Femcel who writes books for zoomers goes apeshit.

1  2019-11-16 by Ghdust2


the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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All YA drama can be summarized as "barely literate women complain about something trivial"

“Authors are real people,”

No they aren’t

Unironically imagine being such a stupid God damn bitch that you lose your mind when someone says your books that are written for children shouldn't be taught in college.

Yes, in seething, I fucking hate these people

Why can't they just be happy they already make like a million times more money than writers with actual talent.

Also any writer with real talent probably wouldn't be super insecure about 1 a college student's opinion on them.


You could say it started when I was a kid. Like most folks, I've always been different. But not like the others. Other kids could be cruel, they'd call me names: dweeb, chimp, honky, dweeby-chimp, honky-dweeb, and worst of all: chomsky-honk. Did you know there's over eighty-seven combinations of those soul-scalding words? I found out the hard way. Life! Adolescence was better: went to the prom with a model, but she left with some jock.


Is the the back of the book blurb lmao

None of these people are even big names, they are just dumb little cunts that think they are famous, when barely anyone knows who they are

Reading this article I'm really wondering why people were acting like Ready Player One was the book that got chosen in the original twitter drama.

Literally who on every name mentioned in that article.

Women that writes for kids acts like one


Vivian, meanwhile, deleted her tweet calling Nelson a “fucking bitch.” She wrote to Vulture in an email, “I tweeted a thing that I should have DMed.”

"I should have been more discretion with my harassing a college student who dared pointing out that students should read material not for children"