/r/ItsAFetish is now a confirmed “yikes you post in X” subreddit. How the might have fallen.

1  2019-11-16 by TheBigDogAteMyAss


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How did it come to this?

Radfems, which are somehow even more obnoxious than normal w*men.

So true. Was banned from there for being a white man.


I mean tbf white people should be banned from the internet.

You're what's wrong with society.

The only thing white "people" invented was skin cancer.

Damn, got us. Any other white haters here?

Just because some mayo made something doesn't mean mayos deserve to have it.

Where are your parents?

oh look, someone who happens to have your skin colour did something, that means it's a personal accomplishment for you too !!!

This is what opening the approvedcel gates has wrought.

You calling me a nazi retard? Do the world a favor and kill yourself

ok incel

Stranger on the internet calling me an incel, damn you got me. The retard's response to anything they don't agree with is "incel." Please fuck off and die. You're a waste of space on this earth.

ok, incel.

have sex.

You sound like the incel here.

nice comeback, incel.

The fucking irony of that statement.



Kids kids. As far as your parents are concerned, you're both disappointments.

yeah but i get laid.

Fucking 40 year old bar flies is not a challenge

i agree, which is why i have sex with attractive women in my age range.

Sure you do

ok incel

You actually have a mental disability. Get help.





Learn to spell tard

You got it, virgin.

Damn you called me a virgin. I’m hurt. It’s funny that the people who call others virgins are the real ones themselves.

Hilarious observation, you person who is unable get sexual intercourse.

You should learn how to form a coherent sentence before trying to have a conversation.

NASA injected me with alien extraterresterial DNA as a kid and subjected me to mind control experiments done by the US government. Because I broke free from my mind controlling then I've been having NASA and the CIA after me but the FBI wants me to work for them as a special agent against NASA and sent me a message and signals that they want me to become a special agent so I applied for a job as an FBI special agent and I'm waiting to hear back.

NASA injected me with alien extraterresterial DNA as a kid and subjected me to mind control experiments done by the US government. Because I broke free from my mind controlling then I've been having NASA and the CIA after me but the FBI wants me to work for them as a special agent against NASA and sent me a message and signals that they want me to become a special agent so I applied for a job as an FBI special agent and I'm waiting to hear back.

I’m in my mid 20s making six figures, big disappointment for sure.

You also get into slap fights on reddit

First time for everything

By the way you're fucking racist, oh wait, you can't be racist against white people.

Now you get it.

This but it's banned from the future by miscegenation.

you deserved it and should be banned from here too

Mayoids RAUS

Incredibly based.

Women literally can’t enjoy anything. Like bitch youre a group dedicated to laughing at trannys stop acting like you can do the whole “yikes sweaty” shit. lmao.

Women can enjoy things but the one's who never get laid cannot.

Daily reminder that literally the only reason someone chooses to transition from male to female is their inability to cope with their failure as a masculine figure. Imagine the Lord God, the Almighty, bestowing manhood upon you and fail at simply being. Absolutely disgusting.

I miss trappy every day.


Trappy flew away from here as soon as she got rid of her balls. Coincidence? I don't think so

What about losers wanting to get with lesbians they know?

Same thing, but with extra steps.

Also I hang out in weird places online because I'm a degenerate. It's hilarious how like 90% of "trans" people are "lesbians".

The comorbidity of autism and autogynephilia cannot be understated here.

Autism + unlimited access to lesbian porn.

rape isn't a problem, its the solution.

This is the only sub remaining with good takes like this

The Married Woman Who Lost Her Key starring Hitomi. Hitomi’s marriage has lost its lustre and she finds herself attracted to the repairman. This culminates in them fucking while her husband is away at work. The video then focuses on Hitomi’s adulterous life as she keeps engaging in sexual acts with the repairman. The video is two hours long.

Hitomi’s performance was great here. I really bought into the sensuality of the video. It’s so easy for cheating videos like this to be pretty boring but Hitomi did a great job making it feel passionate. The moaning wasn’t too excessive and felt right when mixed with the passion her expressions brought. Her expressions really brought out the mood of the video and the cheating theme really took a backseat as a result. Yes, you were reminded of the cheating at various times but it was just so easy to get consumed in the passionate sex in the middle of scenes.

The content here was quite nice as well. A good amount of enjoyable stuff from her whether it was hot, passionate sex or some shower time. I felt the theme was done well and not too overdone. If anything, I do think the 14 or so minutes it takes to get down to business was a bit of a problem. The lengthy sex scenes did help compensate for that, and I felt it was nice that they had an earlier intercourse scene when their desires really called for it. Even finding ways to mix the husband back in without risky sex was nice, whether that was her masturbating in the bed beside her sleeping husband or her husband letting her know he’d be home soon. Let’s not forget how great Hitomi and her breasts looked as she was fucking the guy.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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The Watermark is malfunctioning. We need to throw him in the sardine pool an get a new one out of the closet.

Pot meets kettle lol

All the average radfem needs is a good, strong, masculine Chadcock in their life to set them right and realize that we're the ones meant to protect them from the troon menace. If they can't open pickle jars without using devious and underhanded feminine tools such as knives, how can they possibly stop a 6'10" Goon in a locker room?

If I caught my brother sexualizing himself using my clothing, I would burn the fuckin house down.

Honey, no one's going to be sexualizing themselves in your clothes.

I've been called out countless times for having like 5 posts in IAF, and the people calling me out never even notice the mountains of MDE subs I come from.

Ugh the sub for bitter neckbeards to gleefully laugh at bad things happening to women

CMV: foids deserve everything bad that happens to them

you're surprised that feminazis don't like you posting in edgy rightoid subs? Just because you're both creepily obsessed with trannies doesn't mean they agree with you, lmao

Shut up Tranny

shut up faggot

Dude, it has fallen months ago when it banned everyone not a spastic femmanazi. The sub has completely shot itself in the foot.