It's over for BrazillianSigmacel. Has the self-appointed Incel Crusader finally gone too far?

1  2019-11-18 by DayyyTripper


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. It's over for BrazillianSigmacel. H... -,

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Peak comedy, absolutely brilliant

According to them, “Reeee” memes are ableist? I thought it was a reference to those screeching frog videos or whatever

Also, I’m pretty sure most of the people in that thread are incels themselves. Sure it’s fun to make fun of incels when they pop up, but there’s people in there talking about where to go to find them and observe them, which doesn’t strike me as something normal people do

Incels furiously looking down on other incels to feel better about themselves.

Its nice to see two communities put aside their differences for once and cringe together.

The "REEEEEEE" screech is ableist, please don't use it.


Are there any good subs for making fun of inceltears? Not an Incel sub for making fun of them, just a radical centrist sub for making fun of them.

I'm pretty sure any space devoted to bashing IT would be full of incels, this place is probably the best you got