Can foids do anything without being attention whores? Check me out, just to the lower right of her.

1  2019-11-19 by Llamayoda


This, but unironically.


  1. Can foids do anything without being... -,

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Reviewbrah is based, but I don't know why.

Sincerity, or at least the appearance of it

You think he has been faking it all this time?

Immeasurable disappointment.

What's wrong with being an attention whore? While you're being an invisible sperg I'll be taking selfies with the gussy as the hot chad she showcases on her insta while secretly making videos with the bussy behind her back.

I fucking love reviewbrah he's a precious human

Reviewbrah looking at tasty meal for a new review

Literally who?

He's the internet's surrogate autistic younger brother. He wears suits 24/7/365 and reviews fast food on YouTube. He's also extremely wholesome and sincere, albeit in an autistic way.

I just wish he'd tailor his suits properly. Wearing a loose ass suit that you bought from a Thrift store that was last used by some New Balance wearing khaki dad doesn't mean = dapper 50s look.

True king

"I could be reviewing chik-fil-a's new LGBT+ limited edition chicken sandwich with non-binary seasonings right now, but all I got is this roast beef. 2.3/10, would not recommend."
