King of Retards gets swindled by pornstar for $4k

1  2019-11-16 by unrulyfarmhand


ayo this man is just genuinely good dude and i feel kinda bad for him but i can tell you grew up in a healthy household with no scammers

Kinda sums it up

This is called a market correction

He wrote her a poem and paid her $100 when she blocked him just to talk to her again. I can believe the twatter retards falling for this masked incels good samaritan story but r/drama users are surely better than that. Don't prove me wrong.

I wouldn't give this negro thot any money, but she could definitely get it.

I love how grifters with a fat ass and a social media account are "sex workers" now.

If he found himself an actual prostitute instead of a sob-story e-thot he could've busted a clarity nut for 1/10th of that 4k he seems way too eager to part with.