Imagine being a rightoid because of gussy 🤢

1  2019-11-18 by Ghdust2


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I can't quite tell if that cope or delusion on their part.

Little bit of column a, little bit of column b. You could amack together a board of models for the donkies and toothless obese 50 year old white trash for the Trumpers and it would be just as accurate.

I just like how they think they have a chance with any of them, top or bottom row.

they totally have all that sex with those ladies though you guys.

Why would any self respecting male even look at the general direction of a gussy when twinks and trannies exist?

Fear of a welcoming bussy clearly

Not being a deluded incel.

not as if you'd understand what that's like.

OK incel.

i-i-i-i know you a-a-a-are b-but what am i

Bravely going for "no u" twice in a row, the mark of the truly demented dedicated retard.

Will he go for the trifecta, or will he just continue failing to have sex?

calls everyone who replies to him an incel and tells them to have sex

"Ha ha I see you are going for the 'no u' defense."

is this fentanyl

No, it's a failure to show where I was wrong or contradictory in any way, due to you being a drooling cretin who is never going to procreate.

Pretty simple stuff really.

guys are we certain that pol isn't just pizza on an alt because boy howdy are they super similar, it's really eerie

Why compare me to him instead of the literally thousands of people in your life who have called you a sexless moron?

that's some weird projection but ok.

no u 3x

And there it is.

PS: I'm extremely successful financially, socially, and sexually, sorry if your seething envy makes that a problem for you.

are you still talking

What's wrong, has your limited attention span as a very stupid person inevitably run dry?

how little effort can i put into my responses to make you keep going, pizza

No, u.

boy, obsessively trying to get the last word in is definitely not looking good if you don't want to be ousted as pizzashill.

No, u.

reply again, puppet.

No, u.

He's pizzashill

You're now one of three people I've blocked on Reddit.

Not sure what's disgusts me more, your cringe posts or ethnic background

Unironically every invictus_risen comeback ever.

Expecting better is a waste of time, I won’t hold my breath

dude pol lmao

Have sex with a woman, incel.

dude pol lmao


Well there’s your answer

fair enough

Jerking off to their facebook pics counts, right?

been on a sex strike for 29 years here 😅

A little peek behind the curtain here



I like how trumptards pretend liberal women are all ugly or something.

Statistically, most women are liberals, meaning most attractive women are liberals.

that's not how statistics work you fucking moron.

If most women are liberals, then most attractive women will be liberals when looking at the general population.

This is even more true considering the vast majority of young women are liberals, and young women are far more likely to be attractive than old women.

So yes, it quite literally is.

this is literally just you assuming that since most liberal women are younger, they're automatically more attractive.

again, that's not how statistics work you dipshit.

or are you going to say that since more men are Trump supporters than not, that must mean that more Trump supporters are attractive than not?

so, by your totally intelligent statistical analysis, Trump supporters are more attractive than liberal men.


this is literally just you assuming that since most liberal women are younger, they're automatically more attractive.

That's not me assuming anything, it's called objective reality.

It's scientifically proven that young women are considered more attractive.

or are you going to say that since more men are Trump supporters than not, that must mean that more Trump supporters are attractive than not?

No, because the distribution isn't the same. Democrats win women by a much larger margin than Republicans win men by. Take the 2018 midterms for example:

Repubs won men by about 4 points. Democrats won women by 19 points.

And young men are also far more likely to be liberals.

so, by your totally intelligent statistical analysis, Trump supporters are more attractive than liberal men.

No, see above.

It's scientifically proven that young women are considered more attractive.

stopped reading right here. lmao you think something as subjective as physical attractiveness can be scientifically proven

have sex, incel.

subjective as physical attractiveness

Oh my god, you're actually retarded.

so you think that every single person on the planet all agrees on what makes someone attractive?

do you know what "subjective" means

Physical attraction is not subjective. It's biological. Saying it's subjective is like peak normie cope.

There are certain non-physical traits that can make you seem more physically attractive than you are to a partner, though. But this doesn't erase biological attraction.

It's biological. Saying it's subjective is like peak normie cope.

have sex, incel

I have a girlfriend. The fact you're here claiming physical attraction is subjective basically puts you on par with those land-whales that claim they're beautiful.

I have a girlfriend. You don't know her, she goes to another school.


The fact you're here claiming physical attraction is subjective basically puts you on par with those land-whales that claim they're beautiful.

yes that's right, there is literally zero point between "not everyone finds the same people attractive" and "ALL women are beautiful, even landwhales"

your autism is showing. aggressively.

I actually can't believe a guy here is coming at me, claiming physical attraction is subjective lmao.

I guess we're on twox now.

doesn't understand not everyone finds the same things physically attractive in a partner

"Guys I don't get it why is everyone calling my girlfriend ugly, she's totally hot"


You're actually beyond mentally ill.

Everyone finds all of the same people attractive. Attractiveness is a universal, objective truth.

  • stable genius, pizzashill, 2019

This is just outright science denial at this point.

This is just outright science denial at this point.

lmao nigga if this is science denial then you having a girlfriend is a statistical anomaly cuz there's no way anyone would ever find your FAS baby face and flabby body attractive.

just for a chance to come at me.

this is the most desperate anyone has ever been to be tough on the internet rofl

Did you two fuck yet?

no i'm starting to think this negging strategy isn't gonna work 😔

Lmao shitting on pol and PS in a single thread? Thats honestly centrist as fuck, godbless

If most women are liberals, then most attractive women will be liberals when looking at the general population.

the reasoning capability of a legume

no wonder you're a radlib

This is actually such a braindead false equivalence I'm shocked you even typed it.

you can always tell when pizzashill knows he's lost because he starts trying to drop witty one-liners instead of typing paragraphs of bullshit

Do you unironically not see why that was retarded?

You said that most attractive women are liberal because most women are liberal. It really isn't any less stupid than what he said, which is kind of the point of the analogy.

First of all, what's attractive isn't really for you to decide so this is a retarded argument to get into to begin with.

Second, you could have pointed out something like age, health, or other factors between left and right-wingers. You're doing that now but only after it became obvious how untenable your original stance was.

I am as baffled at the retardation of your original comment as you are at his.

In case you still do not get it: the fact that there is more of something in sample A does not, on its own, mean that sample A is a better yield than sample B. It's okay to be wrong.

You said that most attractive women are liberal because most women are liberal. It really isn't any less stupid than what he said, which is kind of the point of the analogy.

What he said was, in fact, retarded. Speed limits have nothing to do with attraction levels dude. One is genetic, one is simply set by humans.

If 80% of women between the ages of 20 and 25 are liberal, and we know age is a huge deciding factor in how attractive a woman is, then it is correct to say "most attractive women would be liberal."

First of all, what's attractive isn't really for you to decide so this is a retarded argument to get into to begin with.

Attraction is not subjective. There are physical traits that are invariably attractive because attraction is genetic. Being young, for example, is a massive increase to how attractive a woman is. Younger women are almost invariably going to be more attractive. Almost like men are biologically programmed to be attracted to women within peak fertile years. Funny how that works, isn't it?

The fact you people are so desperate to come at me you'll just keep getting bent over like this is just insane to me.

Attraction is not subjective.

Alright, you're just pulling my leg now. Good bait.

Wait until he learns gay people and asexuals exist.

This has no fucking relevance to anything I've said. attraction is still genetic, just because outliers exist and groups that deviate from the norm exist doesn't mean attraction is not genetic.

Being gay, for example, is likely genetic too.

It is pretty funny that you have a big head about 20-post-deep threads that no one else will even read. At least I am not under the illusion that I am impressing anyone.

Attraction being genetic and attraction being objective are not the same thing. At all. To say otherwise would mean genetic variation is not a thing.

Now, I have a 100% honest question for you. Some people like obese fucks, some guys only like muscular women, some only like skinny women. Or tall girls. Or short girls. Some people watch fucking grandma porn and some want to fuck kids. How on earth do you explain this? How can there be these variations in who people find attractive if it's objective?

I don't know how else to explain this to you mean. outliers exist. There are people, that due to some underlying factor, have a weird fetish that leads them to value, for example, some obese person more than the traditional "attractive woman."

But this is not even close to the norm. If we were to conduct a paper finding what the "ideal" male/female face/body is, it certainly wouldn't be an obese face/body. And that's exactly what we have done. We have a general idea what the "ideal" female face/body is in terms of physical attractiveness.

There are caveats, of course. Certain social factors can influence how attractive you find someone. And indeed, humans are programmed for exactly. If you love someone, you're going to find them more attractive than they actually are. Where do you think the phrase "blinded by love" comes from?

But that's not what this discussion was about. This discussion was about obvious physical attraction. The kind you'd see on a dating website or something.

There are people, that due to some underlying factor, have a weird fetish that leads them to value, for example, some obese person more than the traditional "attractive woman."

or autistic NEETs that spend all their time spergposting on drama subreddits.

You looking to be rightoid #4 I beat down in this post?

no, it succinctly showcases the gaping hole in your "logic."

No, it literally doesn't. It reveals you to not be very intelligent.

Speed limits are set by humans based on various factors.

Attraction is genetic.

Let me explain why my argument works.

If we know, let's say, 5% of women fall into the high tiers of attractiveness, and 80% of women are democrats, we know that most attractive women will be democrats.

Likewise, because democrats overwhelmingly win women between the ages of let's say 18-28, which are peak fertile years, and we know women are most attractive during these years, it's correct to say most attractive women are democrats.

Your comparison makes no sense in the context of mine. It reveals you to be a moron.

you're not taking into account how ugly left wing women are

Except statistically, most attractive women will be liberals.

except you're incapable of avoiding even basic statistical reasoning mistakes

I honestly think you people are just incapable of admitting you're wrong.

Like the fact a person that thought speed limits and roads were comparable to genetics is just such overwhelming evidence of incompetence it's not even worth really engaging you.

I didn't point out that your conclusion is wrong, I pointed out that your argument has an embarrassing gaping hole.

I really don't care whether the conclusion is right or wrong. In my experience most attractive women don't care about politics anyway.

And you still seem to not even understand what that gigantic hole is. You're not even disagreeing with me on it, you can't even address it, because you don't understand it. That's how dumb you are.

I didn't point out that your conclusion was wrong, I pointed out that your argument has an embarrassing gaping hole.

But it doesn't. If it did, you wouldn't have used such an absurd and obvious false equivalence.

You're not even disagreeing with me on it, you can't even address it, because you don't understand it. That's how dumb you are.

I did, and explained in detail why my argument was correct and yours was retarded.

your argument has an embarrassing gaping hole.

But it doesn't.

you're just too dumb too understand it

I get you're scientifically illiterate. Would you like me to explain the flaws and why this is retarded?

This isn't a denial of science, it's a you don't know what you're talking about thing.

The "study" you linked is riddled with absurd flaws.

For example, it's only looking at political candidates, not the general population. Political candidates are more attractive than the general population on average (for obvious reasons.)

It's also looking at multiple countries."right-wing" means different things based on cultural and regional context.

In the context of the united states, Republican voters simply care more about looks than democratic voters do:

The researchers found that Republican voters care more about appearance than Democratic voters do, but only if the voters don't have much information about the candidates and have to rely largely on appearance — in city-level elections, for example.

Caring more about looks in a primary than democrats do doesn't mean Republicans, on average, are more attractive. Hope you learned something today.

TL;DR. Try this one on for size. For the illiterate amongst us, it says the sexiest and strongest men are all conservative. Really activates the almonds, doesnt it?

If muscles were what actually mattered in terms of physical attraction, you might have a point, but they don't, as incels and gymcels are well aware of.


Translation: "I got bent over."

Then riddle me this- why are conservatives more happily married? I just keep hearing the sweet whispers of coping from you

Because they're more likely to be religious.

The give away for that should be the fact it was democrats and independents.

This means even conservative independents are less likely to be happily married. The only difference between these groups is religious identification.

I'll keep bending you over all day friend.

The only difference between these groups is religious identification.

Imagine rejecting Allah and thinking you're righteous. Yikes!

This is likely due to younger people being less likely to be married.

Are you outting yourself as a literal child? Double yikes!

Ok rightoid.

Now the cope becomes the seethe. :p

"cope" also known as "dismantling rightoid bullshit."


Ok rightoid.

Most women are centrists or rightoids. Centrists are like 35% of voters. Counting all liberals they are easily more ugly.

Also science on this was done years ago.

Most women are centrists or rightoids. Centrists are like 35% of voters. Counting all liberals they are easily more ugly.

This is just outright false.

So there are more liberals than centrists or righties? Did you even read my comment? You must be illiterate

There are more liberal women than centrist or right-wing women, yes.

There aren't even that many "center" voters in the US, it's a bit of myth:

And if we break this down into young women then it's even more obvious.

Why are you so desperate to prove that you are a retard

Old women are old, great insight! Upbewdeted xd

lmao granny fucker

We can post studies at each other all day

Just remember, all the actually good looking conservative women are rich and are never gonna touch your penis 😏 Have fun with the trailer park fent addict tho.

Sounds like a whole lotta cope

The reality is that gussy is not interested in either side's extremely online wingnuts. That's why radical centrists get the best gussy/bussy 😎

So what I’m getting from this thread is that attractive people are more likely to have conserberal leanings.


Volcel if you wouldn’t fuck any one of those women

defending rainbow foids and not bikini babes with guns

Literally gay

wanting to fuck foids


Don’t republicans have a much higher obesity problem than lefties?

As funny as the fat feminist memes are,there are a lot of fat aunt Betsy’s

Jesus this is cringe