Europoors project their countries irrelevance by attacking low hanging American fruit

1  2019-11-15 by 1-900-FREE-AIDS


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  1. Europoors project their countries i... -,

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I hated that. Tax being added to everything you had no idea how much anything cost! I remember grabbing a drink in a shop (was just under $2), going up to pay with what I thought was the correct amount, and it was some stupid amount like $2.06. Instead of paying my $2 and leaving the change, I didn't have coins so paid with a $20 instead. If it costs that amount - just tell me the final price on the shelf rather than everything being a mystery price!

It’s like really not that complicated unless you are retarded but they are Europoor so they probably are.

"I'd rather pay a sticker price of $3.50 than pay $2+tax! Stupid Americans!"

-europorr logic

Most European VAT taxes are around 20%. If I were charging consumers an extra 20% on shit, I'd want to hide that as much as I could.

God damn Hungary taxes 26% of everything. Holy fuck that lmao. No wonder they are so pissed off all the time. They are paying 26% tax on everything! I’d be pissed too. Then you have to pay like 60% income tax. Wow no wonder they are so angry.

Yeah but......””free”” health care

Funny how so many of them still end up moving here for the job opportunity.

Burger COPEx24