TIL gets buttmad when it's pointed out humans aren't bloodhounds

1  2019-11-16 by ineedmorealts


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Aboriginals also invented the first iPhone, fascist know-nothing.

It was basically wakanda before the white man came and got them addicted to sniffing petrol

Like that Family Guy skit with the Irish and whiskey.

They also used advanced communication tech like screaming over the air even before radio was invented

People romanticize all indigenous peoples, but arguably aboriginals the most. I’ve heard people say, with a straight face, that aboriginals could trace the path of every celestial body in the solar system with the naked eye, due to “muh non-GMOs”, or something.

Next you're gonna tell me that the beloved 1990s UPN series The Sentinel wasn't a documentary.

Anytime anyone mentions “GMO” I stop listening to them

Um, ackshually GMOs are bad because they allow us to feed millions of people who are better off dead.

True. Let all the brown people die.

This but completely unironically

And food is ackshually better for you when it objectively tastes worse and is smaller and has fewer vitamins and minerals.

Everyone used to be over 7 foot 200 years ago you know.

Everyone used to be over 7 foot 200 years ago

More like before the “invention” of agriculture


Yeah but like GMOs are just, like, eugenics for plants.

And reddit told me that eugenics is bad.

That's not a good thing you retard.

That’s a pretty good approach honestly.

Yeah but like GMOs are just, like, eugenics for plants.

Reddit told me that eugenics is bad.

It’s because abbos frequently practice generational nudity and have sex with kids

One of the members of the search party, Joseph Tjapaltjarri, was sure he recognised the footprints they were tracking - he remembered the shape of the foot from his childhood and knew it belonged to his "skin-brother", Warlimpirrnga.

Okay, come on now, they're obviously just pulling whitefellas' legs here.

It's really not that hard to believe. We've lost a ton of skills since we stopped running after animals in the bushes to eat them. Tracking is one of these skills.

Seems like a pretty nice existence to me, just roaming around, living off the land, sit around the campfire listening to your shaman rant on about some sun god, dying horribly at the hand of a pack of wolves.

The agricultural revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster to the human race.

The agricultural revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster to the human race.

Exiting the primordial soup was a mistake, sweaty
