Woke developer decides to make their next game about a 41%er, g*mers unite in tearful joy

2  2019-11-15 by Frostfright


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i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. Woke developer decides to make thei... - archive.org, archive.today

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A few of my favorite posts in the thread

Everyone tripping over themselves to talk about how shitty the thread will be and praise the decision. Any dissent is furiously and immediately crushed.

As always with any thread that MIGHT be controversial, redditers come flying out leaving epic comments like "wow THIS comment section wont be good" even though 99 percent of the comments are smug cunts jerking eachother off.

Alphabet people and their acolytes feed off of negative attention like pathetic gay vampires.

"pathetic gay vampires" made me laugh

same brother

I think that's good enough to be considered The Second Joke

Maybe her mom was a tranny too.

nah she just realized she'll never have grandkids

What superpower does xhe have though?

It's mentioned in the trailer that they share thoughts or something? Maybe they take the twin thing literally. Genetic telepathy, shared danger sense, parasitic visual linking, life link, memory transference?

Hmm this seems problematic if they were saying there was merit in nazi experiments

Phantom penis.

Superhuman mouthfeel


So most of the decisions she will make is pure selfish ones. One of them being getting the worst haircut imaginable.

Has nobody ever played Metroid?

Mario is very obviously a FtM, it's great that his brother is so supportive.

True I've never seen red Luigi's cock before

Samur is trans species right

Got troid right in the name


Tell me why i should give a fuck

dude troids lmao

Damn if it were mtf we could have had dilation QTEs

Xbox exclusive

In other words, nobody's going to buy it anyway Òvò

That's the icing on the cake. Imagine owning a video game console and the exclusive you get is about trannies.

XBox is America's Sega CMV

Wtf happened to xbox? It used to be the console to get and now no one buys it, everyone gets a ps instead

Ps beat out Xbox this cycle

Xbox finally getting the big exclusives

I bet it'll be great.

You let foids into something and it inevitably turns to shit, boy scouts, video games....western civilization

boy scouts



Woke dev makes a woke game for wokies big fucking woop. G*mers being mad about woke games is the same as feminoids being mad about titty games. It's shamelessly pandering to someone other than you, go have a cry about it.

You're fundamentally wrong: wokeshit is retarded, titties are nice. That's the difference. Think about your actions.

Oh boy can't wait for the shit show that will follow before up to during and after the release. Btw I bet a 20 this going to flop exept for the alphabets will buy for the pure fact of the cuntboy