Male feminists look at mirror, find the reflection "problematic". Sort by controversial for the hottest takes.

1  2019-11-18 by lifts_throwawayFC


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For those of you too retarded to read anything with more words in it then daddy's last tweet, here is the tldr:

Author writes short story mocking feminists and inceltears type retards. Feminist incels completely miss the point and discuss amongst each other how the MC's misogynistic behavior was why he couldn't get laid.

In my opinion the author was much more radically centrist than that, for example the MC is despicable regardless of his feminism (consider the stroller incident (though you might say that feminism enables his lack of self-reflection besides prescribed superficial stuff)), but also deeply tragic for no fault of his own, and his final letter has some good points.

The MC is definitely no saint, however I'd argue it was Feminism that turned him into the bitter creep he becomes. It's kind of ironic, one of the main goals of feminists is to teach men how to 'raspect womyn', yet women would most likely have been much more comfortable being around him if he'd taken a bit of advice from one of the 'misogynistic' men in the story and stopped being such a moppy doormat. His inability to form meaningful connections with women was caused by feminist doctrine and was what eventually led him to become a creep.

The author isn't mocking feminism at all. You're the one who missed the point.

Massive fucking cope from that thread.

It's funny how in a story about a male feminist who does everything right but still gets turned on by his feminist "friends", real life foids also still find ways to call him "creepy" or "performative".

They're directly confirming the message of the story.

Does the story end with him shooting up that restaurant or hooking up with yellow dress cause the backpack and mask bit was ambiguous af

I figured it was shooting the place up.

Unless you regularly put on a mask before going out in public.

I do put on a mask before talking to dirty roasties, actually


It ended with him doing a mass stabbing at his favorite restaurant

call him "creepy" or "performative".

are they really wrong tho

Gussy is like a broken clock, right twice a day

"If only he male feministed harder he would have been fine!"

Of course they're wrong, you dunder-headed moron.

said the creepy performative rightoid

Said the whinging faggot.

dude pol lmao

Have you tried not being a faggot?

He is doing the action without the life instilling it them. The solution is not to do the actions better: it is not to obey. instead, it is about letting go of control, and being able to love, including love yourself. This is a very quick summary. Which this guy isn't what he was doing.

"Winston had finally won the battle against himself. He loved Big Brother"


Oh give me a break, i never quote 1984 and its perfectly applicable here.

I'm sorry sweaty, one time is one time too much. Next time don't try to be a pseudo intellectual ok? 😂😘

Yes, yes, it says a lot about our society. Now get to your next class, junior!

And yet we live in one.


Comparing Henry Potter to 1984? In my /r/drama?

Blackhands in 2019.... yikes. Fyi /r/asablackman is brigading

Everybody is identical in their secret unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from everyone else.

"One of the great classics of western literature? Ew, go find some POC Woque shitpile to quote instead."

Pizza please stop.

Imagine being a male feminist.

Imagine being a moid 🤣

WTF there's literally a subreddit for "Male-feminist Incels" now?

could have just said male feminist

j/k, male feminists get laid whenever they rape

Advice we get from women is wrong

Where's the lie?

I’m watering at the bussy this link is gold

Literally push this into my veins
