"Suppressing pr0tests with violence is ok if it's in support of an ideaology I agree with". That and other nuclear takes from tankies ITT

1  2019-11-18 by 804-929-4988


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Wtf I don't even leave my crib in fear of having an encounter by police.....I didn't even realize this


Stop the press, gommunist larpers are retarded shut-ins

I wonder if "crib" was literal.

Literally says no police apology in their rules and yet there they are lol

I am happy I live in a country that still recognizes Taiwan. Nobody on Drama dunks on China more than me!

Taiwan Numba One!

haha hell yeah

These people go into the dogs with jobs sub and call other people boot lickers.

I’ve always said those who use the term bootlicker support more government intervention 100% of the time.

Tankies deep throat boots as long as they're made in communist sweatshops

If they hate America so much, why don't they move to glorious communist china? Since apparently it's all sunshine and rainbows over there. I mean, apparently the oppression is no worse than the US, and all the stories otherwise are basically white neocolonialism right?

China sounds a lot better than the US. Plane ticket is like a few weeks salary, or (more realistically) a couple weeks of their student loans. Make sure to renounce your citizenship when you leave so you don't continue supporting the evil US military.

If you dont mind flying with a budget chinese airline you can get tix for under $500

nowadays you're probably not gonna die so it seems fine

Yeah you would just get a kidney removed. Not bad tbh, you would used to get kidnapped and have all your organs removed.

Low cost Muslim organs really did s number on the black market organ trade.

They don’t have the mental fortitude to learn a second language.

You cant just live in china it’s not burgerland they don’t take non chineese you cant work or live there. Its like nazi Germany

Do these retards unironically think China would beat America in open war?

the numbers are bigger, you can't deny that.

Rand did a study a few years back and even by 2025 China won't have bridged the gap enough for them to be able to defend from an American attack, let alone counter-attack (and this was assuming America was fighting alone). I'm tired as fuck so I can't go into detail now, but if you're interested I can break it down, or you can read the paper. It's free, idk the name of it but just Google "RAND US China War paper 2015" or something and it'll be there


Correct. China can defend pretty well, especially initially, but over time they’d be worn down. Of course this is at the cost of a lot of US lives and money, but China would have no way of doing any damage to the US short of ICBMs. The power projection just isn’t there.

Their army has almost no actual experience in battle, especially compared to the us military

War is like...all we’ve done since before our independence. I think we’ve been at peace for a total of like 5 years

They actually said that china has a bigger and better navy.

With their single aircraft carrier?

In the same breath they’d be seething about the US’s vast military.

I have canned peaches, several thousand rounds of ammo, black face paint, and I can shout "WOLVERINES!" at well over 100 db. I'm ready.

Wait what happened to acab?


It’s always funny seeing “full on communists” so obsessed with minorities and trannies.

They need to “full on” read a fucking history book

A small contingent of retarded American tankies has always supported violence, going back to the days of Stalin.

This causes a split with the slightly less retarded American commies who at least have the decency not to bootlick murderous police states who defy everything they supposedly stand for.

If you are a commie you are an automatic bootlicker.

acab is dumb and oversimplified

Cops in western and capitalist countries are racist counter-revolutionaries.

Cops in non-western and socialist countries defend the revolution and the people. IIRC Huey P. Newton wrote that he felt safe near Chinese police, unlike around American cops.

What is cognitive dissonance


I wish the worldwide revolution actually happens so before i get lynched by commies i can watch these bougie champagne commies get put up against a wall.

America cant do jack shit, unless it wants nuclear war. Their navy is outgunned, their army wont last in a ground war, and they are reliant on Chinese goods. The people of Hong Kong continue to bring harm the city and its residents it needs to be contained without delay.

Nigga wat

I’m genuinely dying, I can’t handle this shit it’s too funny