Moids reeeeee over foid for suggesting hygiene products be 'free'

1  2019-11-15 by TheBestEagle


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Women should just mass free bleed across the country.

Men would approving free pads and tampons with in 2 months.

Meme this idea into the femisphere, then sell red oval stickers you can put on your ass as a statement. Up close they'd have some tiny white text about gender injustice but you have to be up close to read it.

lol yeah we should all shit our pants until the government gives us all free toilet paper too thats a sane thing to do

Everyone gets diapers to piss and shit in too for free or else the entirety of America becomes the streets of Delhi.

All of these arguments are easily countered by changing the conversation to menstrual cups. Foids must share their opinions on menstrual cups and you can Harold Hill your way out as they lose the ability to focus on anything else.

I donate heavily to women’s shelters

Who does that?

Seriously, have you ever heard someone, not just donate to women shelters but, heavily. Like, it's not enough to signal doing something so unusual but adding that adjective to drive the nail of charitable empathy so deep you can expect her to eventually end up in that shelter bc she's out of coin.

Free? Nothing in life is free commie thats socialism

if you cant afford that shit bunch up some old rags or plug it up with a handful of dirt what am i your keeper

100% of the population shits, but toilet paper isn't free. Let's focus on something for all of us and then we'll get to you, ladies.