The irony of Pizzashill
1 2019-11-17 by Kaiser-romulus
Dude hates women but women are the one group that could stop Trump and the republicans.
Most men don’t support removing Trump and vote republicans versus the opposite in women.
1 2019-11-17 by Kaiser-romulus
Dude hates women but women are the one group that could stop Trump and the republicans.
Most men don’t support removing Trump and vote republicans versus the opposite in women.
6 rocinantebabieca 2019-11-17
Islam is Right about Women
3 Kaiser-romulus 2019-11-17
Of course, brother
1 [deleted] 2019-11-17
4 FearOfBees 2019-11-17
That's just gender lined politics. All women vote blue more, all men vote red more. Women vote along emotional lines because they are children who think taking money from people can save actual children.
4 Kaiser-romulus 2019-11-17
My point is not about that but about Pizzashill. He alienates his allies in his fight against Glumpf.
6 WeWuzKANG5 2019-11-17
He probably secretly supports Trump, and masturbates to the grab 'em by the pussy video, it's what pizza really wants to do.
3 shitpersonality 2019-11-17
Foids are not an ally.
6 Kaiser-romulus 2019-11-17
For pizza they could be. For you or I, never.
2 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-11-17
Neoliberal acolytes don’t actually care about policy, they just want to watch politics like they watch Jersey Shore.
This is why Trump’s branding of “The do-nothing Democrats” gets their panties in such a twist, and why they rage against Obama for suggesting that woke Twitter is the real problem with the Dems.
1 BussyShillBot 2019-11-17
I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their
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