Wherein I get "who hurt you"'d by a chapo who is confused by basic biology on a four month old post.

1  2019-11-15 by Pinksister


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Wherein I get "who hurt you"'d by a... - archive.org, archive.today

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Right to the bone.

😭😭😭I weep when Snappy is on point and his advanced AI efforts are not recognized 😭😭😭

AI has gone too far

It's a highschool kid lol. Sometimes I forget that most redditors are literal children

Highschool kid and a commie larper? Color me PoC


y'all have any ideas for high school praxis (self.ChapoTrapHouse)

anything and everything. trying to figure out how to radicalise my peers with as little time commitment on my part as possible because i'm in my final year :)

you can smell the grease emanating from this post

lmfao hiking through some stranger kid's post history but they're the greasy one sure ffs y'all need to log off

says the one commenting on a 4 month old drama thread, yikes sweaty.

i commented directly to the person i have an issue with in response to their transphobia, they respond by posting their argument for validation. y'all seriously need to log off

Imagine thinking transphobia is illogical.

Nice flair

Chapo posting things that could have been generated by a chapo bot, telling people to log off. Never gets old.

Transphobia isn't real as phobias are irrational fears or hatreds.

Glad I could help you sort that one out.





Remember to upvote the lolcow

The only thing more pathetic than the mouthbreathing retards of r/drama is people who get goaded into actually interacting with them. Checkmate 😎

which one of your parental figures abuses you


Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the Lolcow road

I'm gonna ping 'til I can't no more

I'm gonna take my horse to the Lolcow road

I'm gonna ping 'til I can't no more

I got the Lolcows in the back

Laughtrack is attached

Coping levels maxed

Get them seething just to match

My life is a movie

Shitposting and trussy

Centrism running through me

Trappy blasts my bussy

I'm gonna ping 'til I can't no more

Trappy blasts my bussy

Too soon 😢

We all want her back😭


nigga, do you even have a y-word pass?


every time



10 to 1 odds that you using that phrase is cultural appropriation.

Transwomen can't be women so they settle for being huge pussies.





Your not black just because the bull sometimes lets you prep him before he enters your live in gf. If she wasn’t so ugly or if you had even a little facial hair the bull wouldn’t need your help. Remember that next time you say yall

Zoomer get off the internet.


> unironic y'all-posting

/r/drama right again 😑

Black people are not gonna let you and your family live if theirs a communist uprising

Imagine if you had spent your last year among your high school friends trying to use them as tools to advance an abortion of an ideology lol

how to radicalise my peers with as little time commitment on my part as possible

Does anyone know some shortcuts for manipulating people into joining my cult?

hi y'all would you care to hate on me to my face?

Lol imagine thinking troids are real lol


Yeah you exist, but as a disgusting, mutilated, unlovable man.


Hoes mad

oh god i've been Rekt

Young'un, in my day we called it "Shrekt". That's because of a little cultural phenomenon, long before your time, we used to call Shrek. Never heard of it? Maybe look it up. Learn a thing or two.

Ahhh sure I now THAT was a meme. We always used to come up with great memes back then. These children really ruined the internet with their "socialism". Real socialism caused the deaths of millions back then... Now socialism is giving us these terrible slang words like "rekt". This is honestly just more proof as to why only Republicans over the age of 30 should just use the internet.

Not rekt, we've just lovingly massaged your lolcow tits to give us the spergmilk only a select few like yourself can provide to bussylovers like ourselves. Please stick around.

Hoes get paid because they have worth

I think you need a ride to school. Don't worry hop in my 🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁.

calls people immature

still in high school

Look kid I know a lot that you don't... I'm just gonna say this..... Grow up. GROW UP. You may think you know it all... Hell you might even know it all, but you should just stop insulting your elders like this... Youre really making a fool out of someone here.... And it ain't us... ITS YOU

OK, boomer.

Hmph thats a real funny phrase ya got there kid.... Wanna know What my generation has? Thats right. EXPRIENCE. say it with me now. EXPRIENCE. My grandparents fought in the shores of Normandy so I know exactly what I'm talking about. Kids these days are so disrespectful. I blame it on your phone's.... None of you high schoolers ever had to deal with self control or REAL STRUGGLE.

Your boomerposting is art

It's trangry.



Why do you have a picture of some jap? Do you wanna be her or somethin'?? 🤔

stop y’all posting


I can't wait until you start paying rent


You just shit your pants in public, pal.

You see my flair? I’ve been noticing feminine hogs since you were wearing diapers. Never talk to me or my trans cuties ever again. 😡😤

Imagine reading about the failures of communism in high school, deciding "akshually it was not real communism 😎", trying to "convert" your classmates to the true communism™, crawling through months old drama threads about your support group subreddit, proceeding to play buzzword bingo with some rando in that thread and then proceeding to call people laughing at you immature. 🤣🤣🤣

The literal child says, failing to note the irony

I like the bit where you call for help against an actual child.

Made my day.

Help, help, I've been y'all'd!

Lol imagine getting called a bigot. How will nonchapocel-cels ever recover.

This sub is infested with lolcow downvoters. Who hurt all of you?

The last time Democrat’s were this mad, republicans were freeing the slaves!

Haha you really got him good! What most of these neo-socialist don't understand is that LEFTIST ARE THE REAL RACIST. Have You ever seen a Republican in black face? No you havent because REPUBLICANS ARENT RACIST EVERY TIME A PHOTO GETS REVEALED OF A POLITICIAN IN BLACK FACE THEYRE A LEFTIST.


le /r/drama armie has arrived!

My panties are on backwards again.

Cope Seethe Cope Cope Seethe.

Chapo the eternal police. Going back in your comments like a cop. Too see who’s broken the unwritten law of blow dads