Potheads Mad (x24)

1  2019-11-18 by AquaFlame95


A debate between Biden and Trump would be the out of touch olympics. Though Trump would probably win since we wouldn't be able to understand his particular brand pf dementia.

Also at some point Biden would call Trump Reagan.

Are you my son?! 👴🏻

He didn’t really say that though. He said more research is needed blah blah blah... etc.


you trying to alienate potheads even further

Yeah, "more research needed" is the "covering bases" political cop-out answer everyone uses tbh, not that shocking.

He's clearly trying to avoid losing conservative-leaning Rust Belt voters. Pothead states like Colorado and California are already in the bag.

you do this stuff AFTER the primary, not during

You can get away with it if you're a shoe-in for the Democratic nomination. The DNC is very clearly pandering toward the Rust Belt with this election. They're counting on most Democrats asking themselves, "Am I really going to let Trump win again?". To be honest, I don't think it's a bad strategy. The contingent of voters like myaelf who would not vote/vote third party because they can't stand Trump or a typical establishment Democrat candidate is too small to make a difference. And let's be real: the Progressives hate Trump much more than they favor their own candidates winning.

Then again, I could be wrong. Who the fuck knows what will happen after 2016.

haha hell yeah

Weed turning people into red-eyed, lethargic, shambling zombies who contribute nothing to civilization would be much more noticeable if potheads weren't already like that in the first place.

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did” -- John Ehrlichman former domestic policy chief for Richard Nixon

leftoids mad

I truly don't know if we'll ever seen an administration as purely Machiavellian as the Nixon white house ever again. Unironically there were a bunch of big brain geniuses in there as far as political machinations are concerned. Closest since then is probably Putin mostly in the sense that he has been able to project power or the appearance of power from a disadvantageous position, and mostly control his population despite how shit the former soviet union is in most respects.

Some individuals from the Reagan era come close, but the overall adminiatration still lacked the cohesive Machivellian nature that the Nixon's possessed.

The irony is that Nixon's Machivellianism was ultimately his undoing.

And of course all the replies are, "ok boomer." Jeez I wish that we didnt have the right to vote.