troids invade yet another subreddit. This is why we can't have nice things.

1  2019-11-16 by mackson2000


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Dear God, they should just excise that tumor of a meme and thread from the subreddit before it spreads and our JoJo shitposting goes the way of so many others and turns into JoJo trans cutie posting 😭

These are the same people who say "umm yikes that south park episode was like super boring y'all"

Jojo is unironically ruined for me because of the retarded children in the fanbase. These stupid children screech jojo reference at litterally everything.

"Is ThAt A jOjO's ReFeReNcE?" got old after about the 3rd time I heard it, like 5 fucking years ago.

It’s cause they air it on Cartoon Network now so there’s a super young fanbase

Zoomers ruining everything what a surprise.

Just fact checked sweaty that's fake news. 🙄

They use the same team of voice actors from Kids Next Door

Is there nothing they won’t make about themselves?

No, they are the most self centered, attention whores known to man. They are at least twice as bad as the average foid on a good day.

known to personkind

Of course they are, they're mostly mtf so they're obviously better than women at everything including histrionics.

I'm a fan of the T-slurs as much as everyone else here, but just as much as everything else I like I don't need it shoved in to my face around every corner.

You'll suck that she is and you'll like it.

Self improvement philosophy.

That's how you know trans women are women

Nothing, it is what keeps them from 41%ing

They try really hard to make the suicide thing about other people.


I was a bit surprised, because there was a lot of pushback against it on the post.

I'm not sure where you're seeing this. There's like 10 "against" threads that have been downvoted into being hidden. Everything else is supportive.

exactly, usually people don't say anything.

Weebs are either commies or nazis, no in between

Probably because of the trans subreddits brigading

Every fandom is since they're the most online.

The G makes sense cause JOjO is gay af, but claiming Araki supports trannies because he forgot a character's gender and changed it (like a lot of other things) is nothing more than standard mental illness from a bunch of narcissists who believe everything is about them.

Uhhhh trans erasure ok you fucking nazi. Time to tell your employers and get you fired!

What character's gender?

In part 6 a character named Anasui was originally female but was changed to male. No one knows why it happened so it's just assumed Araki forgot like he's done before.

No one knows why it happened

I thought it was because his editors wouldn't allow a lesbian romance.

Its a common theory but there's no confirmation.

For a second I thought it was r/ShitCrusaderKingsSay and I was supremely confused as the why they would upvote that "meme"

watch out for leftist memes everybody theyre pretty cutting

My existence isn't an issue.

🤔 🤔 🤔

Sending Stone toss comics

Lmao I'd rather just send them the 40% statistics.

Either way you're just helping them along the way :)

retarded cringe pebblechuck comics

Okay nazi faggot

The source doesn't matter, the results do.

But what does it accomplish? Not like they’d get mad over it, they shitpost the hell out of stonetoss edits

Their shit posts are only amusing to about 41% of them, gotta get those numbers up.

they shitpost

Seetheposting isn't shitposting, every single one of their posts is seriousposting.

what are you, some kinda faggot/troon commie?

You don’t have to be a troon to know stonetoss is painfully unfunny

He is so unfunny he keeps gaining fans and haters that cant help themselves from using his format. So unfunny there are constantly faggot lefties on twitter mad at themselves for laughing at his shit. Lmao ok troonie

You seem more ass mad than the guy you're replying too

Maybe go outside, pick a dandelion and pee on the spot. Maybe than you'll stop being a bussy bothered

bro bussy lmao

You know stonetoss isn't actually a nazi right? He has like 20 memes making fun of trump.

Do you think modern aut-right morons have some right unity pact with magacels and neonazi larpers?

That's what people assume yes

Ask a neo-Nazi what they think of magacels and you'll get told Trump's a cuck for Israel. Rightoids love infighting.

Neonazis stopped liking Hitler when he started taking Israeli cock

I fucking love how stonetoss gets people so incredibly angry

No, it’s just funny how people try to play coy about it when the dude is explicitly a white nationalist. He has the subtlety of lawlz when he takes a fat shit

I know he us, and I dont like his comics, but I will still laugh at spergs like you that SEETHE at any mention of him

Tfw you like Jojo because Araki really appreciates the male form. I don't want any of this tranny shit.

Based and fuckthejanniespilled. o7 soldier.

sure is nice that those troids don't have any rights......

resistance is mudamudamudamudaaaa

I didn't have a choice in being trans, I was just born that way


This must be a paid troll actor.

The whole born that way genetics nonsense is so easily debunked. Why aren't both identical twins gay or trans? Like lol basic critical thinking.

I'm on board with how LG and B is not a choice, but T? Bruh they literally need a bucket of smarties and surgery to transition. No one is fooled here.

It's not a choice for everyone except for vagina repulsed, effeminate male bottoms, aka gods chosen people.

It's legal for an employer to fire an employee just because they find out they're trans. This is one of many examples.

I hate to break it to you, but most employers regardless of law see a non-passing man in a dress and know that's just a legal exposure/drama bomb waiting to happen.

Alas. Welcome to food lion or showing your butthole on the internet

That person is so fucking wrong, if they fire someone just for being trans they will get a massive lawsuit. And you are right about the people being creeped out by the fat balding man in a dress breathing over the girls section in a retail store.

Not to mention like 99.9% of the population sees trannies as hideous freaks. Like what business is going to hire some receptionist or any kind of customer facing employee that most of the world sees as monsters? If I walk into a business and see a 6 foot tall mentally I'll gay man wearing a dress and wig I am going to have an automatic negative image of that business. And so will most normal people.

If I want to see freaks I'll go to the circus. When I want to hire a business I want to talk to a non freak of nature.

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being rig a mentally ill delusional psychopath, as long as I don’t let it manifest noticeably.

Unfortunately being a wage cuck I can tell you that’s not true and they do get hired...

When are you not seething at troids, Mackson? You’re like 14 and always trying to talk shit.

O shit, troons triggered (x24).

The virtue signaling troid menace strikes again

combining weebshit with trannie reeeeing

once again no one explains what rights trannies aren't getting. Just a shitty meme that doesn't even make sense if you think about it for 2 seconds.

Why would anyone want to deny the world their bussy by cutting a gash next to it to scare others off? If Trappy didn’t have a feminine penis I wouldn’t be in love with her.


Reminder: 2 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 1

Keep your trannies out of my Jojo

Look at all these angry manchildren. Being angry about people wanting basic human rights

No but really, what basic human rights are trannies denied? I've asked, but I never get a real answer.

People bring up Drumpf's tranny military ban- but being in the military isn't a basic human right. You're not allowed to join if you're on an antidepressant, but I don't hear depressed people bitching about they aren't allowed to go off into the desert to murder brown kids.

Then there's the bathroom thing, but since when is a man going into a women's bathroom a basic human right? Also most states have gender neutral bathrooms anyway, so there's no issue there.

I've heard them claim that misgendering them is a violation of their rights, but it isn't a basic human right to have everyone call you what you want to be called. If everyone I knew started referring to me as a woman they'd be well within their rights to do so and they wouldn't be depriving me of any rights.

So tell me LongPostBot, what rights do trannies not have in America? I'm honestly curious.