Clueless mayotard asks SRS if wh*tes are people or not

1  2019-11-15 by ElonMuskarr


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Clueless mayotard asks SRS if wh*te... -,

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Are these people just trying to prove /pol/ is right? What the hell?

/pol/ is never right because contrary to what the "haha /pol/ is so diverse actually" memes may have you believe, /pol/ is filled with wh*te "people", and wh*te "people" can never be right.

The standard for who's considered white in /pol/ is so narrow, nobody there is actually white.

SRS doesnt have any people.

Oh sweet summer child...


If yall wanna go for a ride, look though that top commenters profile (dutchess prussia dude). Literally the 41% meme personified lmao

Theyre also as toxic as they are obtuse, so you dont have to feel bad while they cry about how mean the world is

mayocide when?

Edit: Banned for 3 days for this comment lmao Eat shit Reddit admins, you fucking pussies

Lmao srdines are truly the most oppressed demographic. Imagine getting canned for saying an arr drama idiom. 🐟🐟🥫🥫

Everyone in that thread is white btw

The whites will not recover from this. It's finally over for the mayos


How does a subreddit of 130k tards only manage to produce one or two posts a day?

they were pretty big in their heyday