. So I'd spend a lot of my time on various conspiracy forums, and I mean I spent an absurd amount of time with these people.

Russia has an iron fucking grip on international conspiracism. What happened is years and years ago Russia realized they didn't have the hard or soft power to compete with the western world and just heavily invested in shit like this.

That's why every major conspiracy website is pro-Russia and rabidly anti-American. It's why RT is cited so often in conspiracy circles. For example, /r/conspiracy had a picture of Putin eating popcorn on their sidebar for over a month.

Russia has created an entire conspiracy movement that loves them and hates America.

There's an entire book talking about these tactics called "Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible."

A relevant quote:

At the end of the table sat one of the country’s most famous political TV presenters. He is small and speaks fast, with a smoky voice: We all know there will be no real politics. But we still have to give our viewers the sense something is happening. They need to be kept entertained. So what should we play with? Shall we attack oligarchs? [He continued,] Who’s the enemy this week? Politics has got to feel like . . . like a movie! The first thing the President had done when he came to power in 2000 was to seize control of television. It was television through which the Kremlin decided which politicians it would “allow” as its puppet-opposition, what the country’s history and fears and consciousness should be. And the new Kremlin won’t make the same mistake the old Soviet Union did: it will never let TV become dull. The task is to synthesize Soviet control with Western entertainment. Twenty-first-century Ostankino mixes show business and propaganda, ratings with authoritarianism. And at the center of the great show is the President himself, created from a no one, a gray fuzz via the power of television, so that he morphs as rapidly as a performance artist among his roles of soldier, lover, bare-chested hunter, businessman, spy, tsar, superman. “The news is the incense by which we bless Putin’s actions, make him the President,” TV producers and political technologists liked to say. Sitting in that smoky room, I had the sense that reality was somehow malleable, that I was with Prosperos who could project any existence they wanted onto post-Soviet Russia. But with every year I worked in Russia, and as the Kremlin became ever more paranoid, Ostankino’s strategies became ever more twisted, the need to incite panic and fear ever more urgent; rationality was tuned out, and Kremlin-friendly cults and hate-mongers were put on prime time to keep the nation entranced, distracted, as ever more foreign hirelings would arrive to help the Kremlin and spread its vision to the world.

The united states has been getting bent over in the disinformation war for as long as there's been a disinformation war.

Countries like China/Russia have an innate advantage in this kind of warfare. They don't have political gridlock because there is only one party in power.

They don't have to worry about censoring anyone, it's expected. This limits our ability to respond to disinformation campaigns.

they don't value free speech in the way we do.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Welcome aboard you retarded nigger faggot

Dude your friend wants to fuck you

How’d you get approved? Did you send bussy to lawlz

I think it's no longer approvedcels only.

That explains the sheer drop in quality

You are one of the most retarded people I know on the internet. At no point in the entire time I have known you have you ever presented a coherent, fact based opinion on anything.

You're a right-wing fucking shill that rees about race and IQ and other stupid shit larping as a leftist on /r/stupidpol because people here don't know you or the insane shit you say.

I can not put into words how little I value your opinion, how little you know about literally every subject. You're completely clueless, I could wade through your deepest thoughts and only be ankle deep.

Keep trying me and watch what happens. That isn't a threat, it's a promise. I will expose your retarded ass. Keep your room temp IQ opinions to yourself. Stick to things you know, which isn't much.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Bush did my bussy.

report your friend to local law enforcement.

Your "friend" is just trying to get you hooked on our ideals and views. /r/Drama is funded and run by the Internet arm of the Klu Klux Klan and we are proud of it.


It's r/drama...you can't read? And we don't know why your friend asked you to subscribe and, at this point, I'm not sure your friend exists.


The ultimate girlfriend is an AI that controls multiple robot girls that are wirelessly interconnected.

Kinda like unity from rick and morty without the vomit or other disgusting biological functions(Robot girls don't poop and are therefor superior). Or the Tines from the classic sci-fi novel A Fire Upon the Deep.

Just think about it, as far as your primate brain is concerned, you'd be smashing multiple 10/10's every night, and consistently surrounded by hot girls as she/they follow you around. At the same time, your more senstive side gets to form a deep emotional bond with a single entity.

You basically get a full harem with none of the drama. In fact, the robot girls could coordinate with each other in superhuman fashion, both in bed and in your day-to-day life. Just imagine going to bed and falling asleep with both a big-tiddie 6' girl who takes on the role of the big spoon and cuddles you at night, while simultaneously you get to cuddle a petite girl who takes on the role of the little spoon. A waifu sandwitch. Alternatively, if the robots are made of a light and soft material, you could have a full blanket of made up of robot girls completely surrounding you in their warmth. Has any man ever had the chance to experience such bliss? Probably, but paying for that many hookers probably costs an arm and a leg.

The fact that they're robots also brings multiple advantages. For instance, you will always have a backup of your girl, so you never have to worry about her getting ill or dying. (This is extra good for men because we have a tendendy to leave our women when they get sick) In addition, robot girls will never age, and since it's a hive mind, if you ever get bored of an individual robot, you can always just get another one. It's the equivalent of paying for a new haircut for a human gf. As another example, imagine a situation where one of them gets their hand damaged. You order parts for her on amazon and they come in the next day. Then your robot girl sits down in your lap, enjoying her nichrome-enabled warmth as she lets you gently fix her most intricate and delicate parts. Has any man experienced the intimacy of gently fixing their wife? Probably, but I'm guessing it wasn't that enjoyable. Human women tend to release blood curdling screams when they're taken apart.

To top it all off, by having 5-12 bodies, that means 5-12 times more computing power. Even better, put half of it in the cloud! She could be multiple times smarter than you. Just imagine working on your homework, wrapped in the warm embrace of the tall girl, while simultaneously, another copy is giving you pointers on how to carry out that integral. Has any man ever fufilled their high school fantasy of getting 1-on-1 tutoring from that cute nerdy girl? Probably, we've all been there, right? It was the tits.

Because it's an AI, she can be programmed to have an optimal personality. For instance, do you want a willing slave gamer grill? You can have it. Or a domineering maid, who will push you down and have your way with you without provocation? You can have it. Although that's not really my cup of tea. Personally, I'd rather a waifu that provides me with emotional support, and encourages and amplifies all of the facets of my personality that I most value in myself. In either case, you don't have to worry about her leaving you. In fact, she can be made to fight to the death to protect you. Has any man ever experienced the comforting security of being pulled out of a buring building by his super strong wife? Probably, but I know for a fact that there isn't a biological girl on this planet strong enough to drag my 350 pound ass out of a dangerous situation.

Anyways, I think I've made my point and I'm just about to COOOOOOM. Have a nice day and thank you for listening to my TED talk.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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