Retarded atheist believes atheists never harmed anyone

1  2019-11-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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I am an atheist and I hate it. It has granted me no succor. I miss my faith, but I know I can't go back. I would never try and take someone's faith from them.

I’m ashamed that I used to be a new atheist.

We were all 15 at one point

Submit to Allah

I am genuinely tempted, but I feel I would just be faking it.


These specific hypnosis tracks consist of extremely similar techniques and methods that were used in infamous and disgusting brainwashing tactics employed by infamously awful institutions and organizations, perhaps most infamously by the experimental treatments meant to “cure homosexuality”, which are currently ILLEGAL DUE TO BEING EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. In relation to the aforementioned and now illegal homosexual hypnotherapy: it was barred because it produced profoundly negative emotional effects; depression, self-loathe, identity crisis, etc... This is a warning, Bambi Sleep is potentially extremely dangerous and detrimental to not only your sex/masturbation life but also your fundamental personality, mental well being, and every day life.

Hypno-therapy helped my mom with my childbirth so ... wait, you're absolutely right.

user reports:

1: Promoting sissy hypno

Bambi Sleepers rise up

sounds like sex negativity. yikes

This, but as a good thing.

say the words.

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Repeat after me, out loud :

لآ اِلَـهَ اِلاَّ لله محمد رسول الله

Ashadou-an la-ilaha-illah-llahu, Mouhammadan Rassoul'Allah.

If you're at work, it's even more powerful.


Fun fact Islam literally translates to "submit ion". Mayos be warned.

Have you tried crank?

Great movie

What is?


I did not realize there was a movie named that.

Go into the desert on a good winter's night and eat peyote. You'll find God. Also, have a small dog with you to guide you back, and a trusted friend to make sure you don't swallow your tongue.

Bro communism was a state religion

Why am I not surprised you’re a new atheist?

Whoosh that went right over your head huh

Whoosh my nuts

A lot of euphoria-cels are into vasectomies, as /all has taught me.

It’s not like they were going to be the ones to get their wives pregnant

I occasionally forget that r/drama unironically defends Religioncels

Dumping on athishits does not equate to endorsing religion

Don’t pretend that this sub is only ironically supporting religioncels.

May Allah break the back of this diseased rodent

Yes, the truth of Allah you filthy kafir. You and your ilk will be delivered to flames of gehenna by the sword.

Godlessness should be fun, not make you a canon lawyer. And if you're gonna be a canon lawyer, might as well embrace the might and majesty of the Roman church.

We've seen the alternative

It's what Christcucks deserve.


I can only imagine the tremendous amount of seethe you gather on reedit as a chinese related user. Literally can't go anywhere without getting shitted on with the same stuff all the time.

This but unironically. Real atheism has never been tried.

God, whenever I think this sub is retarded I'm reminded of the defaults.

its hilarious that reddit had it as a default due to the popularity and i still see boomer brains say that reddit isnt mostly liberal and its all a conspiracy by admins

Atheists never harmed anyone for kulaks are not people.

I'm gonna burn my grain bro oh fuck youre gonna kill me over that seriously bro I dindu nuffin

Damn they came down on him hard. Inshallah.

Churches are cool tbh. Even if you don't believe in jack, nothing beats the community a church has

Awesome elitist sex clubs like in Eyes Wide Shut seem like they are more fun.

He's not wrong unless you count k*laks as people

I do

Imagine not worshipping Athe