This is just a fetish sub right?

1  2019-11-18 by Kaiser-romulus


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Nigga I sent you a chat and don’t get anything back. Kinda rude tbh.

I am sorry man I did not notice! I am posting on reddit is fun maybe that is why. Please don't take it as a snub, I think you are a cool dude.

Now kiss

You never message me back either tbh. Rude

That's because reddit's private messaging ui is ugly.

Chatcels OUT


It is now

Good point

Edit: also her submission history is pretty depressing

Well thanks for the pointer. I feel like shit now.

Post Partum depression is always a really horrible thing.

yes and no. the nonfetishtists there believe everything involving motherhood is beautiful. and those same people likely have a black and white photo of a flower they shot themselves with an SLR they used less than a dozen times hanging in their home/apartment, more-often-than-not it'll be in the bathroom.

uhh, yeah like holy shit.... idk what the fuck to make of this...

It's my new fetish now. Can't wait to find an /r/drama foid and get her pregnant with my aspie child 🤗

All two biofoids?

I have yet to find MzCherryBlossom irl and get her to become my personal baby incubator

So you’re still looking? 😡🤬😡


Can I put a baby in you?

After I'm done

I’m on a promise to another.

Sounds gay

Fingers crossed 🤞



She’s super hot

Does she have a feminine penis

Of course. This is Reddit isn’t it.

Where did baby come out?

Feminine penis

Breastfeeding women are unironically hot, cmv

Can’t change what’s right

For moids, yes. Show me one thing some moid somewhere won't beat off to. You can't.

"Moids will beat off to anything!"

Moids: "Yes"

The very moment a thot turned into a MILF, and it's beautiful to witness.

Unironically though, that's a respectable photo.

Yeah you would definitely have a point about something like this basically being a fetish sub but this is pretty respectable.


There's a strain of breastfeeding activism where women want to break the stigma of breastfeeding in public, which includes taking pictures of themselves doing it and posting them to social media. People are probably jacking off to those pics but whatever.

Then there is the darker strain of breastfeeding activism, composed of women lovingly called "boob nazis"... a lot of them are just clinging to something that let's them feel like good parents but their is often a sexual/"emotional incest" component involved as well. It's pretty wild


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tell you're mom to get a real job and stop posting nudes online!

This is almost completely unrelated, but I was at an airport in the U.S. recently, and a woman had her bag pulled aside by security for individual checking. I remember it was a shitty, awful airport, because I was angry. I think it was Newark. Newark is fucking awful.

Anyway, there were three baby bottles in there, already filled up with liquid, which is strange, because isn't it better to take the milk through in formula (powder) rather than liquid form? They asked her why, and she said it was breast milk. They tested her breast milk for explosives, like opened each one and splurted it out for testing. She had three kids with her, and the youngest was easily 3. Not only did she hold up an already fucked up line, who the fuck gives a 3 year old breast milk? Seriously, that's just fucking weird.

everything about that story is awful. but yeah, that was a boob nazi you saw

Ahh fuck now I have an urge to pump a baby in a foid just so I could suck the milk out her titties


Deceptively well lit, hair washed and teased, perfectly done makeup, can see maybe 2% of the actual baby in the whole fucking picture.... yea, this is some hilarious vanity post by some foid who was terrified of becoming a FatMomTM and now must validate that she's reached the finish line of pregnancy and is still hot.


yes those people definitely jerk off to that shit, at the same time preaching about how it's totally fucked up that people view tits as sexual, it's hilarious.

i actually found this weird discord server once run by a free the nipple feminist, and she would stream games topless and shit in order to desexualize tits, and rant about how it's wrong that topless women are sexualized etc etc.

funny thing is? her entire fan base was moids who 100% just jerked off to her stream, like, this shit is so ironic and hilarious. she didn't have a single foid in her server, just orbiters who 100% were cranking their meat when she streamed.