Girl Drama

1  2019-11-16 by hola127

Hi guys! So today at lunch my friend, let's call her A and I were eating an orange. My other friend, B, told us she didn't like oranges. So both me and A decided to tease her by putting the peels of the orange on her tray, ok I know this was stupid and childish but wish I hadn't done it, anyways at the end of the lunch period B dumped her entire tray, both her trash and the orange peels, onto my tray. But I slid my tray out of the way and it spilled onto the table. A and I walked away to dump our own trays leaving B and some of my other friends to help her clean it up. Also A is now blaming B being pissed at us on me. So now that you've got the story I seriously need your help to figure out how to apologize to B. I really dont want to end our friendship over something like that. Please help!😓