Pop Tarts joins list of brands that prove stone toss comics right

1  2019-11-18 by unrulyfarmhand


If it’s not a black man eating a white mans ass out for all the 400 years I’m not clicking that shit period

It’s lady and the tramp with a pop tart and you replace lady and the tramp with a black guy and a white guy

white guy

Dude looks Arab.

I think you’re onto something. Maybe a fellow white.

stone toss

boomers pls go and stay go

Keep talking shit like we can’t ruin the economy all over again

impending college loan crisis

Implying you aren't already.

hey brother, nobody forced you to get a loan, you could have been a welder and have a sick squarebody with big ass wheels on it, PAID OFF, with no student loan debt but you wanted to be a philosopher.

hey brother, nobody forced you to get a loan

And I didn't because I am not a tard. I'm majoring in Business. It's all the Philosphy and Niche Science Majors that are taking out loans and when they all inevitably are unable to pay back those loans we'll see a crisis like the 2008 Recession but bigger.

Yeah, I wonder how I (someone with no debt) will be affected.

your taxes will be sent to prop up all the colleges who became dependent on this con job, no one responsible for the crisis will face any kind of consequence, and colleges will continue to be maddeningly expensive daycares for the drooling retards being raised by middle-class suburbia.

Nice! My taxes already pay all sorts of gay shit so unless I’m willing to die for this shit I might as well just get in the pod and start eatin bugs.

middle of the road good value state schools are the way to go, with the exception of a few disciplines. Got a BS in geology with no debt from a pretty decent program, now in a fully funded grad program, and subsequently I've had to teach/TA undergrads at a UT system school with a pretty shit department where they don't even get offered some courses that are viewed as almost essential by most good schools so I literally make fun of them to their faces for paying ~$45,000 for a lacking 4 year degree. A lot of them think they're going to get into the oil industry, too, which is a good idea since starting salaries are about ~$110k, but jokes on them, most major companies are only hiring excellent candidate PhDs and some MSc's and projected growth for geos in the oil sector is like -10% in the future lmao. It's still a good degree regardless of the oil sector issues, because A) humans keep fucking the planet up and B) insisting on living near places where the planet is trying to kill u.

But there's so many goddamn history and linguistics and sociology majors et al., that they might as well have just done "general studies" majors because they aren't getting jobs in any remotely related fields anyway, as interesting as the material may be. Even my sister got a History degree despite any caution I tried to give her. She works full time at a brewery now, and she wont even entertain us with cool history facts like nigga I love that shit.



This but unironically

Garbagemen make more than a lot of people with college educations

Conversely, Salesforce training is free, the admin certification test is like $200, and you don't have to spend your day around a pile of smelly garbage.

Depends on what you major in. (Major in stem kids)

Stem is paying decent but we’re bringing in more high skilled work visas than ever, won’t be long till that job market is fucked.

True. Trump's focused on the wrong countries for immigration

wow thats good like a medical assistant in some easy field like dermatology that requires literally no training

23 what? $/hr or K/yr

I said h

Yeah I'm a retard

For whatever reason Gen X and Boomer's in my school (and outside) tried to scare kidz straight on college and tell them they would be homeless or work shit jobs if they didn't go to college so it's partly their fault. That said, people in my generation looked down on no-brainer shit like going to community college for two years and transferring if you wanted to save money because they thought they were too good for it so it was a clusterfuck of cross-generational stupidity.

Bro boomers will be dead in like 10 years, you think they care?

haha hell yeah

unlike you libtards I'm not easily triggered

Black man and white man?!?! Oh my God the juice did this!

yo chill chill

anybody want to eat pop tarts out of my ass?

Post a pic of what you’re offering, pop tart included.

I feel like we should be more bothered by the fact that a corporation is openly referencing coprophilia shock-porn.

Have we reached a point where people no longer remember these things?

I think it comes off more subtle than that but I agree. It doesn’t seem like it will help sell pop tarts.

Guaranteed they don't even know where two x one y even comes from they just used it because le twitter funny.

I’m surprised at how the people in the comments are reacting to it

I think a line was crossed for some normies. Most of the black commenters are pretty mad.

Well no shit. Whitey has stolen enough, he doesn't need to take a share of my brother's pop tart.


Ok bloomberg

Yeah /r/drama is acting pretty retarded about this.

it's gettin close to another unapprovedcel holocaust I can feel it

Can’t wait

Please Allah purge the unapproved

It's over for me and my kind.

I don't even comment or post anymore even though I can. If drama won't appreciate my posts then so be it 😤😤😤

By Allah, unaprovedcels will learn the taste of my shoe.

Tbf this is almost the exact situation depicted in the stonetoss comic.

I really hope there is another recession soon so these people are out of a job.


Eh it's cute and innocent really, unlike the preachy shit other companies crapped in a cup.

Maybe it's the being bi and being around gay people all the time but this is honestly so innocuous and owes its relevancy entirely to the sprite ad. Either way I'm retarded for even commenting on the quality of a drama post

I too enjoy the taste of cardboard

Apropos considering pop tarts taste like shit. Toaster Strudel is the true crappy breakfast of the chads.

Dude how many plastic bags you think I'm tryyyyyyn to open up at breakfast

how the fuck is brendan schaub allowed to comment in this sub

This is one of the reasons why I only eat dollar tree Toaster Pop'ems.

Imagine being retarded enough to be triggered by this

I mean it’s a kids food. I know you’re an adult that doesn’t know how to cook but technically this isn’t meant for you.

Swing and a miss