Lots of cope as TIL exposes the LGBTQIABRAAPP departments as just being nice-sounding buzzwords using Facts & Logic.

1  2019-11-18 by twawaytrust


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Based Hitler championing intersectionality.

As a vegetarian furry dog-fucker, Hitler was truly ahead of his time. If he were born today he'd be 110% fapping to loli.

Truly the rightoid way.

White dictators fuck dogs

Doggy dick should not be monopolized by mayos and foids tbh

Any ricecel here willing to take the knot on camera? I'll pay 10 jannies' salary

I have seen ricecels slipping eels, hamster or pig dicks in themselves, but I have yet to see one getting knotted.

I feel like I am missing something in my life.

I have seen ricecels slipping eels, hamster or pig dicks in themselves

You're going to say this without sending the link? faggot

I saw thoses on 4 leaves a few years back, fag.


imagine being a halfcel

I am not a pedo, pedo.

I only hung around in the bestiality board, you mouth-breathing rube, you filthy plebeian, you babbling buffoon

It's still pedophilia if the little girls are getting knotted instead of dicked, buddy.

Sorry, mr. CIA agent, but I am only attracted to boys old enough to start HRT

I already called you a pedo fam.


trans rights are human rights you bigot

Adam Ruins Everything

I remember watching exactly one of his videos a few months ago. It was about how getting herpes is not a big deal.

I didn't watch another one.

aCksHualLy, 95% of people have HERPES

"Don't want a face full of pus? Yikes sweaty that's not woke"

The worst actually

Adams first couple episodes are good but he quickly became a shill for retardness.

Most of the ones I watched were how car dealerships and glasses manufacturers etc. gamed the system

I stopped paying attention to Adam Ruins Everything when he did a segment on people being afraid of contracting herpes, because it's incurable and has a massive social stigma.

His argument was literally:

well it's mostly harmless and everyone is gonna get it eventually, so don't worry about getting it because at some point the stigma will die down! Stop being a prude, kiss the coldsore you bigot.

That is not an acceptable response to the spread of disease. It encourages people to be less safe and helps the spread of other harmful diseases.

i remember seeing that guy trying to defend 7 yr old trans kids on rogan, his interesting to put it lightly.

Don't you dare deny zhem zheir hormones, you bigot


Adam ruins his bussy with a dragon dildo.

Lick the coldsore, you bigot


Fun fact, Chickenpox is herpes.

Just read the Sokal affair's Wikipedia entry and wft I love fatties now

Helen Pluckrose is based af as always.

When you're that fat you have clearly stopped giving a fuck around the same time you stopped getting fucked.

lmao she's married; incels can SEETHE AWAY

I guess a feeder married it.

If you believe that this is anything but a publicity stunt and actually proved anything, then you, ironically, don't understand the scientific process.

lmao cope more non-STEM f-slur

Is the scientific process the one where organizations like the APA claim to be scientifically valid while picking and choosing any results they damn please? Because I'd say that research team demonstrated the scientific process very thoroughly.

The scientific process is an alcoholic professor skimming through paragraphs and barely verifying that the bibliography is there at all.

Pretty sure the civilized world got a blank check to shit on the APA after they were outed for participating in CIA torture trials, and referred to water boarding as "a relaxing break from a pow's regular torture routine".

To be fair that actually sounds like useful research

The scientific process is manipulating your results until you get the stats you want and then publishing an irreproducible paper

I think was the APA just recently put out two publications with in a weeks of each other. One was the suggested treatments for adolescent trans children which included corrective surgery. The other was about educating children on the life altering effects of tattoos.

The scientific process is uncritically accepting authority and considering anything that passes through peer review the indisputable word of god

"Peer Review" in this case meaning "aligns with whoever was assigned to read this paper's pre-existing beliefs". There is effectively no peer review process in the soft 'sciences'.

Remember that study that concluded trigger warnings were bullshit and make everything worse.

iirc, they concluded that trigger warnings actually increased anxiety rather than preventing or alleviating it

Foids must be a walking trigger warning for how anxious I get around them.

Yeah that was based AF

dogs engage in rape culture, that men could reduce their transphobia by anally penetrating themselves with sex toys

Wait where is the lie though? No wonder it got published successfully, these are straight facts

Spread those bussies, boys

I did say it sounded nice and there were facts & logic, where's the lie?

The proud boy leader slipped a toy in his ass on live tv, so the second article is bogus.

Was it really not self-evident that the patriarchy stuff was basically a conspiracy theory

Honestly has to be one of most convincing bits of evidence I've ever seen for why sociology is bullshit. Not the actual post, but the fact that the the comments are teeming with triggered chapoids

https://www.reddit.com/ user*/SammyArtichoke?sort=new

Ctrl F "evidence"?

26 results

Eks dee

I got in an argument over one of those papers on /r/politics and at least 3 different people told me "a paper isn't fake just because you aren't educated enough to comprehend it."

lol least surprising fact ever, with all the fatties dietary science is going to be a Health at every size movement.



Pick one

Keyboard movement

Their Rogan interview is pretty based

Wish the third partner had been there. She fled back to England though and couldn't make it.

Same tbh. Only way it coulda been better.