boomer flips out on me for calling his wow pvp video bad

1  2019-11-19 by ponzishill


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. boomer flips out on me for calling ... -,

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God I forgot that pizza unironically played one of the worst games in history.

How is the game bad exactly? By like what metric.

Because it exists to satisfy a target audience of sweaty nerds and virgins who have nothing better to do than to - without any skill involved - mash buttons repeatedly until an arbitrary number goes up.

At least Counter Strike trains your reaction time and strategic thinking; WoW is just mindless garbage. Grow the fuck up you godforsaken man child.

Guess how I know you've never played wow at any real level.

Because I’m not a virgin?

You do virtual chores every day to make your character perform better.

Weird man, because as someone that got challenger in league I never considered FPS games all that skill based.

They required about 40% of the awareness playing league at a high level did.

Anyone choosing to play league when dota 2 exists made a big mistake.

Dota 2 is not a fun game.

League is a worse version of dota 2.

Weird man, cuz league seems like it's a lot more successful than dota.

Doesn't the international have a much larger prize pool than worlds?

Maybe, but that doesn't mean the scene is bigger. More people play league, and league events have higher view counts.

Blizzard cold slap a 10mil prize pool on a wow tournament tomorrow and that wouldn't make wow a big e-sport.

The international prize pool is crowdfunded by the players.