Chapo's 2nd subreddit discuss how South Park was always bad and unfunny after trans sports episode. Infighting ensues.

1  2019-11-18 by Kingflares


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All trans athletes should compete with men whether MtF or FtM.


Trans jocks should only be allowed to bully trans nerds.

Everyone should be allowed to bully any nerd.

tfw MasterLawlz bullying gang rape


According to r/Chapotraphouse around 95% of us are nerds

Chapo projection but probably also true.

How else could we own the foids?

Biology has already punished them enough

This but unironically. Imagine bleeding from your genital once a month.

This but unironically

What exactly are you implying here sweaty

Nothing it's just what I say. Stop questioning me. 🤪

Only trans athletes should be allowed in female Olympics, CMV

This is the inevitable outcome and no one is allowed to say anything about it lol

Women are too weak to compete with men so they get their own category

Let men compete anyway

Be suprised that women stop taking part in it

Literally no one could have predicted this

They truly believe there is absolutely no difference, or at least not a significant one you wouldn't ever see in cis women.

Coincidentally none of them actually have any interest in "sportsball" themselves outside of the culture war. Hmm...

They truly believe there is absolutely no difference, or at least not a significant one you wouldn't ever see in cis women.

I think they know there is a significant diffirence, but (just as in cult) anyone saying the truth will be shunned away, and they have no other friends as it is

Their entire identity is made up in that community, and they know if they ever even so much as hinted at that they would be ya'll'ed out of it so fast.

Consider this: women's sports suck. So why don't we let a couple fellas in game to at least make it interesting.

Pretty sure womens' tennis and ice skating gets more views than mens'.

Men's tennis gets more views than women's tennis.

I'm sure women's ice skating get more views, but ice skating is pretty fucking gay so they can have that one.

i really hated that episode where they mocked trannies because it got boring amd repetitive

But i sure did love the episode they mocked trump. they whould make 20 more of these.

td has a meme sub banned in 3 days

chapo has 35 alternate subs: ...


The MDEfugee seethes when struck.

mic check


“It’s not that I’m offended, it’s just that everything that disagrees with me is boring and uninspired”

It feels like they think they are clever changing their complaints from being offended to "any joking about trans is lazy" but it always comes across as butthurt and dishonest.

Men and women should just compete in the same leagues

This but unironically

They should make the men's leagues open to trannies and women. Then make a league for just biological women. But the women's league should be ridiculed so the foids that want to be taken seriously will tryout for the open league.


Transgender isn’t a noun

Language is a social construct.

That was pretty tough actually ouch.

macho man sure does curdle their cream 😎

Are you an unironic comic-bookcel?

Absoluteably, I hate 'em all.

South Park season 11 episode 1 starts off with Randy saying "NIGGERS" on Wheel of Fortune

That was unoriginal and not funny too

The episode itself wasn't actually that funny, but Macho Man Randy Savage dunking on women while wearing a pink sports bra underneath his tank top was pretty amusing.