Unironically peak loser

1  2019-11-18 by Llamayoda


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I miss the incels, at least they were funny sometimes

mgtows are just boomers who had a nasty divorce and autists with a sour grapes mentality


Men Sent Their Own Way

idk posting his sick burn about the lack of feminine women reeks more of frustrated incel mad about gender politics than a bitter divorcee

I disagree, since incels are significantly less autistic than whatever boomer level post this is.

MGTOW are incels that have convinced themselves it's by choice.


posting your own sick burn

Not just your typical autism

making sure to red circle the thread title and draw arrows pointing to your sick burn in case your fellow mouthbreathers need direction

Advanced autism

Feminine women exist. Just not in the west

Not just autism, the thread is filled with pedo weebs as well


We are men going our own way by forging our own identities and paths to self-defined success; cutting through collective ideas of what a man is.

if they stuck to this MGTOW would be admirable but none of them do cause they revert back to fragile moid nonsense

feminine women don't exist


feminine women don't exist


The only not fat Kardashian made a billion dollars selling shitty makeup to the prissiest of ladies, there are plenty of marriageable foids, but straight women tend not to want a gigantic pussy.

kendall jenner never made a billy bro

not fat

The other one? I dunno the diaper bottoms blend together like some sort of horrific feces flavored smoothie.

/r/kendalljenner no plastic on my queen 💅🏿


I always thought it was a meme until I travelled outside the west and couldn't figure out why the girls were so pleasant and easy to talk to.

Girls aren't hard to talk to

A woman can really break you for ever.

anyone with numbers in their name is retarded

damn he trolled them so hard! i can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they realize how hard he owned them!

real women aren't feminine

But their cocks are 😍😍😍

Men are basically creating their own improved feminine beings through sex dolls and waifus.

Yea, but they're totally CHOOSING to not be with women...