Top minds of SRD discuss the "alt-right" takeover of r/bonehurtingjuice: "I'm 100% willing to believe there's alt right shit in there but I'm not looking through your garbage to find it"

1  2019-11-17 by HWTLN


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So we're well past the point where "Alt-Right" means literally anyone who disagrees with checkmarks on any subject, in any direction, even those that are completely apolitical, right? Because how the fuck does some shitty dead meme subreddit deciding to be even lamer have anything to do with the spoopy "Alt-Right" boogeymen?

Alt right is just an excuse for people not agreeing with you and the MSM.


smh don't you libs know EVERYTHING IS POLITICAL

Rent. Free.

What a loss for culture

they act like they think they're the modern day nazi hunters when they find something "alt-right"

modern day nazi hunters

*House Un-American Activities Committee

These idiots will be mocked in textbooks 30 years from now just like all the Red Scare idiots. "Right Side of History!™"

for real though

They think that, but they're much more similar to modern Bigfoot hunters.

If you went your bones to hurt oncemore, join r/boneachingjuice

Meme subreddits are very important in the ongoing culture wars.

This is what activism looks like.

The absolute state of SRDines.


The eternal srdine

When we had a heated gamer moment, they called us alt-right.

When we were quietly enjoying and discussing an artistic medium they could not understand, they said it was child porn, and called us alt-right.

When we tried to discuss actual crime statistics, they called us alt-right.

When we marched for the rights of the race and gender that faces the most ACTUAL discrimination, they called us alt-right.

Fine, then. WE ARE ALT RIGHT.

How can you be so stubborn as to not realize what you're saying? I swear to Gog, SRDines aren't human.