1  2019-11-18 by Ghdust2


I'm going to vote for Biden because this is good for 5he black market

i have multiple sclerosis, and I pretty much have no appetite without weed. people like you are literally killing me. you should stop

tbh, it's your MS that's killing you.

no I run linux ms isnt as good


Based AF

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck can you not get weed Hahahaha Nigga Just move to California Like Nigga just buy vape pens online Haha

dont laugh at me i am a lion you will be in trouble

Know what really helps with lack of appetite? Exercise. Jog a few miles and I'm sure you'll be hungry

i have anxiety I cant and comfot food would make it hard so have to stay inside unless its a 10 minutes walk

also i understand you are trying to help but you shouldnt go round saying this as you can offend people



You buy it at the store

what store?

Grocery store

some sort of vegetable?

I want to have teeth though and you dont have teeth anymore though

You don’t need teeth for it lol. Where did your teeth go tho.

no I have teeth i just want them youre not youre not health stuff youre bad health stuff

I'm not trying to help, I just wanna see someone with ms run

why do you want to see that though

Because it's cute

whats cute about it

The sexiness

you sound a bit weird im gonna have to report this if you keep harassing me

Thank you, this really helped

well you didnt help me you were disingenuous and nasty and it's not on

What do I need to do to get you off, bb?

you need to stop harassing me its obvious youre an alt youve done this to me before and I will report you if you and your group keep doing this

We're probably friends on our mains...wouldn't that be cute? It'd be like a meg ryan and tom Hanks romcom

no thats not true ive seen them they were sending it to me i am only here you are a liar stop with your harassing until you can be civil

The fuck? You can still buy weed from him

And whos that where am I meant to if I need to stop youre a lisr

Just text to his username, "need weed lmao"

thats enough youve been doing this long enough im done with ye

You got that shit from weed

If I were killing you you'd be dead.

im not though I have pillows

TBF, black market MJ is cheaper than it is out of a dispensary.

I'm not sure if marijuana usage makes people more likely to do harder drugs, but everyone I know who does hard drugs is a habitual marijuana user. Sorry Dementia Daddy, the Democrat Dementia Daddy is my vote for 2020.

This makes me want to vote for him because it will make lefties seeth and I don’t smoke so I don’t give a fuck

Based Kaiser, potheads are lame.

I hate them. I have no issue with weed itself but I hate pot heads so much.

Drug addicts are losers

Real spicy take, wolfcel

Should be a common sense take but guess not

yOu CaNt bE aDdiCtEd tO MaRiJuAnA

I love when conservatives admit they are the reason we can't have nice things.

can’t have nice things

Is referring to weed 🙄

Kids should be boofing and not smoking reffer

but everyone I know who does hard drugs is a habitual marijuana user

Heroine is a gateway to weed?

Only kids should smoke weed. Adults need to grow up and graduate to cocaine / ketamine





you could make that claim about alcohol too

Not everyone who smokes weed goes on to do harder shit, but everyone who does hard drugs started out smoking weed


Most based dem candidate for sure

It's over for weedcels.

Day of the Closed Taco Bell has arrived

Inshallah Taco Bells will all close at 10pm.

I’ve never someone so based

lol he's toast now

Hodor on suicide watch

If he also promises to ban anime, I'm legit voting for him.

If he can hit the trifecta and criminalize the purchase or possession of video games I’ll join you

Excellent point. I wonder if there's a debate that fucks up their selection criteria enough to get this on the air. We need Biden to come out swinging on the video game question.

Italian plumber was a mistake

Nope! Don't ban video games, just keep pushing it in congress. Harp on about how it should be banned at every single event.

Geopolitical Summit in Russia? Bring up banning video games

Climate Talks in Europe? Video Games = BAN

White House Correspondents Dinner? Edgy Video Game Ban Joke

Make it a hot button issue where you force every single 2024 candidate to definitively define their stance on video games.

The only law he should pass is to use his executive powers to cancel Star Citizen for potentially promoting abandonment syndrome for earth.

get a load of this society

Vidya delenda est.

For real?

I mean, obviously I'd rather my boy win, but if he's not on the ballot and Biden has an executive order drafted calling for anti-weeb death squads, just waiting for the inauguration to sign it in to law? I mean, wouldn't you?

In a heart beat.

I would vote for hitler/stalin if it meant banning these weebs


Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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based and correctpilled, every hard drug user i know smoked pot in college

Are all Americans this faggy?

What's a hard drug? 😆😆

The fun ones

So all of them?

Every hard drug user I know drank beer, time to criminalize beer

Does his retarded campaign staff realize 62% of Americans favor legalization of recreational marijuana?

Holy crap dude I know politicians and campaigns can sometimes be pathetically incompetent but I dont know if I've ever seen anything this out of touch.

Who in the world told him he could say this publicly? Did someone put a fucking deep cover agent in his campaign to sabotage it?


Biden wants to crack down on the low effort weedbros that infest Reddit, what could be more based than that?

That's a good point. I'm ridin with Biden

Because it legit doesn’t matter. Most people don’t care that much about week. They are fine with it being legalized but that isn’t near the top of their priorities.

I'm fine with it being legalized, but it isn't going to affect my vote at all.

Yeah and I think that’s how most people are. Reddit is just dumb and really think this will change millions of people votes for the dude

He’s pandering to boomers, his base




Must've been watching Tucker Carlson

There's a minimum age limit in order to be POTUS and there are several reasons there should also have been an upper age limit on running for Prez:

  • Shit like this
  • Old people die sooner and have lots of health problems = higher risk

Both those things are great for drama. So let’s make the minimum age to run 75.

epic reddit meme

Just say you don't want Superpredators instead of this flowery language.

Guys the jury's still out on marijuana

think of all the drugs he's hooked up to so he doesn't have a seizure in the middle of a 15 minute speech.