Fatties Triggered ✅

1  2019-11-17 by Llamayoda


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Stop eating garbage, lipid-american.

I chose to have anxiety and comfort eat. I chose to have a crippling candy addiction because eating candy is all I feel enjoyment in. I chose to never be able to leave my house except to go to school and back (10 minute walk) until I turned 16 (I now try to go to the gym, but it's very difficult considering my mental state right now). I chose to have siblings who like nothing but unhealthy food and therefore being forced to have the same food.

Clearly, I decided for all this.

All of this but unironically. :>

I fell down once so now I’m on the ground forever.

This is the logic of forever-victims

I fell down once so now I’m on the ground forever.

This is literally OP

Reminder that this person will likely eat up hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in medical care and be rendered permanently disabled and unemployable decades before they should normally retire.

We're subsidising the existence and profits of fast food companies

People on that level die much sooner and cost less in the long run than all but the healthiest individuals.

lol, no.

Dying young is cheaper than living to be a boomer and needing to be a literal cyborg to survive.

That is genuinely sad, fuck.

I was in suspense until the end waiting to see if she managed to knock over the gravestone.

I chose to have siblings who like nothing but unhealthy food and therefore being forced to have the same food.

Everything he said is bullshit but this part is even more. You don't have to shove grease down your throat because your brother eats only nuggets, you autistic retard. A salad doesn't cost almost anything smh

This landwhale is actually making me seethe rn, I used to be fat when I was a kid but I became thin when I stopped pigging out. I don't even fucking exercise, and I don't eat only salad either

crippling candy addiction

And I wasn't just a chubby kid either, I used to weigh more than I do now. I had moobs.

Just stop eating like that guy from Super Size Me the documentary and you will feel much better about yourself. If you are such a sugar junkie that you can't even do that, put your fat ass in a fat camp for 6 months and you'll get out not craving comfort from soulless fast food

Do they still have fat camps of were they canceled

I went to one 10 years ago. A Google search shows that it still exists but the FAQ on the site says that kids don't have to be overweight to go there anymore... very weird.

Remember MTVs fat camp? Hilarious.

dunno, I never went to one and I'm not sure if they exist in my country

Burgers definitely need them tho

Actually I still do eat a lot, but the difference is quality ingredients.

Making your meals yourself with actual meat and vegetables instead of chugging instant microwave chink pasta does wonders for your health

Also, margarine is bad for your heart because of tranny fats. Use butter or coconut oil if you have to fry things (using olive oil for frying is galaxy brain cooking)

Coconut oil is actually pretty damn bad for you; it's tasty but loaded with saturated fat.

So are meat and butter

The key is not eating like a starving hobo and you won't end up like Lawlz.

Yeah, my pinay honorary mother who sends me recipes explained to me that even if you live in that region, coconut oil and coconut milk is something for special occasions. You don't make it a normal part of your diet.

What do you mean about olive oil?

Olive oil is unsaturated fat (good for your heart). Frying it saturates the fat ("bad" for your heart, but still better than tranny fats). So it's basically wasting a high quality ingredient. Coconut oil is already saturated, so using it makes more sense.

If you're an Italian chef, you can pull off frying something with olive oil (not deep frying though), but the average gringo would end up with an abomination (like all of (((anglo))) "cuisine")

My brother put olive oil in a pizza we were making for God knows what reason. We got fried pizza. Looked like charcoal but wasn't bad, still a waste of pizza though.

I think the Bongs actually deliberately make that shit.

You don't have to shove grease down your throat because your brother eats only nuggets, you autistic retard. A salad doesn't cost almost anything smh

As a kid you're still kind of at the whim of whatever your parents buy though and can get used to garbage being the norm. It's a real problem in burgerland.

Kids can and often are picky eaters. Just be picky about wanting a salad.

WHY are redditors so DISABLED?

I swear to Trappy, every time a Redditor is called out on their shit, they bring up a laundry list of physical/mental disabilities where they LITERALLY can’t leave their house/can’t not shove food down their throats, always so sick they can’t move/breathe/etc.

Has anyone ever met someone like this in real life? Why is every Redditor so fucked up it’s unbelievable?


They CANT take RESPONSIBILITY for their own ACTIONS so they bring up a litany of “disabilities” that excuses their shitty behavior/lack of discipline

Sorry for the caps but I’m SEETHING over this SHIT

I think because there's a stigma against criticizing people with disabilities so every NEET redditor uses that as a justification why they can't do anything but bitch here and play league of legends 10 hours a day. Plus fat people have been marginally successful at including themselves in the oppression olympics so they'll cling to that as long as their greasy stubby fingers can manage.



It's amazing how just 2 words makes it clear your whole comment is bullshit.

I can't insult a platypus.

muh invisible disabilities

I have a laundry list of fucked up issues (RLS, ADHD, autism, epilepsy) and yet I still hold down a job, live in a nice house, and volunteer on the weekends.

People just want to play the victim card.

Respect! You can be my “I have a black friend” for this controversial opinion

Unironically nice.

Has anyone ever met someone like this in real life?

Yes. What you're forgetting is that people with legit disabilities have a hell of a lot of time where they're stuck sitting down with nothing better to do than using reddit. It's not surprising that they would be vastly over represented here.

I can't stop fucking children, I'm a libertarian.

Has anyone ever met someone like this in real life?

Have you ever worked in health care bro? About 2/3s of the people at any time are in this situation. We have one that's so fucking fat there is a special crane we had to order for the office.

They are pretty much laying it all out for why they shouldn't get to vote.

I didnt choose to have a crippling candy addiction

Lmao does this mayo know what self control is?? I bet he'd say the same thing about his dick beating addiction

How the fuck can you have a "crippling candy addiction"? Is the dude sucking dick and pawning his parents stuff to buy candy? Does he attack people and steal from them like Gollum for a snickers?

He listed a bunch of clear choices he makes to eat junk food and then sarcastically called it a choice.

This is some next level shit.

Tbf you can't blame kids for getting fat before they hit the puberty. That's their parents fault. There needs to be a bigger focus on stopping parents from letting their kids get fat in order to solve the obesity crisis in the long term - people don't need to lose weight if they never get fat in the first place.

As an adult it's your own fault if you continue those habits though.


Anxiety isn't real.

Lmao it’s about to be over for unapprovedcels again ain’t it?

/allfugee invasion incoming. Gonna settle in and see the carnage with some brews after this 5 hour drive home. Do me proud everyone.

Oof yikers I’ve got a 3 hour drive both ways drive tomorrow. Gunna get drunk early so my biological clock tells me to wake up at 4 in the morning.

Yeah idk, that sounds like a good plan on paper, doesn’t work so well in practice. 9 hour drive total with a hangover was straight up not a good time on Friday. Chug waters before crashing and maybe you will have better results.

You’re severely underestimating my alcoholism 💅

I don’t get hungover really anymore. Plus I’ll just blow an adderral or two on the off chance I’m fuzzy 🥴

Oh yeah, I forgot that I didn’t have my script this weekend. That explains the shiftiness. You should be fine.

You're both alcoholics

Only a little bit sometimes it’s okay. 🤨💁🏼‍♀️✨

Lmao at least I’m up on time 🥴 good morning , y’all ☀️

Easterntimezonecels out

I wish. At least the work day ends at noon. I’ll be in WV today any ideas for shit to do? (Other than fuck my cousin obv)


Well, was fun being allowed to post here while it lasted.



oh god not again


Goddammit back to /r/DeuxRAMA for us

Imagine not having approved status

Imagine being a legit dramacel tho. Shit’s a curse.

Even I can’t demean myself that much tbh

fuck you, I had to delete my main account so my friends didn't find out that I am a libertarian

Made a pretty good post there some days ago.

There are no good posts in r/DeuxRAMA



that's what makes deuxrama good

The best part of r/drama going into country club mode is how I can still go there and lord it over all the Deux plebs.

Send a pic of your bussy to the mods and they may approve you.

Based and Daughters-pilled.

Oh yes

Please no

Hungry hungry hippos wanting to be at the trough smdh

No daddy, not the belt again

Please yes


Yup, it's Drama country club time

What? Since when can us plebs post again?

Incoming gamer moment 😎

Dude nigger lmao

Dare I say based?

And might I add Bussypilled?

It really be like that sometimes 😔

commenting before it's over for me

Let me in pls

Approve me btw drama :(

About fucking time, I've seen someone getting downvoted in basically every single thread lately.

Setting it to approved only doesn't stop downvoting you FUCKING retard.

I'm sorry, I have tourettes. Faggot.


Setting it to private is the only solution.




At least let me in this time


Close the gates!

I think at this point even facebook users on average are smarter than redditards.

Nothing is worse tham retards who have convinced themselves that they're geniuses.

lol fatties😂😂😂

put me in the approved list before you go private again this time....

You have to be at the weekly meeting for /r/drama participants in Maine in order to get into the approved list.

Yeah same why the fuck wasn’t I on this list I swear to allah masterlawlz is to blame for this haram

I got a message saying I was approved but still wasn't able to go on the sub when it went private 🤔🤔🤔

Yes, only sane, mentally stable people who are fully informed, have no insecurities, personal stakes, or financial hardship should be allowed to vote.

ah, the 1700s model of democracy

they left out the top comment which makes it even better

I reposted it just so that I can reap more of what I sowed

Turned the subreddit theme off too so that I won’t be ID’d as one of ours so quickly.

If we didn’t let women vote every again 90% of the politicians in the US would be republican.

Pizzashill hates women but they are the only people keeping republicans from getting elected in many places.

I'm a fatass and I still pay taxes, what are they going on about?

Scott Steiner says...

laughs in obese

Deux has pinging 😩

Vous can behave.


These mouthbreathters can only comprehend in absolutes. NO competent decisions. NO self control. NO contribution to society. Not even "A hard time making good decisions", which of course isn't fucking true either.

God damn leftoids really are good at projection

BMI measurements at polling stations when? 👏

Lots of positive discussion on that post.


Is that how many calories they eat per day?

Basically lol

Day of the philosopher kings when?

Fare the well fatties

.. - .----. ... / .- -... --- ..- - / - .. -- . / ..-. --- .-. / - .... .. ... / ... ..- -... / - --- / -... . / -.-. .-.. . .- -. . -.. / .--- .- -. -. .. . ... / --. . - / - --- / .. -

.--. --- --- / .--. --- --- / .--. . . / .--. . . / ..- .... / --- .... / .. / -.. .. -.. / .- / ... - .. -. -.- -.--


Here it's the exact opposite.


Approve me, jannies.




That whole thread:



u*/MasterLawlz is the fattest of them all 🤭

smh even they can meanping

Bruh I'm a dramatard I just found that thread before it was posted here so technically I wasn't brigading.

Aw janitors deleted it


The top comment removed by the mods for wrong think:

I don't believe that all conservatives are incompetent. The fact that people believe this is the exact problem with our society. Our inability to see our political opponents as people (and, at the risk of getting posted to my favorite subreddit, both sides are guilty of this) is exactly what's lead to the problems we have.
