r/breadtube is absolutely shocked that a 72 year old woman isn’t fond of trans people.

1  2019-11-17 by Ghdust2


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Day of the mold when?

Oops i guess its not her turn anymore

Never even began for Mommy

Stop you are making me like Hillary now :(

Yeah guys I know we joke about it but the more I think about it. Maybe it was her turn? 🤔

WTF I love Killary now

I think what most people think would shock them

Breadtubers continue to live within their own insufferable bubble

H. Clinton is a very based, socially conservative Democrat, fiscally progressive, I sent her a lengthy Email two weeks ago to encourage her to run again and re-establish the correct timeline.

if mommy was a commie she and sanders would be best friends

oh wait


Who is?



Lol but it's still happening!!!

It’s crazy that in 2019 Hitlary and Obummer are becoming pretty based.

They have the same views they always had, it's just the rest becoming increasingly insane.

They must have taken up gaming as a hobby during retirement

They're not based. Just breadtubers are so far lib they make Killary look good.

Please for the love of god can folks stop labeling neon haired transgender authoritarian communist faggots as "liberals/libs"?

These people don't deserve that title, they don't ascribe to any of its teachings, and they would happily and purposefully undermine the principles of liberalism.

Radical liberals.

Lol @ the open apologia for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in the thread. And these people consider themselves leftists

Also all the people who are like “I’m non-binary and don’t find this offensive at all” and are being upvoted and shit. Yes, because TERFs are super concerned about gender conforming cis women with dyed hair and nose rings and aren’t constantly whining about trans women


The girl in the video literally clenching her teeth and trying not to shout by the end of the video lmao


What she said was centrist, they really jump on everyone who even suggests something they don't like.

Stop making me want shillary to run again

Rent Free


Man it’s really gonna be something to see in the 2070 elections when all of the communist party’s gay atheist trans black candidates of color are discovered to be Nazis for not having enough mentally ill transracial dragkid 11 year olds in their polycules